
时间:2021-11-11 11:19:03

Is it possible to generate Eclipse and Intellij project files for Android projects using Gradle?


In maven we would do mvn eclipse:eclipse and in PlayFramework we would do play eclipsify. Does Gradle have this feature for Android projects?

在maven中我们会做mvn eclipse:eclipse,在PlayFramework中我们会玩eclipsify。 Gradle是否为Android项目提供此功能?

I have installed Gradle (1.6) and Android SDK Manager (22.0.1) explained here

我已经安装了Gradle(1.6)和Android SDK Manager(22.0.1)

This is my build.gradle file:


buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
      classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.5.0'

apply plugin: 'android'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'

sourceCompatibility = 1.7
version = '1.0.2'

repositories {

dependencies {
  compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')

android {
    buildToolsVersion "17" 
    compileSdkVersion 8
    defaultConfig {
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
        minSdkVersion 7
        targetSdkVersion 8
    sourceSets {
        main {
              manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
              java.srcDirs = ['src']
              resources.srcDirs = ['src']
              aidl.srcDirs = ['src']
              renderscript.srcDirs = ['src']
              res.srcDirs = ['res']
              assets.srcDirs = ['assets']

And then I run the command:


gradle clean build cleanEclipse eclipse

It builds just fine, but when I import the project into Eclipse it looks like a normal java project.


Anyone know how to get Gradle to create Android specific Eclipse project files?


Is this a prioritized feature by Gradle?


-- UPDATE --

- 更新 -

I do believe this is an issue. So I have posted it to the Android Tools team issue #57668. Please star it for them to prioritize the issue :)

我相信这是一个问题。所以我已将其发布到Android Tools团队问题#57668。请明星为他们优先解决问题:)

-- UPDATE --

- 更新 -

It does not look like the Android Tools team are looking into this issue. So for now I have converted to Android Studio where I'm able to import my gradle project with dependencies via the IDE.

它看起来不像Android工具团队正在调查此问题。所以现在我已经转换到Android Studio,我可以通过IDE导入我的gradle项目与依赖项。

6 个解决方案



Gradle itself is a generic build tool, it is not created specifically for Android.


All the functionality is enabled using plug-ins. Traditionally, build plug-ins don't generate project structure. That's the job of project specific tools. The android plug-in for Gradle follows this.

使用插件启用所有功能。传统上,构建插件不会生成项目结构。这是项目特定工具的工作。 Gradle的android插件就是这样的。

The problem is that current android tool in SDK generates old type of project structure (ant builds). The new project structure can only be generated via Android Studio.

问题是SDK中的当前android工具生成旧类型的项目结构(ant构建)。新项目结构只能通过Android Studio生成。

There is a concept of archetypes in tools like Maven, which allow using project templates. Gradle does not support that yet (requests have been made for this feature).

在像Maven这样的工具中有一个原型概念,允许使用项目模板。 Gradle尚不支持(已针对此功能提出请求)。

Refer to this thread: http://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-1289 , some users have provided scripts to generate structure.


Build Initialization feature is in progress: https://github.com/gradle/gradle/blob/master/design-docs/build-initialisation.md


Hopefully some one can write a script to do that, refer to this guide for new project structure: http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/user-guide




There is now an official android IDE : Android Studio . It is based on Intellij and the new build system is Gradle based.

现在有一个官方的Android IDE:Android Studio。它基于Intellij,新的构建系统基于Gradle。



As answered in Issue 57668 by Android team (raised by @arcone)


Project Member #2 x...@android.com

项目成员#2 x ... @ android.com

The eclipse plugin is not compatible with the android plugin.


You will not be able to import an Android gradle project into Eclipse using the default Gradle support in Eclipse.

您将无法使用Eclipse中的默认Gradle支持将Android gradle项目导入Eclipse。

To make it work in Eclipse we will have to change the Gradle plugin for Eclipse, the same way we are modifying the Gradle support in IntelliJ


That is Android team is working on gradle plugin for IntelliJ and gradle plugin for Eclipse needs to be updated too.


