
时间:2022-08-29 14:25:48

I've reedited this question to keep it as clean as possible. I hope that doesn't bother you.


My main problem is that the jquery plugin datatables is not being loaded properly in my requirejs setup. (v1.9.4)


I am also trying to use DT_bootstrap (which extends datatables to bootstrap). When i run my pages the console always tells me that DT_bootstrap failed because $.fn.dataTable is not defined. The problem can not be in DT_bootstrap, because I don't need it to run datatables and if I remove it from my app the error is still the same. I read here that requirejs is not ready to be normally loaded with requirejs but I've found some people that did end up implementing it successfully, most of them in different ways. So far none of the examples I've found worked for me.


Error: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'defaults' of undefined " (DT_bootstrap.js) typeof $.fn.dataTable is undefined and it should be a function...

错误:“Uncaught TypeError: can ' t read property 'defaults' of undefined”(DT_bootstrap.js)类型为$.fn的类型。dataTable是未定义的,它应该是一个函数……

Before I decide to implement requirejs in my app one of my scripts (general.js) was checking if there were any tables with class "datatable" and when they exist I would run the datatables script assynchronously, which works great. I would prefer to keep it that way so that I don't load datatables code in all of my app pages, but it doesn't work. I get exactly the same error as if I was trying to load it with requirejs.


Here is my "data-main" script:


    paths: {
        "jquery": "../vendor/jquery/jquery", // 1.9.1
        "jquery.cookie": "../vendor/jquery.cookie/jquery.cookie",
        "bootstrap": "../vendor/bootstrap/docs/assets/js/bootstrap", // 2.3.2
        "bootstrap-timepicker": "../vendor/bootstrap-timepicker/js/bootstrap-timepicker",
        "jqueryui": "jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min",
        "datatables": "jquery.dataTables", // 1.9.4
        "datatables-bootstrap": "DT_bootstrap",
        "modernizr": "../vendor/modernizr/modernizr",
        "general": "general"
    shim: {
        "jquery": {
            "exports": 'jQuery'
        "jquery.cookie": {
            "deps": ["jQuery"],
            "exports": 'jQuery'
        "bootstrap": {
            "deps": ['jQuery'],
            "exports": 'jQuery'
        "bootstrap-timepicker" : {
            "deps": ['jQuery', 'bootstrap']
        "datatables": {
            "deps": ['jQuery']
        "datatables-bootstrap": {
            "deps": ['jQuery', 'datatables', 'bootstrap']
        "jqueryui": {
            "deps": ['jQuery']
        "general": {
            "deps": ['jQuery', 'bootstrap']

    function () {
        //  console.log('something here');

Please also note that:


  1. this is how I'm running require.js: <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/require.js" data-main="/js/app.js"></script> (note that the path to the javascript folder starts by "/")

    这就是我跑步的要求。< js:script type = " text / javascript " src = " / js /要求。js " data-main = " / js /应用程序。js">(注意,指向javascript文件夹的路径以"/"开头)

  2. if I remove "datatables" and "datatables-bootstrap" my app runs without any errors

    如果我删除“datatables”和“datatabls -bootstrap”,我的应用程序将不会运行任何错误

  3. in my general.js I have other conditions that run jquery plugins assynchronously (all work except datatables)


    example: if calendar element exists, then load jquery plugin calendar script via $.getScript()


  4. User dcodesmith tried to help me recently (check his answer) and ask me to try his config in my app, which didn't work. Then I tried to use it in a simple website and it worked for that simple app, but same doesn't happen in my cakephp app where javascript folder is referenced as "/js". The main differences I found were: in his app all the files were in the same folder and that doesn't happen on my app (probably related to point 1).


  5. I have also tried using "exports": 'jQuery.fn.dataTable' or even "exports": 'jQuery.fn.DataTable' or "exports": '$.fn.dataTable'... all without success


  6. As a test, if I remove both datatables scripts from my config and then I run $.getScript() the file loads successfully but the jquery plugin is still not defined ($.fn.dataTable) and therefore I still can't use it


2 个解决方案



Right, so what I've done is started from the bottom-up and get a bare metal configuration working.




    paths: {
        "jquery": "jquery-1.10.2",
        "datatables": "jquery.dataTables-1.9.4.min",
        "DT-bootstrap": "DT_bootstrap"
    shim: {
        "datatables": {
            "deps": ['jquery']
        "DT-bootstrap": {
            "deps": ['datatables']

require(["jquery", "datatables", 'DT-bootstrap'], function () {

    $('#table_id').dataTable( {
        "aaData": [
            ['Trident', 'Internet Explorer 4.0', 'Win 95+', 4, 'X'],
            ['Trident', 'Internet Explorer 5.0', 'Win 95+', 5, 'C']
        "aoColumns": [
            { "sTitle": "Engine" },
            { "sTitle": "Browser" },
            { "sTitle": "Platform" },
            { "sTitle": "Version" },
            { "sTitle": "Grade" }



index . html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.dataTables/1.9.4/css/jquery.dataTables.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" data-main="app.js" src="require.js"></script>
    <title>DataTable Bootstrap</title>

    <table id="table_id"/>


Folder Structure



Update: Use the shim below and require statement below

shim: {
    "jquery.cookie": ["jquery"],
    "bootstrap": ['jquery'],
    "bootstrap-timepicker" : ['jquery', 'bootstrap'],
    "datatables": ['jquery'],
    "datatables-bootstrap": ['datatables', 'bootstrap'],
    "jqueryui": ['jquery'],
    "general": ['jquery', 'bootstrap']

    function () {
        //  console.log('something here');



I finally found the source of my problem.


