
时间:2023-02-12 08:46:44

I know an infinite loop to the unintended kind usually causes a high CPU usage. But, I don't quite understand why. Can anyone explain that to me?


4 个解决方案



The CPU cannot do anything else while it's executing that loop (which never ends). Even if you're using a pre-emptive multi-tasking system (so that infinite loop will only clog forever its own process or thread), the loop will "eat" its time slice each time the OS's pre-emptive scheduler hands it the CPU for the next slice -- doing nothing, but eating up one slice's worth of CPU time each and every time, so that much CPU is lost to all other threads which could otherwise be doing useful work.

CPU在执行该循环(永不结束)时无法执行任何其他操作。即使你正在使用一个先发制人的多任务系统(这样无限循环只会永远阻塞它自己的进程或线程),每次操作系统的先发制人调度程序交给它时,循环都会“吃掉”它的时间片。用于下一个切片的CPU - 什么都不做,但每次都吃掉一片片的CPU时间,这样就会给所有其他线程丢失很多CPU,否则这些线程可能会做有用​​的工作。



Infinite loops are no different than any other code running. The computer doesn't know that the infinite loop isn't a complicated calculation that just requires a lot of iterations.


Unless the infinite loop contains code that calls some system functions that yield time back to the OS, the OS treats it as a process that is actively working on something and gives it time to execute. If no other processes are running, it will eat up 100% of the CPU (on a single core system).




Infinite loops in themselves aren't a problem at all. Most applications that interact with a user are infinite loops. They repeatedly wait for user, act on it, and perform the cycle again. The operating system itself is an infinite loop. These kinds of infinite loop are said to be 'productive' because despite repeating something indefinitely, they periodically output something useful to the user.


I guess your concern is with unproductive infinite loops. But it's clear why these are a problem. They have all of the disadvantages of productive loops (consume power, use CPU time and so on) with none of the advantages ie. they don't produce anything useful.




You are probably referring to the Halt and Catch Fire instruction

你可能指的是Halt和Catch Fire指令



The CPU cannot do anything else while it's executing that loop (which never ends). Even if you're using a pre-emptive multi-tasking system (so that infinite loop will only clog forever its own process or thread), the loop will "eat" its time slice each time the OS's pre-emptive scheduler hands it the CPU for the next slice -- doing nothing, but eating up one slice's worth of CPU time each and every time, so that much CPU is lost to all other threads which could otherwise be doing useful work.

CPU在执行该循环(永不结束)时无法执行任何其他操作。即使你正在使用一个先发制人的多任务系统(这样无限循环只会永远阻塞它自己的进程或线程),每次操作系统的先发制人调度程序交给它时,循环都会“吃掉”它的时间片。用于下一个切片的CPU - 什么都不做,但每次都吃掉一片片的CPU时间,这样就会给所有其他线程丢失很多CPU,否则这些线程可能会做有用​​的工作。



Infinite loops are no different than any other code running. The computer doesn't know that the infinite loop isn't a complicated calculation that just requires a lot of iterations.


Unless the infinite loop contains code that calls some system functions that yield time back to the OS, the OS treats it as a process that is actively working on something and gives it time to execute. If no other processes are running, it will eat up 100% of the CPU (on a single core system).




Infinite loops in themselves aren't a problem at all. Most applications that interact with a user are infinite loops. They repeatedly wait for user, act on it, and perform the cycle again. The operating system itself is an infinite loop. These kinds of infinite loop are said to be 'productive' because despite repeating something indefinitely, they periodically output something useful to the user.


I guess your concern is with unproductive infinite loops. But it's clear why these are a problem. They have all of the disadvantages of productive loops (consume power, use CPU time and so on) with none of the advantages ie. they don't produce anything useful.




You are probably referring to the Halt and Catch Fire instruction

你可能指的是Halt和Catch Fire指令