
时间:2022-12-10 09:43:55

I have an OSX Cocoa ARC project that handles thousands of images. In order to reduce the number of images, we scan the images to see if they are a uniform color, and if so, we discard the image and keep track of its color.

我有一个OSX Cocoa ARC项目,可以处理数以千计的图片。为了减少图像的数量,我们对图像进行扫描,看看它们是否是统一的颜色,如果是统一的颜色,我们丢弃图像并跟踪其颜色。

The code to get a solid color is:


- (NSColor *)getSolidColor:(NSImage *)image
NSBitmapImageRep* raw_img = [NSBitmapImageRep imageRepWithData:[image TIFFRepresentation]];

int Bpr = [raw_img bytesPerRow],spp = [raw_img samplesPerPixel];
unsigned char *data = [raw_img bitmapData];
int w = [raw_img pixelsWide],h = [raw_img pixelsHigh];

uint32_t mask = 0x00FFFFFF;
uint32_t color = *((uint32_t *)data) & mask;

    for( int y=0; y<h; y++ ) 
    unsigned char *p = data + Bpr*y;

        for( int x=0; x<w; x++ ) 
            if( color != (*((uint32_t *)p) & mask) )
                return( nil );
            p += spp;

    return( [raw_img colorAtX:0 y:0] );

(Some error checking removed for brevity - above code assumes 3 samples per pixel.)


The code that calls it is basically:


NSString *imageFile;
while( imageFile = [self getNextImageFile] )
NSImage *image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:imageFile];
    if( [image isValid] && [self getSolidColor:image] )
        [fileManager removeItemAtPath:imageFile error:nil];

The problem is that the application consumes an exraordinary amount of memory. When I run it in the profiler, it indicates that 90% of the memory used is being allocated by [NSImage TIFFRepresentation] (bolded above.)


i.e. The TIFFRepresentation data and NSBitmapImageRep are never freed even though they fall out of scope as soon as the function returns.


Why? And what should/can I do to force ARC to release those blocks?


With the 'old way' using non-ARC I would just put an autorelease pool inside the while loop for the images and that would take care of the problem. Is there such a concept with ARC?




(PS. NSZombies is NOT enabled.)

(PS. nszombie)未被启用。)

1 个解决方案



Autorelease pools are conceptually still available with ARC, you just can't use the NSAutoreleasePool class anymore.


Use the new @autoreleasepool keyword instead:


@autoreleasepool {
   //Do stuff that you previously would have wrapped in an NSAutoreleasePool...



Autorelease pools are conceptually still available with ARC, you just can't use the NSAutoreleasePool class anymore.


Use the new @autoreleasepool keyword instead:


@autoreleasepool {
   //Do stuff that you previously would have wrapped in an NSAutoreleasePool...