Reporting Services Matrix中计算字段的小计错误

时间:2021-01-25 08:11:47

I've got a Reporting Services report that has two row groups: Category and SubCategory. For columns it has LastYearDataA, ThisYearDataA, LastYearDataB, ThisYearDataB.

我有一个Reporting Services报告,它有两个行组:Category和SubCategory。对于列,它具有LastYearDataA,ThisYearDataA,LastYearDataB,ThisYearDataB。

I added two columns (one for A and one for B) to handle an expression calculation (to show a percentage different from LastYear to ThisYear for each). That's working. The problem comes in the SubTotal for each category. The raw numbers are totaling correctly. If SubCat1 has 10//5 for LastYear/ThisYear A, and SubCat2 has 5//1, then I get 15/5 for the totals. But I get the percentage reported in the total column as "50%", matching SubCat1. Percentages for each Subcategory are being calculated correctly (according to my backup math, anyway). But the sub total % always matches the first SubCategory in the group. Is this impossible to do in Reporting Services 2005?

我添加了两列(一个用于A,一个用于B)来处理表达式计算(显示每个列的不同于LastYear到ThisYear的百分比)。那很有效。问题出现在每个类别的SubTotal中。原始数字总计正确。如果SubCat1对于LastYear / ThisYear A有10 // 5,而SubCat2有5 // 1,那么我得到15/5的总数。但我将总列中报告的百分比设为“50%”,与SubCat1相匹配。正确计算每个子类别的百分比(根据我的备份数学,无论如何)。但子总数%始终与组中的第一个SubCategory匹配。这在Reporting Services 2005中是不可能的吗?

2 个解决方案


Well, I never got to the bottom of this. I changed my sproc to return category totals and a grand total along with all the data. This is going to come up again, so I'll keep looking and maybe I'll discover why with more searching.



The solution is change the value of the detail field in the Matrix. So where you have:



Change it to:



When it's displaying a value in a normal row or column, I guess it just sums the one value, so it doesn't change it, but when it's in a subtotal column, it sums them like you wanted. Counter-intuitive I know. I had to search to figure it out too.



Well, I never got to the bottom of this. I changed my sproc to return category totals and a grand total along with all the data. This is going to come up again, so I'll keep looking and maybe I'll discover why with more searching.



The solution is change the value of the detail field in the Matrix. So where you have:



Change it to:



When it's displaying a value in a normal row or column, I guess it just sums the one value, so it doesn't change it, but when it's in a subtotal column, it sums them like you wanted. Counter-intuitive I know. I had to search to figure it out too.
