
时间:2021-07-17 11:04:15

I coded up 4 .java files. The thing is that I can only execute my .java files from my IDE, how do I execute the .class files like an application? I study at uni, and I was told that Java is platform independent. Any tutorial/book recommendations would be highly appreciated.



8 个解决方案


The basic idea (to give you some things to search for) is:


  • Bundle your compiled .class files into a 'jar'.
  • 将已编译的.class文件捆绑到“jar”中。

  • Add a manifest to your jar specifying a main class to run.
  • 向jar中添加一个清单,指定要运行的主类。

You might find your IDE already creates this when you run a 'clean build'. Netbeans puts this into a 'dist' folder.

当您运行“干净构建”时,您可能会发现IDE已经创建了这个。 Netbeans将其放入'dist'文件夹中。

Modern JREs will allow you to run the jar by double clicking it etc.


You can also go a bit further by wrapping the jar in a native executable using a tool such as JSmooth.



Look at executable jar. Here is the precise one, without any details, Creating executable jar files.



What IDE are you using?


Depending on the IDE, some support Export features that will create the .jar executable for you. For example, in Eclipse, you've got that option. Plus there are additional plug-ins for Eclipse, such as Fat-Jar, that will include any additional libs you include that aren't part of Sun's standard libs.



Java files have to run through the Java Virtual Machine, so you can run your class files from the command line.


If you have a file called filename.java you compile it to filename.class and then you can run it from a command line by typing java filename

如果您有一个名为filename.java的文件,则将其编译为filename.class,然后您可以通过键入java filename从命令行运行它


If you want to distribute your application on Windows, look into JSmooth.



JNLP/Web Start


"The basic idea (to give you some things to search for) is:


Bundle your compiled .class files into a 'jar'. Add a manifest to your jar specifying a main class to run. You might find your IDE already creates this when you run a 'clean build'. Netbeans puts this into a 'dist' folder." (by Cogsy)

将已编译的.class文件捆绑到“jar”中。向jar中添加一个清单,指定要运行的主类。当您运行“干净构建”时,您可能会发现IDE已经创建了这个。 Netbeans把它放到'dist'文件夹中。“(由Cogsy提供)

Plus to achieve this you can either choose:


Depending on the IDE, some support Export features that will create the .jar executable for you. For example, in Eclipse, you've got that option. Plus there are additional plug-ins for Eclipse, such as Fat-Jar, that will include any additional libs you include that aren't part of Sun's standard libs. (by kchau)

根据IDE,某些支持导出功能将为您创建.jar可执行文件。例如,在Eclipse中,您有这个选项。此外,Eclipse还有其他插件,例如Fat-Jar,它将包含您包含的任何其他不属于Sun标准库的库。 (由kchau)

Or if you going to to serious stuff, opt for a build script like Ant or Maven. Here's an example of an Ant build.xml script:

或者,如果你想要认真的东西,选择像Ant或Maven这样的构建脚本。以下是Ant build.xml脚本的示例:

<project name="jar with libs" default="compile and build" basedir=".">
    <!-- this is used at compile time -->
    <path id="example-classpath">
        <pathelement location="${root-dir}" />
        <fileset dir="D:/LIC/xalan-j_2_7_1" includes="*.jar" />

    <target name="compile and build">
        <!-- deletes previously created jar -->
        <delete file="test.jar" />

        <!-- compile your code and drop .class into "bin" directory -->
        <javac srcdir="${basedir}" destdir="bin" debug="true" deprecation="on">
            <!-- this is telling the compiler where are the dependencies -->
            <classpath refid="example-classpath" />

        <!-- copy the JARs that you need to "bin" directory  -->
        <copy todir="bin">
            <fileset dir="D:/LIC/xalan-j_2_7_1" includes="*.jar" />

        <!-- creates your jar with the contents inside "bin" (now with your .class and .jar dependencies) -->
        <jar destfile="test.jar" basedir="bin" duplicate="preserve">
                <!-- Who is building this jar? -->
                <attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}" />
                <!-- Information about the program itself -->
                <attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="ACME inc." />
                <attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="GreatProduct" />
                <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="1.0.0beta2" />
                <!-- this tells which class should run when executing your jar -->
                <attribute name="Main-class" value="ApplyXPath" />


Just get out of the IDE and familiarise yourself with the command line tools. The java tutorial has a trail on the subject here (pick the Windows or Solaris/Linux section).

