
时间:2021-03-02 14:25:39

I developed a Shine app which uses "input$TABLE_NAME_rows_all" and "input$TABLE_NAME_rows_selected" intensively. After upgrading DT package this functions does not work. I have checked DT documentation at https://rstudio.github.io/DT/shiny.html and seems that these had been deprecated, whith no clear replace for the "rows_all" option.

我开发了一个应用程序Shine,它使用了“输入$TABLE_NAME_rows_all”和“输入$TABLE_NAME_rows_selected”。在升级了DT包之后,这个函数就不起作用了。我已经在https://rstudio.github. io/dt/中检查了DT文档。html并似乎已经弃用了这些选项,而“rows_all”选项没有明确的替代。

First question: is there any solution for this? Second question: (if first fails) can I run an app with a certain DT version and other apps in same server with the latest DT package?




1 个解决方案



From the link that you have provided it doesn't look like those functions have been depreciated. Chapter 2.1.1 refers to input$tableId_rows_selected to get the selected rows. Chapter 2.2 DataTables Information refers to input$tableId_rows_all to get all the rowas after filtering.


But take a look at this blog post about the release of the new version of DT, especially this part:


For tables in the server-side processing mode (the default mode for tables in Shiny), the selected row indices are integers instead of characters (row names) now. This is for consistency with the client-side mode (which returns integer indices). In many cases, it does not make much difference if you index an R object with integers or names, and we hope this will not be a breaking change to your Shiny apps.


The blog post is here


Hope this helps




From the link that you have provided it doesn't look like those functions have been depreciated. Chapter 2.1.1 refers to input$tableId_rows_selected to get the selected rows. Chapter 2.2 DataTables Information refers to input$tableId_rows_all to get all the rowas after filtering.


But take a look at this blog post about the release of the new version of DT, especially this part:


For tables in the server-side processing mode (the default mode for tables in Shiny), the selected row indices are integers instead of characters (row names) now. This is for consistency with the client-side mode (which returns integer indices). In many cases, it does not make much difference if you index an R object with integers or names, and we hope this will not be a breaking change to your Shiny apps.


The blog post is here


Hope this helps
