
时间:2022-02-03 10:07:26

It's my belief that many people run into this problem: from a frontend JSP page, a user set up some criteria based on which a SQL is constructed and used to retrieve results from one or more database table(s). The issue is, this table grows by 1 mill per day and becomes gigantic.


I know there is not a definite answer to this question: how can we do to expedite this procedure? Indexing might be one (which I heard a lot but know little about), and another thing on my mind is to use some customized caching solution such as Gigaspace. Will Hibernate help in this case?


Anyone else wanna add their 2 cents?


Thanks a lot! John


2 个解决方案



Well erm yes you do need to index your database!


If you're not even indexing your database, then you probably need to start by reading a little bit about how to appropriately index your database.


Then, it shouldn't matter per se about the number of millions of rows in your database tables: the very raison d'etre of a decent database system is to cope with tables with millions of rows. But you will want to make sure is that the specification of which rows are actually retrieved from those millions is sensible and that the queries in question can go off appropriate indexes (e.g. because of parameters entered by the user to narrow them down). "Adding an index" isn't a magical panacea necessarily: you need to make sure that you have indexes added that are appropriate to how your queries end up looking by the time they hit the database.

然后,关于数据库表中数百万行的数据本身并不重要:一个体面的数据库系统的存在理由是应对具有数百万行的表。但是,您需要确保从数百万个实际检索哪些行的规范是明智的,并且所讨论的查询可能偏离适当的索引(例如,由于用户输入的参数以缩小它们)。 “添加索引”并不是一个神奇的灵丹妙药:您需要确保添加的索引适合于查询到达数据库时最终的查找方式。

I wouldn't personally go down the road of adding spurious caching and other layers of complexity until (a) you've actually ascertained that in practice that you need them and (b) you can actually ascertain that the layers you are adding will solve the problem that you want them to solve. If you haven't got round to indexing your database yet, then I would really start by just building a simple, appropriately optimised solution and take it from there.




An index is a must with that amount of data or even a faction of that! As far as any other answers goes it really depends on what you plan on doing with that amount of data because one strategy isn't going to cover all use-cases.




Well erm yes you do need to index your database!


If you're not even indexing your database, then you probably need to start by reading a little bit about how to appropriately index your database.


Then, it shouldn't matter per se about the number of millions of rows in your database tables: the very raison d'etre of a decent database system is to cope with tables with millions of rows. But you will want to make sure is that the specification of which rows are actually retrieved from those millions is sensible and that the queries in question can go off appropriate indexes (e.g. because of parameters entered by the user to narrow them down). "Adding an index" isn't a magical panacea necessarily: you need to make sure that you have indexes added that are appropriate to how your queries end up looking by the time they hit the database.

然后,关于数据库表中数百万行的数据本身并不重要:一个体面的数据库系统的存在理由是应对具有数百万行的表。但是,您需要确保从数百万个实际检索哪些行的规范是明智的,并且所讨论的查询可能偏离适当的索引(例如,由于用户输入的参数以缩小它们)。 “添加索引”并不是一个神奇的灵丹妙药:您需要确保添加的索引适合于查询到达数据库时最终的查找方式。

I wouldn't personally go down the road of adding spurious caching and other layers of complexity until (a) you've actually ascertained that in practice that you need them and (b) you can actually ascertain that the layers you are adding will solve the problem that you want them to solve. If you haven't got round to indexing your database yet, then I would really start by just building a simple, appropriately optimised solution and take it from there.




An index is a must with that amount of data or even a faction of that! As far as any other answers goes it really depends on what you plan on doing with that amount of data because one strategy isn't going to cover all use-cases.
