
时间:2022-09-05 11:50:59

I have some List:


List<int> list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

I want to apply some transformation to elements of my list. I can do this in two ways:


List<int> list1 = list.Select(x => 2 * x).ToList();
List<int> list2 = list.ConvertAll(x => 2 * x).ToList();

What is the difference between these two ways?


3 个解决方案



Select is a LINQ extension method and works on all IEnumerable<T> objects whereas ConvertAll is implemented only by List<T>. The ConvertAll method exists since .NET 2.0 whereas LINQ was introduced with 3.5.

Select是一种LINQ扩展方法,适用于所有IEnumerable 对象,而ConvertAll仅通过List 实现。自。net 2.0以来就有了ConvertAll方法,而LINQ是在3.5引入的。

You should favor Select over ConvertAll as it works for any kind of list, but they do the same basically.




ConvertAll is not an extension, it's a method in the list class. You don't have to call ToList on the result as it's already a list:


List<int> list2 = list.ConvertAll(x => 2 * x);

So, the difference is that the ConvertAll method only can be used on a list, and it returns a list. The Select method can be used on any collection that implements the IEnumerable<T> interface, and it returns an IEnumerable<T>.

不同的是,ConvertAll方法只能在列表中使用,它返回一个列表。Select方法可以用于任何实现IEnumerable 接口的集合,它返回一个IEnumerable

Also, they do the processing differently, so they have their strengths in different situations. The ConvertAll method runs through the list and creates a new list in one go, while the Select method uses lazy execution and only processes the items as you need them. If you don't need all the item, the Select method is more efficient. On the other hand, once ConvertAll has returned the list, you don't need to keep the original list.




I know this is bit late but i have still added because this could be of some use for others in future.


When using it in EntityFramework query expression it is not recommended to use ConvertAll() as it evaluates the expression rather than leaving it as expression for future use. This seriously degrades database query execution performance as it would have to make number of calls before evaluating final expression.




Select is a LINQ extension method and works on all IEnumerable<T> objects whereas ConvertAll is implemented only by List<T>. The ConvertAll method exists since .NET 2.0 whereas LINQ was introduced with 3.5.

Select是一种LINQ扩展方法,适用于所有IEnumerable 对象,而ConvertAll仅通过List 实现。自。net 2.0以来就有了ConvertAll方法,而LINQ是在3.5引入的。

You should favor Select over ConvertAll as it works for any kind of list, but they do the same basically.




ConvertAll is not an extension, it's a method in the list class. You don't have to call ToList on the result as it's already a list:


List<int> list2 = list.ConvertAll(x => 2 * x);

So, the difference is that the ConvertAll method only can be used on a list, and it returns a list. The Select method can be used on any collection that implements the IEnumerable<T> interface, and it returns an IEnumerable<T>.

不同的是,ConvertAll方法只能在列表中使用,它返回一个列表。Select方法可以用于任何实现IEnumerable 接口的集合,它返回一个IEnumerable

Also, they do the processing differently, so they have their strengths in different situations. The ConvertAll method runs through the list and creates a new list in one go, while the Select method uses lazy execution and only processes the items as you need them. If you don't need all the item, the Select method is more efficient. On the other hand, once ConvertAll has returned the list, you don't need to keep the original list.




I know this is bit late but i have still added because this could be of some use for others in future.


When using it in EntityFramework query expression it is not recommended to use ConvertAll() as it evaluates the expression rather than leaving it as expression for future use. This seriously degrades database query execution performance as it would have to make number of calls before evaluating final expression.