What is possible with Eclipse now is


.1. import the project as general project




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


.2. Put 2 Eclipse . "dot" files into modules into /OpenSpritz-Android/app/src/main and /OpenSpritz-Android/lib/src/main

0.2。放2个Eclipse。将“dot”文件分成模块放入/ OpenSpritz -Android / app / src / main和/ OpenSpritz -Android / lib / src / main




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <classpathentry kind="src" path="java"/>
    <classpathentry kind="src" path="gen"/>
    <classpathentry kind="con" path="com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.ANDROID_FRAMEWORK"/>
    <classpathentry exported="true" kind="con" path="com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.LIBRARIES"/>
    <classpathentry exported="true" kind="con" path="com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.DEPENDENCIES"/>
    <classpathentry kind="output" path="bin/classes"/>

.3. Import as Existing Android Code into Workspace



you can then browse code in familiar way, but even after that you won't be able to run with Eclipse ADT.

然后,您可以以熟悉的方式浏览代码,但即使在此之后,您也无法使用Eclipse ADT运行。



Now you can run build and tasks with gradle CLI or Nodeclipse/Enide Gradle for Eclipse (marketplace)

现在,您可以使用gradle CLI或Nodeclipse / Enide Gradle for Eclipse(市场)运行构建和任务


discuss at https://github.com/Nodeclipse/nodeclipse-1/issues/148




The following worked for me


eclipse.classpath.plusConfigurations += configurations.compile

eclipse.classpath.file {
    beforeMerged { classpath ->
    classpath.entries.removeAll() { c -> 
        c.kind == 'src'

withXml {
    def node = it.asNode()

    node.appendNode('classpathentry kind="src" path="src/main/java"')
    node.appendNode('classpathentry kind="src" path="src/debug/java"')
    node.appendNode('classpathentry kind="src" path="gen"')

    node.children().removeAll() { c ->
        def path = c.attribute('path')
        path != null && (

eclipse.project {
   name = 'AndroidGradleBasic'

   natures 'com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AndroidNature'
   buildCommand 'com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.ResourceManagerBuilder'
   buildCommand 'com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.PreCompilerBuilder'
   buildCommand 'com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.ApkBuilder'

Source - http://blog.gouline.net/2013/11/02/new-build-system-for-android-with-eclipse/

来源 - http://blog.gouline.net/2013/11/02/new-build-system-for-android-with-eclipse/

Sample - https://github.com/krishnaraj/oneclipboard

示例 - https://github.com/krishnaraj/oneclipboard



There are four issues with the combination of the Gradle plugins 'com.android.application' and 'eclipse': First, the configuration classpaths are not added to Eclipse's classpath, but this is easy to fix. Second, something must be done about the .AAR-dependencies. This was a bit trickier. Third, we need to include the generated sources for things like R.java. Finally, we need to include Android.jar itself.


I was able to hack together a gradle configuration that would generate proper .classpath files for Eclipse from an Android Studio build.config. The effects were very satisfying to my CPU fan, which had been running constantly with Android Studio. Eclipse sees the resulting project as a fully functional Java project, but only that.

我能够破解一个gradle配置,它可以从Android Studio build.config为Eclipse生成正确的.classpath文件。我的CPU风扇效果非常令人满意,它一直在Android Studio上运行。 Eclipse将生成的项目视为一个功能齐全的Java项目,但仅限于此。

I ended up putting the following directly in build.gradle in my app-project:


apply plugin: 'eclipse'
eclipse {
    pathVariables 'GRADLE_HOME': gradle.gradleUserHomeDir, "ANDROID_HOME": android.sdkDirectory 
    classpath {
        plusConfigurations += [ configurations.compile, configurations.testCompile ]

        file {
            beforeMerged { classpath ->
                classpath.entries.add(new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder("src/main/java", "bin"))
                // Hardcoded to use debug configuration
                classpath.entries.add(new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder("build/generated/source/r/debug", "bin"))
                classpath.entries.add(new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder("build/generated/source/buildConfig/debug", "bin"))

