[Android Tips] 22. Available Java 7 Features in Android

时间:2020-12-16 14:38:11

This only allows Java 7 language features, and you can hardly benefit from anything since a half of improvement also comes from the library. Features you could use are those which do not depend on the library:

  • Diamond operator <>
  • String switch
  • Multiple-catch catch (Exc1 | Exc2 e)
  • Underscore in number literals 1_234_567
  • Binary literals 0b1110111

And these features cannot be used yet:

  • The try-with-resources statement — because it requires the non-existing interface java.lang.AutoCloseable (this can be used publicly in 4.4+)
  • The @SafeVarargs annotation — because java.lang.SafeVarargs does not exist