
时间:2022-03-20 11:18:59

i have a class and have declared an enum in it like


public enum file_type {readonly, readwrite, system}

Now based on a condition i want to set the enum file_type to a value something like

现在基于我想要将enum file_type设置为类似值的条件

if("file is markedreadonly")
   file_type = readonly;

is it possible to do so in c#


4 个解决方案


By writing file_type = readonly, you are trying to change the definition of an Enum at runtime, which is not allowed.

通过编写file_type = readonly,您尝试在运行时更改Enum的定义,这是不允许的。

Create variable of type file_type and then set it to readonly.


Also, please use .NET naming standards to name your variable and types. Additionally for Enums, it is recommended to have a 'None' enum as the first value.


public enum FileType { None, ReadOnly, ReadWrite, System}

FileType myFileType = FileType.None;

if( //check if file is readonly)
    myFileType = FileType.ReadOnly;


Your syntax is wrong. file_type is a type, not a variable. Also, you need @readonly, since readonly is a reserved word.

你的语法错了。 file_type是一个类型,而不是一个变量。此外,您需要@readonly,因为readonly是一个保留字。


The enums themselves behave more like types. You need a variable of type file_type which you can then assign to file_type.readonly


public enum FileType

FileType ft;

if (...) ft = FileType.ReadOnly;


You can definitely do this, almost exactly as you indicated. Note: I've changed casing to conform to accepted C# coding guidelines.


public enum FileType { ReadOnly, ReadWrite, System }


FileType fileType; FileInfo file = new FileInfo("C:\full\path\to\file"); if (file.IsReadOnly) fileType = FileType.ReadOnly

FileType fileType; FileInfo file = new FileInfo(“C:\ full \ path \ to \ file”); if(file.IsReadOnly)fileType = FileType.ReadOnly

Also, check out System.IO.FileAccess and System.IO.FileAttribute enums. They may provide you with a standard implementation that is more suitable. Personally, I prefer to use a system type rather than "rolling my own" -- less work and more easily understood by other programmers.

另外,请查看System.IO.FileAccess和System.IO.FileAttribute枚举。它们可能为您提供更合适的标准实现。就个人而言,我更喜欢使用系统类型而不是“滚动自己” - 更少的工作,更容易被其他程序员理解。



By writing file_type = readonly, you are trying to change the definition of an Enum at runtime, which is not allowed.

通过编写file_type = readonly,您尝试在运行时更改Enum的定义,这是不允许的。

Create variable of type file_type and then set it to readonly.


Also, please use .NET naming standards to name your variable and types. Additionally for Enums, it is recommended to have a 'None' enum as the first value.


public enum FileType { None, ReadOnly, ReadWrite, System}

FileType myFileType = FileType.None;

if( //check if file is readonly)
    myFileType = FileType.ReadOnly;


Your syntax is wrong. file_type is a type, not a variable. Also, you need @readonly, since readonly is a reserved word.

你的语法错了。 file_type是一个类型,而不是一个变量。此外,您需要@readonly,因为readonly是一个保留字。


The enums themselves behave more like types. You need a variable of type file_type which you can then assign to file_type.readonly


public enum FileType

FileType ft;

if (...) ft = FileType.ReadOnly;


You can definitely do this, almost exactly as you indicated. Note: I've changed casing to conform to accepted C# coding guidelines.


public enum FileType { ReadOnly, ReadWrite, System }


FileType fileType; FileInfo file = new FileInfo("C:\full\path\to\file"); if (file.IsReadOnly) fileType = FileType.ReadOnly

FileType fileType; FileInfo file = new FileInfo(“C:\ full \ path \ to \ file”); if(file.IsReadOnly)fileType = FileType.ReadOnly

Also, check out System.IO.FileAccess and System.IO.FileAttribute enums. They may provide you with a standard implementation that is more suitable. Personally, I prefer to use a system type rather than "rolling my own" -- less work and more easily understood by other programmers.

另外,请查看System.IO.FileAccess和System.IO.FileAttribute枚举。它们可能为您提供更合适的标准实现。就个人而言,我更喜欢使用系统类型而不是“滚动自己” - 更少的工作,更容易被其他程序员理解。