            whenMerged { classpath ->
                def aars = []
                classpath.entries.each { dep ->
                    if (dep.path.toString().endsWith(".aar")) {
                        def explodedDir = new File(projectDir, "build/intermediates/exploded-aar/" + dep.moduleVersion.group + "/" + dep.moduleVersion.name + "/" + dep.moduleVersion.version + "/jars/")
                        if (explodedDir.exists()) {
                            explodedDir.eachFileRecurse(groovy.io.FileType.FILES) {
                                if (it.getName().endsWith("jar")) {
                                    def aarJar = new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.Library(fileReferenceFactory.fromFile(it))
                                    aarJar.sourcePath = dep.sourcePath
                        } else {
                            println "Warning: Missing " + explodedDir
                classpath.entries.removeAll { it.path.endsWith(".aar") }

                def androidJar = new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.Variable(
                    fileReferenceFactory.fromPath("ANDROID_HOME/platforms/" + android.compileSdkVersion + "/android.jar"))
                androidJar.sourcePath = fileReferenceFactory.fromPath("ANDROID_HOME/sources/" + android.compileSdkVersion) 

// We need build/generated/source/{r,buildConfig}/debug to be present before generating classpath
//  This also ensures that AARs are exploded 
eclipseClasspath.dependsOn "generateDebugSources"

// Bonus: start the app directly on the device with "gradle startDebug"
task startDebug(dependsOn: "installDebug") << {
    exec {
        executable = new File(android.sdkDirectory, 'platform-tools/adb')
        args = ['shell', 'am', 'start', '-n', android.defaultConfig.applicationId + '/.MainActivity']

Run gradle eclipse and you will have an Eclipse-project that can be imported and compiled. However, this project acts as a normal Java-project. In order to build the apk, I have to drop back to gradle command line and execute gradle installDebug. gradle processDebugResources picks up changes in Android XML files and regenerates the files under build/generated/source. I use the "monitor" program with Android SDK to view the app logs. I have so far not found any way to debug without Android Studio.

运行gradle eclipse,你将拥有一个可以导入和编译的Eclipse项目。但是,此项目充当普通的Java项目。为了构建apk,我必须回退到gradle命令行并执行gradle installDebug。 gradle processDebugResources获取Android XML文件中的更改并重新生成build / generated / source下的文件。我使用Android SDK的“监视器”程序来查看应用程序日志。到目前为止,我没有找到任何方法来调试没有Android Studio。

The only features I miss from Android Studio are debugging (but who has time for bugs!) and editing resources visually.

我想念Android Studio的唯一功能是调试(但是谁有时间查看错误!)并直观地编辑资源。



Maybe I'm missing something very obvious, but isn't the eclipse plugin what you're looking for? This generates a .project file as well as a .classpath file and updates these as needed when run subsequent times.


There is also an IDEA plugin, though I haven't used this one and can't speak to it.


Hope that helps.




I've created a new Gradle plugin that generates the appropriate Eclipse .project and .classpath files, based on the answer provided by Johannes Brodwall on this stack overflow.

我已经创建了一个新的Gradle插件,它根据Johannes Brodwall在此堆栈溢出时提供的答案生成相应的Eclipse .project和.classpath文件。

See https://github.com/greensopinion/gradle-android-eclipse for details.




Gradle itself is a generic build tool, it is not created specifically for Android.


All the functionality is enabled using plug-ins. Traditionally, build plug-ins don't generate project structure. That's the job of project specific tools. The android plug-in for Gradle follows this.

使用插件启用所有功能。传统上,构建插件不会生成项目结构。这是项目特定工具的工作。 Gradle的android插件就是这样的。

The problem is that current android tool in SDK generates old type of project structure (ant builds). The new project structure can only be generated via Android Studio.

问题是SDK中的当前android工具生成旧类型的项目结构(ant构建)。新项目结构只能通过Android Studio生成。

There is a concept of archetypes in tools like Maven, which allow using project templates. Gradle does not support that yet (requests have been made for this feature).

在像Maven这样的工具中有一个原型概念,允许使用项目模板。 Gradle尚不支持(已针对此功能提出请求)。

Refer to this thread: http://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-1289 , some users have provided scripts to generate structure.


