
时间:2022-01-25 11:00:42

I want to explicitly pass a boolean false to params[:closed] and I've got something like this:

我想显式地将一个布尔值false传递给params [:closed],我有这样的东西:

= link_to 'appointments', appointments_path(:closed => false)

But this is not working as rails is treating a false boolean as I don't want anything set for this params, is there any way to get around this?


update: the false I'm passing in is a boolean and I want an url like this



but all I get is just \appointments. Hope this is a bit more clear.


Side question, is it good practise to pass booleans as params?


3 个解决方案


Probably too late now, but try using a string instead:


appointments_path(:closed => 'false')


That will result in ?closed=false. params[:closed] will then return "false", which is a string, and will evaluate to true.

这将导致?closed = false。 params [:closed]将返回“false”,这是一个字符串,并将评估为true。

I would have used named routes for this, instead of manic if/else checking in the 'index' action.

我会使用命名路由,而不是manic if / else检查'index'动作。

# routes.rb
map.resources :appointments, :collection => {:closed => :get, :open => :get}

# controller
def closed
  @appointments = Appointment.closed

def open
  @appointments = Appointment.open


It sounds like you need 3 different options. Closed not selected, closed set to true or set to false.


If you need to distinguish closed from not being selected and being set to false like this you'll need to just use strings and params[:closed] == 'false'. If rails had some catch that would translate a url string to a boolean you wouldn't be able to pass the string "false" as a parameter which would be weird.

如果您需要区分已关闭和未被选中并将其设置为false,则需要使用字符串和参数[:closed] =='false'。如果rails有一些将url字符串转换为布尔值的catch,你将无法将字符串“false”作为一个奇怪的参数传递。

If your closed parameter was ALWAYS going to be true or false (without a not selected option) then doing it like you're doing is fine.


You specify it in the _path method with :closed => true or :closed => false and then test it with params[:closed] as in:

您可以在_path方法中使用:closed => true或:closed => false指定它,然后使用params [:closed]进行测试,如下所示:

if params[:closed]


Probably too late now, but try using a string instead:


appointments_path(:closed => 'false')


That will result in ?closed=false. params[:closed] will then return "false", which is a string, and will evaluate to true.

这将导致?closed = false。 params [:closed]将返回“false”,这是一个字符串,并将评估为true。

I would have used named routes for this, instead of manic if/else checking in the 'index' action.

我会使用命名路由,而不是manic if / else检查'index'动作。

# routes.rb
map.resources :appointments, :collection => {:closed => :get, :open => :get}

# controller
def closed
  @appointments = Appointment.closed

def open
  @appointments = Appointment.open


It sounds like you need 3 different options. Closed not selected, closed set to true or set to false.


If you need to distinguish closed from not being selected and being set to false like this you'll need to just use strings and params[:closed] == 'false'. If rails had some catch that would translate a url string to a boolean you wouldn't be able to pass the string "false" as a parameter which would be weird.

如果您需要区分已关闭和未被选中并将其设置为false,则需要使用字符串和参数[:closed] =='false'。如果rails有一些将url字符串转换为布尔值的catch,你将无法将字符串“false”作为一个奇怪的参数传递。

If your closed parameter was ALWAYS going to be true or false (without a not selected option) then doing it like you're doing is fine.


You specify it in the _path method with :closed => true or :closed => false and then test it with params[:closed] as in:

您可以在_path方法中使用:closed => true或:closed => false指定它,然后使用params [:closed]进行测试,如下所示:

if params[:closed]