
时间:2022-05-24 11:40:11

This question is language agnostic but I am a C# guy so I use the term POCO to mean an object that only preforms data storage, usually using getter and setter fields.


I just reworked my Domain Model to be super-duper POCO and am left with a couple of concerns regarding how to ensure that the property values make sense witin the domain.


For example, the EndDate of a Service should not exceed the EndDate of the Contract that Service is under. However, it seems like a violation of SOLID to put the check into the Service.EndDate setter, not to mention that as the number of validations that need to be done grows my POCO classes will become cluttered.


I have some solutions (will post in answers), but they have their disadvantages and am wondering what are some favorite approaches to solving this dilemma?


8 个解决方案


I think you're starting off with a bad assumption, ie, that you should have objects that do nothing but store data, and have no methods but accessors. The whole point of having objects is to encapsulate data and behaviors. If you have a thing that's just, basically, a struct, what behaviors are you encapsulating?



I always hear people argument for a "Validate" or "IsValid" method.


Personally I think this may work, but with most DDD projects you usually end up with multiple validations that are allowable depending on the specific state of the object.


So I prefer "IsValidForNewContract", "IsValidForTermination" or similar, because I believe most projects end up with multiple such validators/states per class. That also means I get no interface, but I can write aggregated validators that read very well reflect the business conditions I am asserting.


I really do believe the generic solutions in this case very often take focus away from what's important - what the code is doing - for a very minor gain in technical elegance (the interface, delegate or whatever). Just vote me down for it ;)

我确实相信这种情况下的通用解决方案经常把重点放在重要的事情上 - 代码在做什么 - 在技术优雅方面获得非常小的收益(界面,委托或其他)。只是投票给我吧;)


A colleague of mine came up with an idea that worked out pretty well. We never came up with a great name for it but we called it Inspector/Judge.

我的一位同事想出了一个很好的想法。我们从来没有想出一个伟大的名字,但我们称之为Inspector / Judge。

The Inspector would look at an object and tell you all of the rules it violated. The Judge would decide what to do about it. This separation let us do a couple of things. It let us put all the rules in one place (Inspector) but we could have multiple Judges and choose the Judge by the context.


One example of the use of multiple Judges revolves around the rule that said a Customer must have an Address. This was a standard three tier app. In the UI tier the Judge would produce something that the UI could use to indicate the fields that had to be filled in. The UI Judge did not throw exceptions. In the service layer there was another Judge. If it found a Customer without an Address during Save it would throw an exception. At that point you really have to stop things from proceeding.

使用多个裁判的一个例子围绕着一个规则,即客户必须拥有一个地址。这是一个标准的三层应用程序。在UI层中,Judge将生成UI可用于指示必须填写的字段的内容.UI Judge没有抛出异常。在服务层有另一名法官。如果在保存期间找到没有地址的客户,则会抛出异常。那时你真的不得不阻止事情继续进行。

We also had Judges that were more strict as the state of the objects changed. It was an insurance application and during the Quoting process a Policy was allowed to be saved in an incomplete state. But once that Policy was ready to be made Active a lot of things had to be set. So the Quoting Judge on the service side was not as strict as the Activation Judge. Yet the rules used in the Inspector were still the same so you could still tell what wasn't complete even if you decided not to do anything about it.



One solution is to have each object's DataAccessObject take a list of Validators. When Save is called it preforms a check against each validator:


public class ServiceEndDateValidator : IValidator<Service> {
  public void Check(Service s) {
    if(s.EndDate > s.Contract.EndDate)
      throw new InvalidOperationException();

public class ServiceDao : IDao<Service> {
  IValidator<Service> _validators;
  public ServiceDao(IEnumerable<IValidator<Service>> validators) {_validators = validators;}
  public void Save(Service s) {
    foreach(var v in _validators)
    // Go on to save

The benefit, is very clear SoC, the disadvantage is that we don't get the check until Save() is called.