Build Initialization feature is in progress: https://github.com/gradle/gradle/blob/master/design-docs/build-initialisation.md


Hopefully some one can write a script to do that, refer to this guide for new project structure: http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/user-guide




There is now an official android IDE : Android Studio . It is based on Intellij and the new build system is Gradle based.

现在有一个官方的Android IDE:Android Studio。它基于Intellij,新的构建系统基于Gradle。



As answered in Issue 57668 by Android team (raised by @arcone)


Project Member #2 x...@android.com

项目成员#2 x ... @ android.com

The eclipse plugin is not compatible with the android plugin.


You will not be able to import an Android gradle project into Eclipse using the default Gradle support in Eclipse.

您将无法使用Eclipse中的默认Gradle支持将Android gradle项目导入Eclipse。

To make it work in Eclipse we will have to change the Gradle plugin for Eclipse, the same way we are modifying the Gradle support in IntelliJ


That is Android team is working on gradle plugin for IntelliJ and gradle plugin for Eclipse needs to be updated too.


What is possible with Eclipse now is


.1. import the project as general project




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


.2. Put 2 Eclipse . "dot" files into modules into /OpenSpritz-Android/app/src/main and /OpenSpritz-Android/lib/src/main

0.2。放2个Eclipse。将“dot”文件分成模块放入/ OpenSpritz -Android / app / src / main和/ OpenSpritz -Android / lib / src / main




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <classpathentry kind="src" path="java"/>
    <classpathentry kind="src" path="gen"/>
    <classpathentry kind="con" path="com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.ANDROID_FRAMEWORK"/>
    <classpathentry exported="true" kind="con" path="com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.LIBRARIES"/>
    <classpathentry exported="true" kind="con" path="com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.DEPENDENCIES"/>
    <classpathentry kind="output" path="bin/classes"/>

.3. Import as Existing Android Code into Workspace



you can then browse code in familiar way, but even after that you won't be able to run with Eclipse ADT.

然后,您可以以熟悉的方式浏览代码,但即使在此之后,您也无法使用Eclipse ADT运行。



Now you can run build and tasks with gradle CLI or Nodeclipse/Enide Gradle for Eclipse (marketplace)

现在,您可以使用gradle CLI或Nodeclipse / Enide Gradle for Eclipse(市场)运行构建和任务


discuss at https://github.com/Nodeclipse/nodeclipse-1/issues/148




The following worked for me


eclipse.classpath.plusConfigurations += configurations.compile

eclipse.classpath.file {
    beforeMerged { classpath ->
    classpath.entries.removeAll() { c -> 
        c.kind == 'src'

withXml {
    def node = it.asNode()

    node.appendNode('classpathentry kind="src" path="src/main/java"')
    node.appendNode('classpathentry kind="src" path="src/debug/java"')
    node.appendNode('classpathentry kind="src" path="gen"')

    node.children().removeAll() { c ->
        def path = c.attribute('path')
        path != null && (

eclipse.project {
   name = 'AndroidGradleBasic'

   natures 'com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AndroidNature'
   buildCommand 'com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.ResourceManagerBuilder'
   buildCommand 'com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.PreCompilerBuilder'
   buildCommand 'com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.ApkBuilder'

Source - http://blog.gouline.net/2013/11/02/new-build-system-for-android-with-eclipse/

来源 - http://blog.gouline.net/2013/11/02/new-build-system-for-android-with-eclipse/

Sample - https://github.com/krishnaraj/oneclipboard

示例 - https://github.com/krishnaraj/oneclipboard



There are four issues with the combination of the Gradle plugins 'com.android.application' and 'eclipse': First, the configuration classpaths are not added to Eclipse's classpath, but this is easy to fix. Second, something must be done about the .AAR-dependencies. This was a bit trickier. Third, we need to include the generated sources for things like R.java. Finally, we need to include Android.jar itself.


I was able to hack together a gradle configuration that would generate proper .classpath files for Eclipse from an Android Studio build.config. The effects were very satisfying to my CPU fan, which had been running constantly with Android Studio. Eclipse sees the resulting project as a fully functional Java project, but only that.

