
时间:2022-11-12 12:44:58

I tried the solution presented here by Mr. Karwin
Retrieving the last record in each group


I have a singular table which contains all the records I need with the FF records.


 | Keynum     | PaymentID  | BuyerID | LatestBill |
 |----------- | -----------|---------|------------|
 |   3        |    4       |    4    |  30000     |
 |   2        |    4       |    4    |  10000     |
 |   1        |    4       |    4    |  10000     |
 |   1        |    9       |    9    |  9999      |

The desired output is:


 | Keynum     | PaymentID  | BuyerID | LatestBill |
 |----------- | -----------|---------|------------|
 |   3        |    4       |    4    |  30000     |
 |   1        |    9       |    9    |  9999      |

What I have tried is this:


  Select keynum, PaymentID, BuyerId, LatestBill From  Sales where LatestBill != 0 group by PaymentID, BuyerID order by keynum  Desc;

and this

 SELECT max(keynum), PaymentID, BuyerID, NewInstallmentBal
 FROM aliissales.tblmovedactual
 GROUP BY PaymentID, BuyerID DESC;

However, what I get is this:


 | Keynum     | PaymentID  | BuyerID | LatestBill |
 |----------- | -----------|---------|------------|
 |   1        |    4       |    4    |  10000     |
 |   1        |    9       |    9    |  9999      |

What I need is the last record of each group, with each record to be group by PaymentID and BuyerID.


if I use Max(keynum), it gets indeed the max keynum for each group, but not the corresponding records that go with it. is a simpler way to have the records go with the Keynum??


Also, if the LatestBill = 0, the entire gorup is now ignored.

此外,如果LatestBill = 0,则现在忽略整个gorup。

ie if

keynum 3 LatestBill = 0, group BuyerID 4 , PaymentID 4 is now ignored.    

2 个解决方案



FROM    aliissales.tblmovedactual a
        INNER JOIN
            SELECT  max(keynum) xx, PaymentID, BuyerID
            FROM    aliissales.tblmovedactual
            GROUP   BY PaymentID, BuyerID
        ) b ON  a.PaymentID = b.PaymentID   AND
                a.BuyerID = b.BuyerID AND
                a.keynum = b.xx



SELECT keynum, PaymentID, BuyerID, NewInstallmentBal FROM aliissales.tblmovedactual WHERE keynum IN ( SELECT max(keynum) FROM aliissales.tblmovedactual GROUP BY PaymentID )

SELECT keynum,PaymentID,BuyerID,NewInstallmentBal FROM aliissales.tblmovedactual WHERE keynum IN(SELECT max(keynum)FROM aliissales.tblmovedactual GROUP BY PaymentID)



FROM    aliissales.tblmovedactual a
        INNER JOIN
            SELECT  max(keynum) xx, PaymentID, BuyerID
            FROM    aliissales.tblmovedactual
            GROUP   BY PaymentID, BuyerID
        ) b ON  a.PaymentID = b.PaymentID   AND
                a.BuyerID = b.BuyerID AND
                a.keynum = b.xx



SELECT keynum, PaymentID, BuyerID, NewInstallmentBal FROM aliissales.tblmovedactual WHERE keynum IN ( SELECT max(keynum) FROM aliissales.tblmovedactual GROUP BY PaymentID )

SELECT keynum,PaymentID,BuyerID,NewInstallmentBal FROM aliissales.tblmovedactual WHERE keynum IN(SELECT max(keynum)FROM aliissales.tblmovedactual GROUP BY PaymentID)