
时间:2022-02-26 13:17:57

This question already has an answer here:


So I have a 2d array containing multiple objects. Each object has multiple properties and methods. I would like to return only the objects methods and properties that have a matching id to what I pass it. in this case, the id is 1.


const blogData = [
        title : "Title 1",
        date : "2017-07-15",
        id : 1
        title : "Title 2",
        data : "2017-07-16",
        id : 2

for (let i = 0; i < blogData.length; i++) {
  if (blogData[i].id === 1) {
      console.log(`Post #${blogData[i].id} loaded`);

3 个解决方案



You can filter the array based on ID, and assuming you just have one hit, you can return the first (and only) item, or skip shift() and get an array of matches.


const blogData = [{
    title: "Title 1",
    date: "2017-07-15",
    id: 1
    title: "Title 2",
    data: "2017-07-16",
    id: 2

var result = blogData.filter( x => x.id === 1).shift();




You can use a generic function that will work with any ID and any list.
Something like:


    const blogData = [
            title : "Title 1",
            date : "2017-07-15",
            id : 1
            title : "Title 2",
            data : "2017-07-16",
            id : 2
    function getData(id, arr, callback){
       $.each(arr, function(key, value){
       		if(value.id === id)
          	callback(value); //Just using a simple callback for console purposes
    	getData(1, blogData, function(c){
        console.log(c); //loggin the callback
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>



In your case this is an array of objects and not a 2 dimentional array, so you can use Array.prototype.filter() method to filter only the object that has the id=1:

在您的情况下,这是一个对象数组而不是2维数组,因此您可以使用Array.prototype.filter()方法仅过滤具有id = 1的对象:

var res = blogData.filter(function(obj){
  return obj.id === searchedId;


const blogData = [
        title : "Title 1",
        date : "2017-07-15",
        id : 1
        title : "Title 2",
        data : "2017-07-16",
        id : 2

var searchedId = 1;

var res = blogData.filter(function(obj){
  return obj.id === searchedId;

And using your method with foor loop, you just need to return the right object if the condition is matched:


var result = {};
for (let i = 0; i < blogData.length; i++) {
  if (blogData[i].id === 1) {
      result = blogData[i]



You can filter the array based on ID, and assuming you just have one hit, you can return the first (and only) item, or skip shift() and get an array of matches.


const blogData = [{
    title: "Title 1",
    date: "2017-07-15",
    id: 1
    title: "Title 2",
    data: "2017-07-16",
    id: 2

var result = blogData.filter( x => x.id === 1).shift();




You can use a generic function that will work with any ID and any list.
Something like:


    const blogData = [
            title : "Title 1",
            date : "2017-07-15",
            id : 1
            title : "Title 2",
            data : "2017-07-16",
            id : 2
    function getData(id, arr, callback){
       $.each(arr, function(key, value){
       		if(value.id === id)
          	callback(value); //Just using a simple callback for console purposes
    	getData(1, blogData, function(c){
        console.log(c); //loggin the callback
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>



In your case this is an array of objects and not a 2 dimentional array, so you can use Array.prototype.filter() method to filter only the object that has the id=1:

在您的情况下,这是一个对象数组而不是2维数组,因此您可以使用Array.prototype.filter()方法仅过滤具有id = 1的对象:

var res = blogData.filter(function(obj){
  return obj.id === searchedId;


const blogData = [
        title : "Title 1",
        date : "2017-07-15",
        id : 1
        title : "Title 2",
        data : "2017-07-16",
        id : 2

var searchedId = 1;

var res = blogData.filter(function(obj){
  return obj.id === searchedId;

And using your method with foor loop, you just need to return the right object if the condition is matched:


var result = {};
for (let i = 0; i < blogData.length; i++) {
  if (blogData[i].id === 1) {
      result = blogData[i]