I recreated a website with the same kind of routing and folders as my cakephp app and I finally found something.


I use a debug plugin in CakePHP called DebugKit, that plugin appends 2 scripts at the end of the of the document. One of them is jQuery 1.8.1 and the plugin's script which is basically a toolbar similar to a horizontal navigation.

我在CakePHP中使用了一个叫做DebugKit的调试插件,这个插件在文档末尾添加了两个脚本。其中之一是jQuery 1.8.1和插件脚本,它基本上是一个类似于水平导航的工具栏。

I was always told to not worry in removing this instance of jQuery because it was being loaded in a non conflict way, it happens that once I disabled this, my requirejs config finally worked with the plugin datatables as I wanted!

我总是被告知不要担心删除这个jQuery实例,因为它是以一种不冲突的方式加载的,一旦我禁用了它,我的requirejs配置最终会按照我的要求使用插件datatables !

I don't know why the exact reason of this conflict, but I'm quite sure it comes from this part of the code: https://github.com/cakephp/debug_kit/blob/master/webroot/js/js_debug_toolbar.js#L59-73

我不知道为什么会出现这种冲突,但我确信它来自代码的这一部分:https://github.com/cakephp/debug_kitg_/blob/master/webroot/js_debug_toolbar.js #L59-73

I never noticed this before because I only use the datatables plugin in my admin section and the php debugger plugin is always on when I'm logged as admin.


I'll change the title to include cakephp, might be useful for someone with the same problem




Right, so what I've done is started from the bottom-up and get a bare metal configuration working.




    paths: {
        "jquery": "jquery-1.10.2",
        "datatables": "jquery.dataTables-1.9.4.min",
        "DT-bootstrap": "DT_bootstrap"
    shim: {
        "datatables": {
            "deps": ['jquery']
        "DT-bootstrap": {
            "deps": ['datatables']

require(["jquery", "datatables", 'DT-bootstrap'], function () {

    $('#table_id').dataTable( {
        "aaData": [
            ['Trident', 'Internet Explorer 4.0', 'Win 95+', 4, 'X'],
            ['Trident', 'Internet Explorer 5.0', 'Win 95+', 5, 'C']
        "aoColumns": [
            { "sTitle": "Engine" },
            { "sTitle": "Browser" },
            { "sTitle": "Platform" },
            { "sTitle": "Version" },
            { "sTitle": "Grade" }



index . html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.dataTables/1.9.4/css/jquery.dataTables.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" data-main="app.js" src="require.js"></script>
    <title>DataTable Bootstrap</title>

    <table id="table_id"/>


Folder Structure



Update: Use the shim below and require statement below

shim: {
    "jquery.cookie": ["jquery"],
    "bootstrap": ['jquery'],
    "bootstrap-timepicker" : ['jquery', 'bootstrap'],
    "datatables": ['jquery'],
    "datatables-bootstrap": ['datatables', 'bootstrap'],
    "jqueryui": ['jquery'],
    "general": ['jquery', 'bootstrap']

    function () {
        //  console.log('something here');



I finally found the source of my problem.


I recreated a website with the same kind of routing and folders as my cakephp app and I finally found something.


I use a debug plugin in CakePHP called DebugKit, that plugin appends 2 scripts at the end of the of the document. One of them is jQuery 1.8.1 and the plugin's script which is basically a toolbar similar to a horizontal navigation.

我在CakePHP中使用了一个叫做DebugKit的调试插件,这个插件在文档末尾添加了两个脚本。其中之一是jQuery 1.8.1和插件脚本,它基本上是一个类似于水平导航的工具栏。

I was always told to not worry in removing this instance of jQuery because it was being loaded in a non conflict way, it happens that once I disabled this, my requirejs config finally worked with the plugin datatables as I wanted!

我总是被告知不要担心删除这个jQuery实例,因为它是以一种不冲突的方式加载的,一旦我禁用了它,我的requirejs配置最终会按照我的要求使用插件datatables !

I don't know why the exact reason of this conflict, but I'm quite sure it comes from this part of the code: https://github.com/cakephp/debug_kit/blob/master/webroot/js/js_debug_toolbar.js#L59-73

我不知道为什么会出现这种冲突,但我确信它来自代码的这一部分:https://github.com/cakephp/debug_kitg_/blob/master/webroot/js_debug_toolbar.js #L59-73

I never noticed this before because I only use the datatables plugin in my admin section and the php debugger plugin is always on when I'm logged as admin.


I'll change the title to include cakephp, might be useful for someone with the same problem