只需离开IDE并熟悉命令行工具即可。 java教程在这里有一个关于这个主题的踪迹(选择Windows或Solaris / Linux部分)。


The basic idea (to give you some things to search for) is:


  • Bundle your compiled .class files into a 'jar'.
  • 将已编译的.class文件捆绑到“jar”中。

  • Add a manifest to your jar specifying a main class to run.
  • 向jar中添加一个清单,指定要运行的主类。

You might find your IDE already creates this when you run a 'clean build'. Netbeans puts this into a 'dist' folder.

当您运行“干净构建”时,您可能会发现IDE已经创建了这个。 Netbeans将其放入'dist'文件夹中。

Modern JREs will allow you to run the jar by double clicking it etc.


You can also go a bit further by wrapping the jar in a native executable using a tool such as JSmooth.



Look at executable jar. Here is the precise one, without any details, Creating executable jar files.



What IDE are you using?


Depending on the IDE, some support Export features that will create the .jar executable for you. For example, in Eclipse, you've got that option. Plus there are additional plug-ins for Eclipse, such as Fat-Jar, that will include any additional libs you include that aren't part of Sun's standard libs.



Java files have to run through the Java Virtual Machine, so you can run your class files from the command line.


If you have a file called filename.java you compile it to filename.class and then you can run it from a command line by typing java filename

如果您有一个名为filename.java的文件,则将其编译为filename.class,然后您可以通过键入java filename从命令行运行它


If you want to distribute your application on Windows, look into JSmooth.



JNLP/Web Start


"The basic idea (to give you some things to search for) is:


Bundle your compiled .class files into a 'jar'. Add a manifest to your jar specifying a main class to run. You might find your IDE already creates this when you run a 'clean build'. Netbeans puts this into a 'dist' folder." (by Cogsy)

将已编译的.class文件捆绑到“jar”中。向jar中添加一个清单,指定要运行的主类。当您运行“干净构建”时,您可能会发现IDE已经创建了这个。 Netbeans把它放到'dist'文件夹中。“(由Cogsy提供)

Plus to achieve this you can either choose:


Depending on the IDE, some support Export features that will create the .jar executable for you. For example, in Eclipse, you've got that option. Plus there are additional plug-ins for Eclipse, such as Fat-Jar, that will include any additional libs you include that aren't part of Sun's standard libs. (by kchau)

根据IDE,某些支持导出功能将为您创建.jar可执行文件。例如,在Eclipse中,您有这个选项。此外,Eclipse还有其他插件,例如Fat-Jar,它将包含您包含的任何其他不属于Sun标准库的库。 (由kchau)

Or if you going to to serious stuff, opt for a build script like Ant or Maven. Here's an example of an Ant build.xml script:

或者,如果你想要认真的东西,选择像Ant或Maven这样的构建脚本。以下是Ant build.xml脚本的示例:

<project name="jar with libs" default="compile and build" basedir=".">
    <!-- this is used at compile time -->
    <path id="example-classpath">
        <pathelement location="${root-dir}" />
        <fileset dir="D:/LIC/xalan-j_2_7_1" includes="*.jar" />

    <target name="compile and build">
        <!-- deletes previously created jar -->
        <delete file="test.jar" />

        <!-- compile your code and drop .class into "bin" directory -->
        <javac srcdir="${basedir}" destdir="bin" debug="true" deprecation="on">
            <!-- this is telling the compiler where are the dependencies -->
            <classpath refid="example-classpath" />

        <!-- copy the JARs that you need to "bin" directory  -->
        <copy todir="bin">
            <fileset dir="D:/LIC/xalan-j_2_7_1" includes="*.jar" />

        <!-- creates your jar with the contents inside "bin" (now with your .class and .jar dependencies) -->
        <jar destfile="test.jar" basedir="bin" duplicate="preserve">
                <!-- Who is building this jar? -->
                <attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}" />
                <!-- Information about the program itself -->
                <attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="ACME inc." />
                <attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="GreatProduct" />
                <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="1.0.0beta2" />
                <!-- this tells which class should run when executing your jar -->
                <attribute name="Main-class" value="ApplyXPath" />


Just get out of the IDE and familiarise yourself with the command line tools. The java tutorial has a trail on the subject here (pick the Windows or Solaris/Linux section).

只需离开IDE并熟悉命令行工具即可。 java教程在这里有一个关于这个主题的踪迹(选择Windows或Solaris / Linux部分)。