我能够破解一个gradle配置,它可以从Android Studio build.config为Eclipse生成正确的.classpath文件。我的CPU风扇效果非常令人满意,它一直在Android Studio上运行。 Eclipse将生成的项目视为一个功能齐全的Java项目,但仅限于此。

I ended up putting the following directly in build.gradle in my app-project:


apply plugin: 'eclipse'
eclipse {
    pathVariables 'GRADLE_HOME': gradle.gradleUserHomeDir, "ANDROID_HOME": android.sdkDirectory 
    classpath {
        plusConfigurations += [ configurations.compile, configurations.testCompile ]

        file {
            beforeMerged { classpath ->
                classpath.entries.add(new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder("src/main/java", "bin"))
                // Hardcoded to use debug configuration
                classpath.entries.add(new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder("build/generated/source/r/debug", "bin"))
                classpath.entries.add(new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder("build/generated/source/buildConfig/debug", "bin"))

            whenMerged { classpath ->
                def aars = []
                classpath.entries.each { dep ->
                    if (dep.path.toString().endsWith(".aar")) {
                        def explodedDir = new File(projectDir, "build/intermediates/exploded-aar/" + dep.moduleVersion.group + "/" + dep.moduleVersion.name + "/" + dep.moduleVersion.version + "/jars/")
                        if (explodedDir.exists()) {
                            explodedDir.eachFileRecurse(groovy.io.FileType.FILES) {
                                if (it.getName().endsWith("jar")) {
                                    def aarJar = new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.Library(fileReferenceFactory.fromFile(it))
                                    aarJar.sourcePath = dep.sourcePath
                        } else {
                            println "Warning: Missing " + explodedDir
                classpath.entries.removeAll { it.path.endsWith(".aar") }

                def androidJar = new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.Variable(
                    fileReferenceFactory.fromPath("ANDROID_HOME/platforms/" + android.compileSdkVersion + "/android.jar"))
                androidJar.sourcePath = fileReferenceFactory.fromPath("ANDROID_HOME/sources/" + android.compileSdkVersion) 

// We need build/generated/source/{r,buildConfig}/debug to be present before generating classpath
//  This also ensures that AARs are exploded 
eclipseClasspath.dependsOn "generateDebugSources"

// Bonus: start the app directly on the device with "gradle startDebug"
task startDebug(dependsOn: "installDebug") << {
    exec {
        executable = new File(android.sdkDirectory, 'platform-tools/adb')
        args = ['shell', 'am', 'start', '-n', android.defaultConfig.applicationId + '/.MainActivity']

Run gradle eclipse and you will have an Eclipse-project that can be imported and compiled. However, this project acts as a normal Java-project. In order to build the apk, I have to drop back to gradle command line and execute gradle installDebug. gradle processDebugResources picks up changes in Android XML files and regenerates the files under build/generated/source. I use the "monitor" program with Android SDK to view the app logs. I have so far not found any way to debug without Android Studio.

运行gradle eclipse,你将拥有一个可以导入和编译的Eclipse项目。但是,此项目充当普通的Java项目。为了构建apk,我必须回退到gradle命令行并执行gradle installDebug。 gradle processDebugResources获取Android XML文件中的更改并重新生成build / generated / source下的文件。我使用Android SDK的“监视器”程序来查看应用程序日志。到目前为止,我没有找到任何方法来调试没有Android Studio。

The only features I miss from Android Studio are debugging (but who has time for bugs!) and editing resources visually.

我想念Android Studio的唯一功能是调试(但是谁有时间查看错误!)并直观地编辑资源。



Maybe I'm missing something very obvious, but isn't the eclipse plugin what you're looking for? This generates a .project file as well as a .classpath file and updates these as needed when run subsequent times.


There is also an IDEA plugin, though I haven't used this one and can't speak to it.


Hope that helps.




I've created a new Gradle plugin that generates the appropriate Eclipse .project and .classpath files, based on the answer provided by Johannes Brodwall on this stack overflow.

我已经创建了一个新的Gradle插件,它根据Johannes Brodwall在此堆栈溢出时提供的答案生成相应的Eclipse .project和.classpath文件。

See https://github.com/greensopinion/gradle-android-eclipse for details.
