Swift Array可选类型和下标(Beta 3)

时间:2022-11-24 11:12:32

I'm following the 2014 WWDC tutorial 408: Swift Playgrounds using XCode Beta 3 (30 minutes in). The Swift syntax has changed since Beta 2.

我正在关注2014年WWDC教程408:使用XCode Beta 3的Swift Playgrounds(30分钟)。自Beta 2以来,Swift语法已经发生了变化。

var data = [27, 46, 96, 79, 56, 85, 45, 34, 2, 57, 29, 66, 99, 65, 66, 40, 40, 58, 87, 64]

func exchange<T>(data: [T], i: Int, j: Int) {
    let temp = data[i]
    data[i] = data[j]  // Fails with error '@lvalue $T8' is not identical to 'T'
    data[j] = temp     // Fails with error '@lvalue $T5' is not identical to 'T'

exchange(data, 0 , 2)

Why I can't modify a mutable integer array in this way?


2 个解决方案



Because subroutine parameters are implicitly defined with let hence, non mutable. Try changing the declaration to:


func exchange<T>(inout data: [T], i: Int, j: Int) {

and the invocation to:


exchange(&date, 0, 2)

You can also use var but that would only allow the array to be modified within the subroutine. The big change for beta 3 was to make arrays really pass by value instead of just kind of sorta pass by value some of the time, but not the rest.

您也可以使用var,但这只允许在子例程中修改数组。 beta 3的最大变化是使数组真正通过值传递,而不仅仅是在某些时候通过值传递,而不是其余的。



@David answer is correct, let me explain why: arrays (as well as dictionaries and strings) are value types (structs) and not reference types. When a value type has to be passed to a function, a copy of it is created, and the function works on that copy.


By using the inout modifier, the original array is passed instead, so in that case it's possible to make changes on it.




Because subroutine parameters are implicitly defined with let hence, non mutable. Try changing the declaration to:


func exchange<T>(inout data: [T], i: Int, j: Int) {

and the invocation to:


exchange(&date, 0, 2)

You can also use var but that would only allow the array to be modified within the subroutine. The big change for beta 3 was to make arrays really pass by value instead of just kind of sorta pass by value some of the time, but not the rest.

您也可以使用var,但这只允许在子例程中修改数组。 beta 3的最大变化是使数组真正通过值传递,而不仅仅是在某些时候通过值传递,而不是其余的。



@David answer is correct, let me explain why: arrays (as well as dictionaries and strings) are value types (structs) and not reference types. When a value type has to be passed to a function, a copy of it is created, and the function works on that copy.


By using the inout modifier, the original array is passed instead, so in that case it's possible to make changes on it.
