扩展项目模板未出现在Xcode 6中

时间:2022-03-15 10:35:49

I'm not sure if I am the only one experiencing this program, but I have tried searching and have not been able to find anyone in my current situation. I downloaded Xcode 6 beta and was interested in Extension programming for iOS 8. However, I have been unable to locate the extensions in my project templates when creating a new project in Xcode, I saw a YouTube video (unrelated to extension programming) but I did notice that the option was not there for the said video. Now, I have had a look through the contents of the Xcode 6 beta package and have been able to locate the actual templates themselves, so I have no doubt they are present, it just seems that they are not actually being loaded.

我不确定我是否是唯一一个遇到这个程序的人,但我一直在尝试搜索,但在我目前的情况下找不到任何人。我下载了Xcode 6 beta并对iOS 8的扩展编程感兴趣。但是,在Xcode中创建新项目时,我无法在项目模板中找到扩展,我看到了一个YouTube视频(与扩展编程无关)但我确实注意到该视频没有选项。现在,我已经浏览了Xcode 6 beta包的内容,并且能够自己找到实际的模板,所以我毫不怀疑它们存在,它们似乎实际上并没有被加载。

For the record, I also downloaded some example custom keyboard code from GitHub in order to see whether Xcode will recognise it and it does, going as far as actually displaying the 'E' icon beside the build target. I should also mention that I do have a build of Xcode 5 also present on my machine.

为了记录,我还从GitHub下载了一些示例自定义键盘代码,以便查看Xcode是否会识别它,并且实际显示构建目标旁边的“E”图标。我还要提一下,我的机器上也有一个Xcode 5的版本。

Is anyone else experiencing this issue, or does anyone know how to overcome it?




2 个解决方案



You create a extension by creating a new target in an existing project.


扩展项目模板未出现在Xcode 6中

Check this link for more information




I had the same problem. The solution was to not try to add the extension in File/new/File... menu but in File/new/Target... menu.

我有同样的问题。解决方案是不尝试在File / new / File ...菜单中添加扩展名,而是在File / new / Target ...菜单中。

You can add extension to any existing project.




You create a extension by creating a new target in an existing project.


扩展项目模板未出现在Xcode 6中

Check this link for more information




I had the same problem. The solution was to not try to add the extension in File/new/File... menu but in File/new/Target... menu.

我有同样的问题。解决方案是不尝试在File / new / File ...菜单中添加扩展名,而是在File / new / Target ...菜单中。

You can add extension to any existing project.