In the past I have usually delegated validation to a service unto its own, such as a ValidationService. This in principle still ad hears to the philosophy of DDD.


Internally this would contain a collection of Validators and a very simple set of public methods such as Validate() which could return a collection of error object.


Very simply, something like this in C#


public class ValidationService<T>
  private IList<IValidator> _validators;

  public IList<Error> Validate(T objectToValidate)
    foreach(IValidator validator in _validators)
      yield return validator.Validate(objectToValidate);

Validators could either be added within a default constructor or injected via some other class such as a ValidationServiceFactory.



I think that would probably be the best place for the logic, actually, but that's just me. You could have some kind of IsValid method that checks all of the conditions too and returns true/false, maybe some kind of ErrorMessages collection but that's an iffy topic since the error messages aren't really a part of the Domain Model. I'm a little biased as I've done some work with RoR and that's essentially what its models do.

实际上,我认为这可能是逻辑的最佳位置,但那只是我。您可以使用某种IsValid方法检查所有条件并返回true / false,可能是某种ErrorMessages集合,但这是一个不确定的主题,因为错误消息实际上不是域模型的一部分。我有点偏颇,因为我已经完成了与RoR的一些工作,而这正是它的模型所做的。


Another possibility is to have each of my classes implement


public interface Validatable<T> {
  public event Action<T> RequiresValidation;

And have each setter for each class raise the event before setting (maybe I could achieve this via attributes).


The advantage is real-time validation checking. But messier code and it is unclear who should be doing the attaching.



Here's another possibility. Validation is done through a proxy or decorator on the Domain object:


public class ServiceValidationProxy : Service {
  public override DateTime EndDate {
    get {return EndDate;}
    set {
      if(value > Contract.EndDate)
        throw new InvalidOperationexception();
      base.EndDate = value;

Advantage: Instant validation. Can easily be configured via an IoC.


Disadvantage: If a proxy, validated properties must be virtual, if a decorator all domain models must be interface-based. The validation classes will end up a bit heavyweight - proxys have to inherit the class and decorators have to implement all the methods. Naming and organization might get confusing.

缺点:如果代理,验证属性必须是虚拟的,如果装饰器所有域模型必须是基于接口的。验证类最终会有点重量级 - 代理必须继承类,而装饰器必须实现所有方法。命名和组织可能会令人困惑。


I think you're starting off with a bad assumption, ie, that you should have objects that do nothing but store data, and have no methods but accessors. The whole point of having objects is to encapsulate data and behaviors. If you have a thing that's just, basically, a struct, what behaviors are you encapsulating?



I always hear people argument for a "Validate" or "IsValid" method.


Personally I think this may work, but with most DDD projects you usually end up with multiple validations that are allowable depending on the specific state of the object.


So I prefer "IsValidForNewContract", "IsValidForTermination" or similar, because I believe most projects end up with multiple such validators/states per class. That also means I get no interface, but I can write aggregated validators that read very well reflect the business conditions I am asserting.


I really do believe the generic solutions in this case very often take focus away from what's important - what the code is doing - for a very minor gain in technical elegance (the interface, delegate or whatever). Just vote me down for it ;)

我确实相信这种情况下的通用解决方案经常把重点放在重要的事情上 - 代码在做什么 - 在技术优雅方面获得非常小的收益(界面,委托或其他)。只是投票给我吧;)


A colleague of mine came up with an idea that worked out pretty well. We never came up with a great name for it but we called it Inspector/Judge.

我的一位同事想出了一个很好的想法。我们从来没有想出一个伟大的名字,但我们称之为Inspector / Judge。

The Inspector would look at an object and tell you all of the rules it violated. The Judge would decide what to do about it. This separation let us do a couple of things. It let us put all the rules in one place (Inspector) but we could have multiple Judges and choose the Judge by the context.


