
时间:2022-07-18 10:42:54

Here is the database layout. I have a table with sparse sales over time, aggregated per day. If for an item I have 10 sales on the 01-01-2015, I will have an entry, but If I have 0, then I have no entry. Something like this.


| day_of_year | year | sales | item_id |
|      01     | 2015 |  20   |   A1    |
|      01     | 2015 |  11   |   A2    | 
|      07     | 2015 |  09   |   A1    | 
|     ...     | ...  |  ...  |  ...    | 

This is how I get a time series for 1 item.


SELECT doy, max(sales) FROM (
    SELECT day_of_year AS doy,
           sales       AS sales
      FROM myschema.entry_daily
     WHERE item_id = theNameOfmyItem
       AND year = 2015
       AND day_of_year < 150
    SELECT doy AS doy,
           0   AS sales
      FROM generate_series(1, 149) AS doy) as t

And I currently loop with R making 1 query for every item. I then aggregate the results in a dataframe. But this is very slow. I would actually like to have only one query that would aggregate all the data in the following form.


| item_id | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | ... | 149 |
|    A1   | 10 | 00 | 00 | 05 | 12 | ... |  11 |
|    A2   | 11 | 00 | 30 | 01 | 15 | ... |  09 |
|    A3   | 20 | 00 | 00 | 05 | 17 | ... |  20 |
|                       ...                    |

Would this be possible? By the way I am using a Postgres database.


3 个解决方案



Solution 1. Simple query with an aggregate.

The simplest and fastest way to get the expected result. It is easy to parse the sales column within a client program.


select item, string_agg(coalesce(sales, 0)::text, ',') sales
from (
    select distinct item_id item, doy
    from generate_series (1, 10) doy  -- change 10 to given n
    cross join entry_daily
    ) sub
left join entry_daily on item_id = item and day_of_year = doy
group by 1
order by 1;

 item |        sales         
 A1   | 20,0,0,0,0,0,9,0,0,0
 A2   | 11,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
(2 rows)

Solution 2. Dynamically created view.

Based on the solution 1 with array_agg() instead of string_agg(). The function creates a view with a given number of columns.


create or replace function create_items_view(view_name text, days int)
returns void language plpgsql as $$
    list text;
    select string_agg(format('s[%s] "%s"', i::text, i::text), ',')
    into list
    from generate_series(1, days) i;

        drop view if exists %s;
        create view %s as select item, %s
        from (
            select item, array_agg(coalesce(sales, 0)) s
            from (
                select distinct item_id item, doy
                from generate_series (1, %s) doy
                cross join entry_daily
                ) sub
            left join entry_daily on item_id = item and day_of_year = doy
            group by 1
            order by 1
        ) q
        $f$, view_name, view_name, list, days)
end $$;



select create_items_view('items_view_10', 10);

select * from items_view_10;

 item | 1  | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
 A1   | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 0 |  0
 A2   | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |  0
(2 rows)

Solution 3. Crosstab.

Easy to use, but very uncomfortable with the greater number of columns due to the need to define the row format.


create extension if not exists tablefunc;

select * from crosstab (
    'select item_id, day_of_year, sales
    from entry_daily
    order by 1',
    'select i from generate_series (1, 10) i'
) as ct 
(item_id text, "1" int, "2" int, "3" int, "4" int, "5" int, "6" int, "7" int, "8" int, "9" int, "10" int);

 item_id | 1  | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
 A1      | 20 |   |   |   |   |   | 9 |   |   |   
 A2      | 11 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   
(2 rows)



First you need a table with all dates to fill the blank dates. 100 years of date mean 36,000 rows so no very big. Instead of calculate every time.

首先,您需要一个包含所有日期的表来填充空白日期。 100年的日期意味着36,000行所以不是很大。而不是每次都计算。




or created calculating the fields


doy = EXTRACT(DOY FROM s_date)
year = EXTRACT(YEAR FROM s_date)

Your base query will be SQL FIDDLE DEMO:


      COALESCE(SUM(ED.sales), 0) as max_sales
    (SELECT DISTINCT item_id
     FROM entry_daily 
    ) as allitems
CROSS JOIN alldates AD
LEFT JOIN entry_daily ED
       ON ED.day_of_year = AD.doy
      AND ED.year = AD.year  
      AND ED.item_id = allitems.item_id
WHERE AD.year = 2015
     AD.year, AD.doy, allitems.item_id
     AD.year, AD.doy, allitems.item_id

You will have this OUTPUT


| year | doy | item_id | max_sales |
| 2015 |   1 |      A1 |        20 |
| 2015 |   1 |      A2 |        11 |
| 2015 |   2 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |   2 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |   3 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |   3 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |   4 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |   4 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |   5 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |   5 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |   6 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |   6 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |   7 |      A1 |        39 |
| 2015 |   7 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |   8 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |   8 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |   9 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |   9 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |  10 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |  10 |      A2 |         0 |

Then you need install tablefunc


and use crosstab to pivot this table SAMPLE




Try this self-contained code where we have used 5 instead of 149 to keep the output short.


