
时间:2021-08-08 11:50:16

How to draw UIs (Rectangle, Buttons, Views, etc) and view the results in real-time, as shown here: https://devimages.apple.com.edgekey.net/swift/images/swift-screenshot.jpg ? All I can see is the Console Output, but I can't find the option to show the visual display (Balloons) and the chart.


1 个解决方案



Charts appear in the Assistant editor when you have something like a for loop, or for anything where you press the quick look or circle/plus buttons when mousing over the results area. See Viewing Results of an Executed Statement in Playground Help.




Charts appear in the Assistant editor when you have something like a for loop, or for anything where you press the quick look or circle/plus buttons when mousing over the results area. See Viewing Results of an Executed Statement in Playground Help.
