
时间:2022-01-25 11:00:36

In python, I can define a function as follows:


def func(kw1=None,kw2=None,**kwargs):

In this case, i can call func as:



I can also define a function as:


def func(arg1,arg2,*args):

which can be called as



Finally, I can combine the two forms


def func(arg1,arg2,*args,**kwargs):

But, what does not work is calling:


func(arg1,arg2,*args,kw1=None,kw2=None,**kwargs):  #SYNTAX ERROR (in python 2 only,  apparently this works in python 3)

My original thought was that this was probably because a function


def func(arg1,arg2,*args,kw1=None):

can be called as


func(1,2,3) #kw1 will be assigned 3

So this would introduce some ambiguity as to whether 3 should be packed into args or kwargs. However, with python 3, there is the ability to specify keyword only arguments:

所以这就引入了一些模棱两可的东西关于3应该被打包成args还是kwargs。但是,使用python 3,有能力只指定关键字参数:

def func(a,b,*,kw=None):  #can be called as func(1,2), func(1,2,kw=3), but NOT func(1,2,3)

With this, it seems that there is no syntactic ambiguity with:


def func(a,b,*args,*,kw1=None,**kwargs):

However, this still brings up a syntax error (tested with Python3.2). Is there a reason for this that I am missing? And, is there a way to get the behavior I described above (Having *args with default arguments) -- I know I can simulate that behavior by manipulating the kwargs dictionary inside the function.


2 个解决方案



You can do that on Python 3.

在Python 3中可以这样做。

def func(a,b,*args,kw1=None,**kwargs):

The bare * is only used when you want to specify keyword only arguments without accepting a variable number of positional arguments with *args. You don't use two *s.

bare *仅在需要指定关键字参数时才使用,而不接受带有*args的可变数量的位置参数。你不用两个*。

To quote from the grammar, in Python 2, you have

在Python 2中引用语法,您有。

parameter_list ::=  (defparameter ",")*
                    (  "*" identifier [, "**" identifier]
                    | "**" identifier
                    | defparameter [","] )

while on Python 3, you have

在Python 3中,您有

parameter_list ::=  (defparameter ",")*
                    (  "*" [parameter] ("," defparameter)*
                    [, "**" parameter]
                    | "**" parameter
                    | defparameter [","] )

which includes a provision for additional parameters after the * parameter.




If you want to do a mixture of both remember that *args and **kwargs must be the last parameters specified.


def func(arg1,arg2,*args,kw1=None,kw2=None,**kwargs): #Invalid
def func(arg1,arg2,kw1=None,kw2=None,*args,**kwargs): #Valid

The comments seem to be based on mixing up how a function definition is constructed compared to how the arguments provided are assigned back to the parameters specified in the definition.


This is the definition of this function which has 6 parameters. It is called by passing named and unnamed arguments to it in a function call.


For this example... When an argument is named when calling the function it can be provided out of order. arg1 and arg2 are mandatory parameters and if not passed to the function as named arguments, then they must be assigned in order from the provided unnamed arguments. kw1 and kw2 have default values provided in the function definition so they are not mandatory, but if not provided for as named arguments they will take any available values from the remaining provided unnamed arguments. Any unnamed arguments left over are provided to the function in an array called args Any named arguments that do not have a corresponding parameter name in the function definition are provided to the function call in a dictionary called kwargs.




You can do that on Python 3.

在Python 3中可以这样做。

def func(a,b,*args,kw1=None,**kwargs):

The bare * is only used when you want to specify keyword only arguments without accepting a variable number of positional arguments with *args. You don't use two *s.

bare *仅在需要指定关键字参数时才使用,而不接受带有*args的可变数量的位置参数。你不用两个*。

To quote from the grammar, in Python 2, you have

在Python 2中引用语法,您有。

parameter_list ::=  (defparameter ",")*
                    (  "*" identifier [, "**" identifier]
                    | "**" identifier
                    | defparameter [","] )

while on Python 3, you have

在Python 3中,您有

parameter_list ::=  (defparameter ",")*
                    (  "*" [parameter] ("," defparameter)*
                    [, "**" parameter]
                    | "**" parameter
                    | defparameter [","] )

which includes a provision for additional parameters after the * parameter.




If you want to do a mixture of both remember that *args and **kwargs must be the last parameters specified.


def func(arg1,arg2,*args,kw1=None,kw2=None,**kwargs): #Invalid
def func(arg1,arg2,kw1=None,kw2=None,*args,**kwargs): #Valid

The comments seem to be based on mixing up how a function definition is constructed compared to how the arguments provided are assigned back to the parameters specified in the definition.


This is the definition of this function which has 6 parameters. It is called by passing named and unnamed arguments to it in a function call.


For this example... When an argument is named when calling the function it can be provided out of order. arg1 and arg2 are mandatory parameters and if not passed to the function as named arguments, then they must be assigned in order from the provided unnamed arguments. kw1 and kw2 have default values provided in the function definition so they are not mandatory, but if not provided for as named arguments they will take any available values from the remaining provided unnamed arguments. Any unnamed arguments left over are provided to the function in an array called args Any named arguments that do not have a corresponding parameter name in the function definition are provided to the function call in a dictionary called kwargs.