One example of the use of multiple Judges revolves around the rule that said a Customer must have an Address. This was a standard three tier app. In the UI tier the Judge would produce something that the UI could use to indicate the fields that had to be filled in. The UI Judge did not throw exceptions. In the service layer there was another Judge. If it found a Customer without an Address during Save it would throw an exception. At that point you really have to stop things from proceeding.

使用多个裁判的一个例子围绕着一个规则,即客户必须拥有一个地址。这是一个标准的三层应用程序。在UI层中,Judge将生成UI可用于指示必须填写的字段的内容.UI Judge没有抛出异常。在服务层有另一名法官。如果在保存期间找到没有地址的客户,则会抛出异常。那时你真的不得不阻止事情继续进行。

We also had Judges that were more strict as the state of the objects changed. It was an insurance application and during the Quoting process a Policy was allowed to be saved in an incomplete state. But once that Policy was ready to be made Active a lot of things had to be set. So the Quoting Judge on the service side was not as strict as the Activation Judge. Yet the rules used in the Inspector were still the same so you could still tell what wasn't complete even if you decided not to do anything about it.



One solution is to have each object's DataAccessObject take a list of Validators. When Save is called it preforms a check against each validator:


public class ServiceEndDateValidator : IValidator<Service> {
  public void Check(Service s) {
    if(s.EndDate > s.Contract.EndDate)
      throw new InvalidOperationException();

public class ServiceDao : IDao<Service> {
  IValidator<Service> _validators;
  public ServiceDao(IEnumerable<IValidator<Service>> validators) {_validators = validators;}
  public void Save(Service s) {
    foreach(var v in _validators)
    // Go on to save

The benefit, is very clear SoC, the disadvantage is that we don't get the check until Save() is called.



In the past I have usually delegated validation to a service unto its own, such as a ValidationService. This in principle still ad hears to the philosophy of DDD.


Internally this would contain a collection of Validators and a very simple set of public methods such as Validate() which could return a collection of error object.


Very simply, something like this in C#


public class ValidationService<T>
  private IList<IValidator> _validators;

  public IList<Error> Validate(T objectToValidate)
    foreach(IValidator validator in _validators)
      yield return validator.Validate(objectToValidate);

Validators could either be added within a default constructor or injected via some other class such as a ValidationServiceFactory.



I think that would probably be the best place for the logic, actually, but that's just me. You could have some kind of IsValid method that checks all of the conditions too and returns true/false, maybe some kind of ErrorMessages collection but that's an iffy topic since the error messages aren't really a part of the Domain Model. I'm a little biased as I've done some work with RoR and that's essentially what its models do.

实际上,我认为这可能是逻辑的最佳位置,但那只是我。您可以使用某种IsValid方法检查所有条件并返回true / false,可能是某种ErrorMessages集合,但这是一个不确定的主题,因为错误消息实际上不是域模型的一部分。我有点偏颇,因为我已经完成了与RoR的一些工作,而这正是它的模型所做的。


Another possibility is to have each of my classes implement


public interface Validatable<T> {
  public event Action<T> RequiresValidation;

And have each setter for each class raise the event before setting (maybe I could achieve this via attributes).


The advantage is real-time validation checking. But messier code and it is unclear who should be doing the attaching.



Here's another possibility. Validation is done through a proxy or decorator on the Domain object:


public class ServiceValidationProxy : Service {
  public override DateTime EndDate {
    get {return EndDate;}
    set {
      if(value > Contract.EndDate)
        throw new InvalidOperationexception();
      base.EndDate = value;

Advantage: Instant validation. Can easily be configured via an IoC.


Disadvantage: If a proxy, validated properties must be virtual, if a decorator all domain models must be interface-based. The validation classes will end up a bit heavyweight - proxys have to inherit the class and decorators have to implement all the methods. Naming and organization might get confusing.

缺点:如果代理,验证属性必须是虚拟的,如果装饰器所有域模型必须是基于接口的。验证类最终会有点重量级 - 代理必须继承类,而装饰器必须实现所有方法。命名和组织可能会令人困惑。