
时间:2022-11-18 14:15:39

My workplace has gotten the go ahead to (finally) modernize our application. One of the major pushes is to tear apart and redo our database. There has always been something within the database that has baffled me though: we have various tables in the code for populating small, basically unchanging dropdown menus (hair color, eye color, gender, etc.) and the integer primary key to the element in each table is used as a foreign key in the main (fairly large) table. This never made sense to me since it seems there may be some overhead there and our main goal is high performance and maintainability. My question is then twofold:


  1. As far as the size of the data getting stored, is there a significant difference in storage size and/or performance for using an integer FK for these tables' relation vs. storing a varchar that will probably top out at length 7 or 8 maybe?


  2. Is there a significant performance difference between populating dropdowns from a database table and storing their PK value as an FK in the main table vs. populating the dropdown in our code and simply saving the string value?


When all is said and done our application will be written in C# with .NET 4.0 using MVC4 and the entity framework. Our database will be an MS SQL Server 2012 database. Thanks for the help, sorry if this is a repeat. I couldn't figure out what to search on.

完成所有操作后,我们的应用程序将使用MVC4和实体框架用.NET 4.0编写。我们的数据库将是MS SQL Server 2012数据库。感谢您的帮助,对不起,如果这是重复。我无法弄清楚要搜索什么。

2 个解决方案



Sounds like OOO (object oriented overkill). The solution is to abstract to a reasonable level. In this case, if you are "baffled" and it "never made sense", it's probably unnecessary. There is no right or wrong way to do it, but in my opinion, you won't have any problem doing what you described.


  1. Of course varchar takes more space than a FK. Calculate the number of records you're planning on storing, and you'll get the size difference. Is is negligible? Probably.


  2. If anything, that should be faster than populating from a database.




1) CPU only talk in binary, the closest data in our world is number. the string/varchar you using, will be translate/map to number when the cpu is crunching them.

1)CPU只以二进制通话,我们世界上最接近的数据是数字。您使用的字符串/ varchar将在cpu处理它们时将其转换/映射到数字。

so theoritically+logically, using number should be best option


as for whether the performance gain will be "significant", this only is more tangible when you testing on a huge volume of data, you have to measure them.


in db general/best practice, number is recommended as key.

在db general / best practice中,建议使用数字作为密钥。

but imo, varchar should be no difference, though you have to be aware the case-sensitivity(collateral) may break your design


so using number will save you alot of unforsee/future/integration problems.


2) if you are into performance, denormalization is the generally one of the approach. but you should only go into this if you really need the performance and have no better alternative.


you need to understand why/should you adopt normalization, which generally yield more practical benefits than denormalization.




Sounds like OOO (object oriented overkill). The solution is to abstract to a reasonable level. In this case, if you are "baffled" and it "never made sense", it's probably unnecessary. There is no right or wrong way to do it, but in my opinion, you won't have any problem doing what you described.


  1. Of course varchar takes more space than a FK. Calculate the number of records you're planning on storing, and you'll get the size difference. Is is negligible? Probably.


  2. If anything, that should be faster than populating from a database.




1) CPU only talk in binary, the closest data in our world is number. the string/varchar you using, will be translate/map to number when the cpu is crunching them.

1)CPU只以二进制通话,我们世界上最接近的数据是数字。您使用的字符串/ varchar将在cpu处理它们时将其转换/映射到数字。

so theoritically+logically, using number should be best option


as for whether the performance gain will be "significant", this only is more tangible when you testing on a huge volume of data, you have to measure them.


in db general/best practice, number is recommended as key.

在db general / best practice中,建议使用数字作为密钥。

but imo, varchar should be no difference, though you have to be aware the case-sensitivity(collateral) may break your design


so using number will save you alot of unforsee/future/integration problems.


2) if you are into performance, denormalization is the generally one of the approach. but you should only go into this if you really need the performance and have no better alternative.


you need to understand why/should you adopt normalization, which generally yield more practical benefits than denormalization.
