
时间:2022-05-21 13:38:22

I return JSON data from a PHP script, generated with SQL, to my client's jQuery.each(), based on what user has selected in the filtering form and clicked Submit, to update and display all the returned JSON data as markers on my Google Map.


Problem is instead of displaying the returned JSON data as new markers it just bounds on the already displayed markers ( the default ones when page is initially loaded ).


What am I doing wrong here?


I use this jQuery plugin to work with my Google Map.


My returned JSON looks like this:


[{"Name":"John Smith","Address":"123 Fake St.", "Telephone":"50011111" ,"Lat":"coord values","Lng":"coord values"},{...repeat...},{}]

Jquery for submit button:


$('#myform').on('submit', function(e) {
                    var myData = $('#myform').serializeArray();
                    $.getJSON('phpscript.php', myData, function(json){
                        var theMarkers = json;
                        // alert(JSON.stringify(json));
                        $.each(theMarkers, function(i, val) {                           
                            $('#map_canvas').gmap('addMarker', { 'position': new google.maps.LatLng(val.Lat, val.Lng), 'bounds':true, 'icon':'mymarker.png' } ).click(function(){                               
                                $('#map_canvas').gmap('openInfoWindow', { 'content': '<h1>'+val.Name+'</h1>'+'<h2 style="color: grey">'+val.Address+'</h2><p style="color: green">'+val.Telephone+'</p>' }, this);


3 个解决方案



You do realise that in your $.each function, i is the index, and val is the object in the current iteration.


Are you sure it should'nt be val.Name, val.Address etc. as that would access those values in your json object, on the other hand i.name will probably just be the current index, like 4.name etc. ??

你确定它不应该是value .name, var . address等等,因为这会访问json对象中的值,另一方面i.name可能只是当前的索引,比如4.name等等?



Two thoughts:


(1) Do Lat and Lng really say coord values and not real numbers? (I'm reading the comments literally)

(1) Lat和Lng是否真的说coord值而不是真实数字?(我正在逐字读评论)

(2) Does mymarker.png exist (right path) and load properly in the browser? Since I don't have this file, when I tested, nothing appeared until I removed it from the source.


I used this to test and it worked fine, with the latest jquery-ui-map downloaded. I just assumed the jQuery ajax part works fine because you are outputting the expected results in the console.

我使用它进行测试,它工作得很好,下载了最新的jquery-ui-map。我假设jQuery ajax部分可以正常工作,因为您正在控制台输出预期的结果。

 <style type="text/css">
  html, body, #map_canvas { margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100% }
 <script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jqueryuimap.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var map;
  var mapOptions = { center: new google.maps.LatLng(0.0, 0.0), zoom: 2,
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP };

  function initialize() {
    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), mapOptions);
    theMarkers = [
      {"Name":"John Smith","Address":"123 Fake St.", 
         "Telephone":"50011111" ,"Lat":"0.0","Lng":"0.0"},

      {"Name":"John Smith","Address":"123 Fake St.", 
         "Telephone":"50011111" ,"Lat":"10.0","Lng":"0.0"},

      {"Name":"John Smith","Address":"123 Fake St.", 
         "Telephone":"50011111" ,"Lat":"20.0","Lng":"0.0"}

    $.each(theMarkers, function(i, val) {
        { 'position': new google.maps.LatLng(val.Lat, val.Lng), 
          'bounds':true } ).click(function(){                               
        { 'content': '<h1>'+val.Name+'</h1>'+
          '<h2 style="color: grey">'+val.Address+
          '</h2><p style="color: green">'+val.Telephone+'</p>' }, this);
  google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);



Everything works fine. You have to call this just before populating the map with new markers.


$('#map_canvas').gmap('clear', 'markers');



You do realise that in your $.each function, i is the index, and val is the object in the current iteration.


Are you sure it should'nt be val.Name, val.Address etc. as that would access those values in your json object, on the other hand i.name will probably just be the current index, like 4.name etc. ??

你确定它不应该是value .name, var . address等等,因为这会访问json对象中的值,另一方面i.name可能只是当前的索引,比如4.name等等?



Two thoughts:


(1) Do Lat and Lng really say coord values and not real numbers? (I'm reading the comments literally)

(1) Lat和Lng是否真的说coord值而不是真实数字?(我正在逐字读评论)

(2) Does mymarker.png exist (right path) and load properly in the browser? Since I don't have this file, when I tested, nothing appeared until I removed it from the source.


I used this to test and it worked fine, with the latest jquery-ui-map downloaded. I just assumed the jQuery ajax part works fine because you are outputting the expected results in the console.

我使用它进行测试,它工作得很好,下载了最新的jquery-ui-map。我假设jQuery ajax部分可以正常工作,因为您正在控制台输出预期的结果。

 <style type="text/css">
  html, body, #map_canvas { margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100% }
 <script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jqueryuimap.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var map;
  var mapOptions = { center: new google.maps.LatLng(0.0, 0.0), zoom: 2,
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP };

  function initialize() {
    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), mapOptions);
    theMarkers = [
      {"Name":"John Smith","Address":"123 Fake St.", 
         "Telephone":"50011111" ,"Lat":"0.0","Lng":"0.0"},

      {"Name":"John Smith","Address":"123 Fake St.", 
         "Telephone":"50011111" ,"Lat":"10.0","Lng":"0.0"},

      {"Name":"John Smith","Address":"123 Fake St.", 
         "Telephone":"50011111" ,"Lat":"20.0","Lng":"0.0"}

    $.each(theMarkers, function(i, val) {
        { 'position': new google.maps.LatLng(val.Lat, val.Lng), 
          'bounds':true } ).click(function(){                               
        { 'content': '<h1>'+val.Name+'</h1>'+
          '<h2 style="color: grey">'+val.Address+
          '</h2><p style="color: green">'+val.Telephone+'</p>' }, this);
  google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);



Everything works fine. You have to call this just before populating the map with new markers.


$('#map_canvas').gmap('clear', 'markers');