In (1) we use a single SQL statement, as required, to generate all the series producing a long form result. Normally in relational databases long form rather than wide form is used and this form may be preferable but in case not we follow this with a conversion to wide form using the reshape2 package.


In (2) we show how to replace the SQL statement with R code that uses the dplyr package.


1) PostgreSQL Regarding the SQL statement below, the innermost select generates a table 1, 2, ..., 5 whose column is day_of_year which is cross joined with entry_daily giving every combination of day_of_year with year and item and keeping only the distinct rows. This is then left joined with entry_daily to pick up the sales numbers which we sum over.


Assuming you have set up postgreSQL to work with SQL as in FAQ#12 on the sqldf home page ( https://github.com/ggrothendieck/sqldf ) the following should illustrate it and is self contained code that you can just copy and paste into your session.



# input data
entry_daily <- 
structure(list(day_of_year = c(1L, 1L, 7L), year = c(2015L, 2015L, 
2015L), sales = c(20L, 11L, 9L), item_id = structure(c(1L, 2L, 
1L), .Label = c("A1", "A2"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("day_of_year", 
"year", "sales", "item_id"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

s <- sqldf("select A.item_id, A.year, A.day_of_year, sum(coalesce(B.sales, 0)) sales
       from (select distinct x.day_of_year, y.year, y.item_id
             from (select * from generate_series(1, 5) as day_of_year) as x
                   cross join entry_daily as y) as A
       left join entry_daily as B
       on A.year = B.year and A.day_of_year = B.day_of_year and
          A.item_id = B.item_id
       where A.year = 2015
       group by A.item_id, A.year, A.day_of_year
       order by A.item_id, A.year, A.day_of_year")

The output of the above query is this data.frame:


> s
   item_id year day_of_year sales
1       A1 2015           1    20
2       A1 2015           2     0
3       A1 2015           3     0
4       A1 2015           4     0
5       A1 2015           5     0
6       A2 2015           1    11
7       A2 2015           2     0
8       A2 2015           3     0
9       A2 2015           4     0
10      A2 2015           5     0

If you really need it in wide form then we can do that in R using dcast in the reshape2 package:


dcast(s, item_id + year ~ day_of_year, value.var = "sales")



  item_id year  1 2 3 4 5
1      A1 2015 20 0 0 0 0
2      A2 2015 11 0 0 0 0

2) dplyr Note that as an alternative to the SQL statement this R code would compute s:


s2 <- expand.grid(item_id = unique(entry_daily$item_id), 
                  year = 2015, 
                  day_of_year = 1:5) %>%
    left_join(entry_daily) %>%
    group_by(item_id, year, day_of_year) %>%
    summarize(sales = sum(sales, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    arrange(item_id, year, day_of_year)



> s2
Joining by: c("item_id", "year", "day_of_year")
Source: local data frame [10 x 4]
Groups: item_id, year [?]

   item_id  year day_of_year sales
    (fctr) (dbl)       (int) (int)
1       A1  2015           1    20
2       A1  2015           2     0
3       A1  2015           3     0
4       A1  2015           4     0
5       A1  2015           5     0
6       A2  2015           1    11
7       A2  2015           2     0
8       A2  2015           3     0
9       A2  2015           4     0
10      A2  2015           5     0

Now optionally use the same dcast as in (1).




Solution 1. Simple query with an aggregate.

The simplest and fastest way to get the expected result. It is easy to parse the sales column within a client program.


select item, string_agg(coalesce(sales, 0)::text, ',') sales
from (
    select distinct item_id item, doy
    from generate_series (1, 10) doy  -- change 10 to given n
    cross join entry_daily
    ) sub
left join entry_daily on item_id = item and day_of_year = doy
group by 1
order by 1;

 item |        sales         
 A1   | 20,0,0,0,0,0,9,0,0,0
 A2   | 11,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
(2 rows)

Solution 2. Dynamically created view.

Based on the solution 1 with array_agg() instead of string_agg(). The function creates a view with a given number of columns.


create or replace function create_items_view(view_name text, days int)
returns void language plpgsql as $$
    list text;
    select string_agg(format('s[%s] "%s"', i::text, i::text), ',')
    into list
    from generate_series(1, days) i;

        drop view if exists %s;
        create view %s as select item, %s
        from (
            select item, array_agg(coalesce(sales, 0)) s
            from (
                select distinct item_id item, doy
                from generate_series (1, %s) doy
                cross join entry_daily
                ) sub
            left join entry_daily on item_id = item and day_of_year = doy
            group by 1
            order by 1
        ) q
        $f$, view_name, view_name, list, days)
end $$;



select create_items_view('items_view_10', 10);

select * from items_view_10;

 item | 1  | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
 A1   | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 0 |  0
 A2   | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |  0
(2 rows)

Solution 3. Crosstab.

Easy to use, but very uncomfortable with the greater number of columns due to the need to define the row format.


create extension if not exists tablefunc;

select * from crosstab (
    'select item_id, day_of_year, sales
    from entry_daily
    order by 1',
    'select i from generate_series (1, 10) i'
) as ct 
(item_id text, "1" int, "2" int, "3" int, "4" int, "5" int, "6" int, "7" int, "8" int, "9" int, "10" int);

 item_id | 1  | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
 A1      | 20 |   |   |   |   |   | 9 |   |   |   
 A2      | 11 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   
(2 rows)



First you need a table with all dates to fill the blank dates. 100 years of date mean 36,000 rows so no very big. Instead of calculate every time.

