
时间:2023-01-14 12:11:57

I have 2 tables that are a few millions of rows with indexes. I'm looking to convert one of the indexes to DESC order to optimize some operations. However, will that affect joinining speed or other optimizations?


For example:


Table A:
a_id (pk)


Table B:
b_id (pk)
a_id (fk)

表B: b_id (pk) a_id (fk)

If A.a_id is stored as DESC and B.a_id is stored ASC will I encounter any problems or slowness on joins? Will oracle be able to use the indexes for joining even though they have different sort orders? Do I have to make B.a_id DESC as well or create a second index that is DESC ? Obviously I'd like to try a simple experiment but I don't have DBA access or a spare oracle setup to work with.

如果一个。a_id存储为DESC和B。a_id被存储为ASC,我在连接上会遇到什么问题或缓慢吗?即使有不同的排序顺序,oracle也能使用这些索引来加入吗?我必须做B吗?a_id DESC还是创建第二个索引DESC ?显然,我想尝试一个简单的实验,但我没有DBA访问权限,也没有可用的oracle设置。

6 个解决方案



Will oracle be able to use the indexes for joining even though they have different sort orders?


Indexes are not used "for joining". They're used to access data. The row sources thus created are then joined. The only reason I can think of that the sort order of the index would have any impact on joining would be if a merge join is occurring and the index is being used to avoid sorting. In this case, the impact of changing to a descending index might be that the data needs to be sorted in memory after it is accessed; or it might not, if the optimizer is intelligent enough to simply walk through that data in reverse order when doing the merge.


If you have queries whose execution plans rely on using the index on A.A_ID to get the data in ascending order (either for purposes of a merge join or to meet your requested ordering of the results), then changing the index to descending order could have an impact.


Edit: Just did a quick test on some sample data. The optimizer does seem to have the capability to merge row sources sorting in opposite orders without resorting either of them. So at the most obvious level, having one index ascending and the other descending should not cause serious performance problems. However, it does look like the descending indexes can have other effects on the execution plan -- in my case, the ascending index was used for a fast full scan, while the descending one was used for a range scan. This could cause changes in query performance -- good or bad -- but the only way to know for certain is to test it.




Oracle implements indexes as doubly-linked lists, so it makes no difference whether you specify an ASC or DESC index for a single column.


DESC indexes are a special case that helps when you have a multi-column index, e.g. if I have a query that often orders by colA ASC, colB DESC, then I might decide to add an index on (colA, colB DESC) in order to avoid a sort.

DESC索引是一种特殊的情况,当您有一个多列索引时,它会很有帮助,例如,如果我有一个查询经常由colA ASC、colB DESC订购,那么我可能会决定在(colA, colB DESC)上添加一个索引,以避免排序。



Developing without a development and test system? Your answer is to develop with one. Oracle comes on all platforms, just install, add data, do your work.


For you, just live dangerously and do the index change, who cares what happens. Grab for that brass ring. So you miss. You won't lose any data.




I'm not sure I get what you're trying to ask - you cannot "store" in descending or ascending order. You can fetch the results of the query and order it using ORDER BY clause which will sort the resulting set in ascending or descending order.

我不确定我是否理解你想问的——你不能按降序或升序“存储”。您可以获取查询的结果并使用order BY子句对其排序,该子句将按升序或降序对结果集进行排序。

There is no guarantee that you're inserting any data in ascending or descending order.


Consequently, the "order" by which it is inserted will have no bearing on the performance because there is no order




Generally speaking an index can do scanning in asc/desc order since the 2 pointers in the index structure are sufficient to identify leaf blocks and corresponding blocks while doing scan based on asc/desc order without sorting in the memory.


However if we create an index with desc column definition its structure will be much larger than the a normal index since the normal index has a 90-10 splits (incrementing row ids) where as desc index will be 50-50 splits and will lead to unused space and a candidate for rebuild which will require additional maintenance and overhead.


DESC indexes can be helpful when you have a multi-column index where one column is need in asc while the other in desc to avoid sorting in the memory.




Early optimization is a waste of time. Just leave this problem and do the next thing. When there are 100 million rows in this table change the indexes and test what happens, until then your ten rows of data are not worth the time to "optimize".




Will oracle be able to use the indexes for joining even though they have different sort orders?


Indexes are not used "for joining". They're used to access data. The row sources thus created are then joined. The only reason I can think of that the sort order of the index would have any impact on joining would be if a merge join is occurring and the index is being used to avoid sorting. In this case, the impact of changing to a descending index might be that the data needs to be sorted in memory after it is accessed; or it might not, if the optimizer is intelligent enough to simply walk through that data in reverse order when doing the merge.


If you have queries whose execution plans rely on using the index on A.A_ID to get the data in ascending order (either for purposes of a merge join or to meet your requested ordering of the results), then changing the index to descending order could have an impact.


Edit: Just did a quick test on some sample data. The optimizer does seem to have the capability to merge row sources sorting in opposite orders without resorting either of them. So at the most obvious level, having one index ascending and the other descending should not cause serious performance problems. However, it does look like the descending indexes can have other effects on the execution plan -- in my case, the ascending index was used for a fast full scan, while the descending one was used for a range scan. This could cause changes in query performance -- good or bad -- but the only way to know for certain is to test it.




Oracle implements indexes as doubly-linked lists, so it makes no difference whether you specify an ASC or DESC index for a single column.


DESC indexes are a special case that helps when you have a multi-column index, e.g. if I have a query that often orders by colA ASC, colB DESC, then I might decide to add an index on (colA, colB DESC) in order to avoid a sort.

DESC索引是一种特殊的情况,当您有一个多列索引时,它会很有帮助,例如,如果我有一个查询经常由colA ASC、colB DESC订购,那么我可能会决定在(colA, colB DESC)上添加一个索引,以避免排序。



Developing without a development and test system? Your answer is to develop with one. Oracle comes on all platforms, just install, add data, do your work.


For you, just live dangerously and do the index change, who cares what happens. Grab for that brass ring. So you miss. You won't lose any data.




I'm not sure I get what you're trying to ask - you cannot "store" in descending or ascending order. You can fetch the results of the query and order it using ORDER BY clause which will sort the resulting set in ascending or descending order.

我不确定我是否理解你想问的——你不能按降序或升序“存储”。您可以获取查询的结果并使用order BY子句对其排序,该子句将按升序或降序对结果集进行排序。

There is no guarantee that you're inserting any data in ascending or descending order.


Consequently, the "order" by which it is inserted will have no bearing on the performance because there is no order




Generally speaking an index can do scanning in asc/desc order since the 2 pointers in the index structure are sufficient to identify leaf blocks and corresponding blocks while doing scan based on asc/desc order without sorting in the memory.


However if we create an index with desc column definition its structure will be much larger than the a normal index since the normal index has a 90-10 splits (incrementing row ids) where as desc index will be 50-50 splits and will lead to unused space and a candidate for rebuild which will require additional maintenance and overhead.


DESC indexes can be helpful when you have a multi-column index where one column is need in asc while the other in desc to avoid sorting in the memory.




Early optimization is a waste of time. Just leave this problem and do the next thing. When there are 100 million rows in this table change the indexes and test what happens, until then your ten rows of data are not worth the time to "optimize".
