
时间:2020-11-29 09:11:41

A developer I know just showed me FubuMVC and there was some question whether or not we should attempt to use it on a real live project or not. The current design choice so far has been ASP.NET MVC.


What I'm interested in finding out is:


What are the core differences between ASP.NET MVC and FubuMVC?


What are the gains/loses with either framework?


Is FubuMVC ready for prime time?


Which of these two would you use on a new project?


4 个解决方案



@maz It depends what your application is going to do, its timeframe, its criticality, etc.


First, I'd encourage you to mess around with both. Neither is better or worse than the other overall, they are different and each have significant strengths and weaknesses that you should consider.


At this point, ASP.NET MVC is more mature and has had more testers and eyeballs looking at it. So if you are doing any sort of serious project (i.e. you're getting paid for it), I would encourage you, at this point, to use ASP.NET MVC as it's going to "ship" sooner and be more supported.

在这一点上,ASP。NET MVC更加成熟,已经有了更多的测试人员和关注者。因此,如果你正在做任何严肃的项目(例如,你得到了报酬),我鼓励你,在这一点上,使用ASP。NET MVC,因为它将会“发布”得更快,并且更受支持。

(UPDATE [26 Feb 2011]): FubuMVC is now being used by several companies and teams in mature, production apps that have had several major released versions based on FubuMVC. While the documentation is still lacking somewhat, the quality of the framework is now well established as production-worthy)


If you're starting a hobby project (i.e. personal blog, personal/family photo album, etc) then I'd invite you to pick up FubuMVC and start playing with it. Keep in mind that this point it's basically a hobby of mine, Jeremy's, and a few others so there's no guarantees on timeline, etc. It hasn't really been publicly announced (it's leaked out, for better or worse) so there hasn't been a flood of contributions yet. I'm hoping as it matures and we get to the first milestone then announce it to the wide, wide world, contributions will ramp up.


In the end, using either will likely encourage better development practices over, say, ASP.NET WebForms and getting familiar with the one will make it easier for you to pick up the other one rather quickly.

最后,使用任何一种方法都可能鼓励更好的开发实践,而不是使用ASP。NET WebForms和熟悉其中一个会让你更容易快速地找到另一个。

It really comes down to the criticality of the project you're working on, so choose responsibly.




It seems that the main difference is that FubuMVC implements the Front Controller pattern.


If ASP.NET MVC is not ready for prime time yet (it's in Beta), I would doubt that FubuMVC would be ready, since it's kind of a fork from the former.

如果ASP。NET MVC还没有为黄金时间做好准备(它还在Beta版中),我怀疑FubuMVC是否已经准备好了,因为它有点类似于前者。

The guys behind FubuMVC are quite good though, Chad Myers and Jeremy D. Miller are very respected among the community and very active members of ALT.NET. But so is Phill Haack, Scott Hanselman& Co, the guys behind ASP.NET MVC.

FubuMVC背后的人很不错,查德·迈尔斯和杰里米·d·米勒在社区中很受人尊敬,而且是ALT.NET的活跃成员。不过,ASP背后的菲尔·哈克(Phill Haack)、斯科特·汉瑟曼公司(Scott hanselman&co)也是如此。净MVC。

If you just want to get started I would recommend ASP.NET MVC because it has more people and resources behind it, and go for Fubu if you don't like what you see.

如果你只是想开始,我推荐ASP。NET MVC,因为它后面有更多的人和资源,如果你不喜欢你看到的,就去Fubu。



I haven't used Fubu Mvc but just looked at it. It's not finished but I might use it on partially rewriting an existing non-web winforms project. Asp.Net Mvc is for web projects only.

我还没有用过Fubu Mvc,只是看看而已。它还没有完成,但我可能会在部分重写现有的非web winforms项目时使用它。Asp。Net Mvc只适用于web项目。



Podcast link from Jan 13th Herding Code on FubuMVC




@maz It depends what your application is going to do, its timeframe, its criticality, etc.


First, I'd encourage you to mess around with both. Neither is better or worse than the other overall, they are different and each have significant strengths and weaknesses that you should consider.


At this point, ASP.NET MVC is more mature and has had more testers and eyeballs looking at it. So if you are doing any sort of serious project (i.e. you're getting paid for it), I would encourage you, at this point, to use ASP.NET MVC as it's going to "ship" sooner and be more supported.

在这一点上,ASP。NET MVC更加成熟,已经有了更多的测试人员和关注者。因此,如果你正在做任何严肃的项目(例如,你得到了报酬),我鼓励你,在这一点上,使用ASP。NET MVC,因为它将会“发布”得更快,并且更受支持。

(UPDATE [26 Feb 2011]): FubuMVC is now being used by several companies and teams in mature, production apps that have had several major released versions based on FubuMVC. While the documentation is still lacking somewhat, the quality of the framework is now well established as production-worthy)


If you're starting a hobby project (i.e. personal blog, personal/family photo album, etc) then I'd invite you to pick up FubuMVC and start playing with it. Keep in mind that this point it's basically a hobby of mine, Jeremy's, and a few others so there's no guarantees on timeline, etc. It hasn't really been publicly announced (it's leaked out, for better or worse) so there hasn't been a flood of contributions yet. I'm hoping as it matures and we get to the first milestone then announce it to the wide, wide world, contributions will ramp up.


In the end, using either will likely encourage better development practices over, say, ASP.NET WebForms and getting familiar with the one will make it easier for you to pick up the other one rather quickly.

最后,使用任何一种方法都可能鼓励更好的开发实践,而不是使用ASP。NET WebForms和熟悉其中一个会让你更容易快速地找到另一个。

It really comes down to the criticality of the project you're working on, so choose responsibly.




It seems that the main difference is that FubuMVC implements the Front Controller pattern.


If ASP.NET MVC is not ready for prime time yet (it's in Beta), I would doubt that FubuMVC would be ready, since it's kind of a fork from the former.

如果ASP。NET MVC还没有为黄金时间做好准备(它还在Beta版中),我怀疑FubuMVC是否已经准备好了,因为它有点类似于前者。

The guys behind FubuMVC are quite good though, Chad Myers and Jeremy D. Miller are very respected among the community and very active members of ALT.NET. But so is Phill Haack, Scott Hanselman& Co, the guys behind ASP.NET MVC.

FubuMVC背后的人很不错,查德·迈尔斯和杰里米·d·米勒在社区中很受人尊敬,而且是ALT.NET的活跃成员。不过,ASP背后的菲尔·哈克(Phill Haack)、斯科特·汉瑟曼公司(Scott hanselman&co)也是如此。净MVC。

If you just want to get started I would recommend ASP.NET MVC because it has more people and resources behind it, and go for Fubu if you don't like what you see.

如果你只是想开始,我推荐ASP。NET MVC,因为它后面有更多的人和资源,如果你不喜欢你看到的,就去Fubu。



I haven't used Fubu Mvc but just looked at it. It's not finished but I might use it on partially rewriting an existing non-web winforms project. Asp.Net Mvc is for web projects only.

我还没有用过Fubu Mvc,只是看看而已。它还没有完成,但我可能会在部分重写现有的非web winforms项目时使用它。Asp。Net Mvc只适用于web项目。



Podcast link from Jan 13th Herding Code on FubuMVC