首先,您需要一个包含所有日期的表来填充空白日期。 100年的日期意味着36,000行所以不是很大。而不是每次都计算。




or created calculating the fields


doy = EXTRACT(DOY FROM s_date)
year = EXTRACT(YEAR FROM s_date)

Your base query will be SQL FIDDLE DEMO:


      COALESCE(SUM(ED.sales), 0) as max_sales
    (SELECT DISTINCT item_id
     FROM entry_daily 
    ) as allitems
CROSS JOIN alldates AD
LEFT JOIN entry_daily ED
       ON ED.day_of_year = AD.doy
      AND ED.year = AD.year  
      AND ED.item_id = allitems.item_id
WHERE AD.year = 2015
     AD.year, AD.doy, allitems.item_id
     AD.year, AD.doy, allitems.item_id

You will have this OUTPUT


| year | doy | item_id | max_sales |
| 2015 |   1 |      A1 |        20 |
| 2015 |   1 |      A2 |        11 |
| 2015 |   2 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |   2 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |   3 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |   3 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |   4 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |   4 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |   5 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |   5 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |   6 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |   6 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |   7 |      A1 |        39 |
| 2015 |   7 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |   8 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |   8 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |   9 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |   9 |      A2 |         0 |
| 2015 |  10 |      A1 |         0 |
| 2015 |  10 |      A2 |         0 |

Then you need install tablefunc


and use crosstab to pivot this table SAMPLE




Try this self-contained code where we have used 5 instead of 149 to keep the output short.


In (1) we use a single SQL statement, as required, to generate all the series producing a long form result. Normally in relational databases long form rather than wide form is used and this form may be preferable but in case not we follow this with a conversion to wide form using the reshape2 package.


In (2) we show how to replace the SQL statement with R code that uses the dplyr package.


1) PostgreSQL Regarding the SQL statement below, the innermost select generates a table 1, 2, ..., 5 whose column is day_of_year which is cross joined with entry_daily giving every combination of day_of_year with year and item and keeping only the distinct rows. This is then left joined with entry_daily to pick up the sales numbers which we sum over.


Assuming you have set up postgreSQL to work with SQL as in FAQ#12 on the sqldf home page ( https://github.com/ggrothendieck/sqldf ) the following should illustrate it and is self contained code that you can just copy and paste into your session.



# input data
entry_daily <- 
structure(list(day_of_year = c(1L, 1L, 7L), year = c(2015L, 2015L, 
2015L), sales = c(20L, 11L, 9L), item_id = structure(c(1L, 2L, 
1L), .Label = c("A1", "A2"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("day_of_year", 
"year", "sales", "item_id"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

s <- sqldf("select A.item_id, A.year, A.day_of_year, sum(coalesce(B.sales, 0)) sales
       from (select distinct x.day_of_year, y.year, y.item_id
             from (select * from generate_series(1, 5) as day_of_year) as x
                   cross join entry_daily as y) as A
       left join entry_daily as B
       on A.year = B.year and A.day_of_year = B.day_of_year and
          A.item_id = B.item_id
       where A.year = 2015
       group by A.item_id, A.year, A.day_of_year
       order by A.item_id, A.year, A.day_of_year")

The output of the above query is this data.frame:


> s
   item_id year day_of_year sales
1       A1 2015           1    20
2       A1 2015           2     0
3       A1 2015           3     0
4       A1 2015           4     0
5       A1 2015           5     0
6       A2 2015           1    11
7       A2 2015           2     0
8       A2 2015           3     0
9       A2 2015           4     0
10      A2 2015           5     0

If you really need it in wide form then we can do that in R using dcast in the reshape2 package:


dcast(s, item_id + year ~ day_of_year, value.var = "sales")



  item_id year  1 2 3 4 5
1      A1 2015 20 0 0 0 0
2      A2 2015 11 0 0 0 0

2) dplyr Note that as an alternative to the SQL statement this R code would compute s:


s2 <- expand.grid(item_id = unique(entry_daily$item_id), 
                  year = 2015, 
                  day_of_year = 1:5) %>%
    left_join(entry_daily) %>%
    group_by(item_id, year, day_of_year) %>%
    summarize(sales = sum(sales, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    arrange(item_id, year, day_of_year)



> s2
Joining by: c("item_id", "year", "day_of_year")
Source: local data frame [10 x 4]
Groups: item_id, year [?]

   item_id  year day_of_year sales
    (fctr) (dbl)       (int) (int)
1       A1  2015           1    20
2       A1  2015           2     0
3       A1  2015           3     0
4       A1  2015           4     0
5       A1  2015           5     0
6       A2  2015           1    11
7       A2  2015           2     0
8       A2  2015           3     0
9       A2  2015           4     0
10      A2  2015           5     0

Now optionally use the same dcast as in (1).
