WCF学习系列四--【WCF Interview Questions – Part 4 翻译系列】

时间:2022-12-12 05:07:58

WCF Interview Questions – Part 4


This WCF service tutorial is part-4 in series of WCF Interview Questions. Before reading this please go through the following articles in this series.


  1. WCF Service Interview Questions – Part 1
  2. WCF Service Interview Questions – Part 2
  3. WCF Service Interview Questions – Part 3

WCF Interview Questions List – Part 4

  1. What is SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and how WCF supports it?【什么是SOA(面向服务的架构),WCF是怎样支持它的。】
  2. What is ESB in SOA environment?【SOA环境中,什么是ESB】
  3. What is Transaction Propagation? And how WCF support it?【什么是事务传播,WCF是怎么支持它的?】
  4. Does all WCF bindings support for Transaction Propagation?【是不是所有的WCF绑定都支持事务传播?】
  5. What are the various Transaction Flow Options available in WCF?【WCF中可用的各种事务流选项是什么?】
  6. What is two-phase committed protocol?【什么是Two-Phase提交协议?】
  7. What is the role of transaction manager in WCF?【WCF中,事务管理器的作用是什么?】
  8. What are the supported transaction types in WCF?【WCF支持哪些事务类型?】
  9. How to enable the Performance Counters in WCF?【如何启用WCF的性能计数器?】

What is SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and how WCF supports it?【什么是SOA(面向服务的架构),WCF是怎样支持它的。】

SOA is basically an architectural model that dictates few principles for building business applications in the form of independent, loosely coupled and interoperable services. These services are well defined, self-contained and can work together to achieve certain business functionality without depending on context or state of other services.WCF学习系列四--【WCF Interview Questions – Part 4 翻译系列】


WCF supports almost all those principles dictated by Service Oriented Architecture for developing services; those are independent, loosely coupled and interoperable also. Please visit for detailed discussion on WCF and SOA.
WCF几乎支持所有面向服务架构的原则,用来开发服务。他们是独立的,松耦合的,同样也是可互操作的,想要了解更多详细的讨论,请看WCF and SOA.

What is ESB in SOA environment?【SOA环境中,什么是ESB】

In Service Oriented Architecture environment, ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) acts as a single interface for all messaging between applications and services in a loosely coupled manner. ESB is capable to call and subscribe different service provider’s methods and subscriptions respectively.


WCF学习系列四--【WCF Interview Questions – Part 4 翻译系列】

What is Transaction Propagation? And how WCF support it?【什么是事务传播,WCF是怎么支持它的?】

Transaction propagation is the ability to propagate transaction across the boundaries of a single service. Or in other words, we can say that a service can participate in a transaction that is initiated by a client.
In a SOA environment, transaction propagation becomes a key requirement. As we know that WCF supports SOA, so it provides support for transaction propagation as well.

To enable transaction propagation, we need to set the value of TransactionFlow property of the binding being used. This can be done programmatically as follows:

为了启动事务传播,我们需要设置所绑定的TransactionFlow 属性值,下面是具体的做法:

  WSHttpBinding bindingBeingUsed = new WSHttpBinding();
  bindingBeingUsed.TransactionFlow = “true”;

Or It can be done declaratively by updating configuration file as follows:


               <binding name=”binding1”
                                   transactionFlow=”true” />

Default value for TransactionFlow property is “False”.【默认的TransactionFlow 属性值是false】

Does all WCF bindings support for Transaction Propagation? 【是不是所有的WCF绑定都支持事务传播?】

No. Not all WCF bindings support transaction propagation. Only following list of bindings support for it.


  • wsHttpBinding
  • netTcpBinding
  • netNamedPipeBinding
  • wsDualHttpBinding
  • wsFederationHttpBinding

What are the various Transaction Flow Options available in WCF?【WCF中可用的各种事务流选项是什么?】

If a service is configured for Transaction Propagation, WCF further supports various options for service methods to be part of any transaction initiated outside service boundaries.


  • NotAllowed Transaction Propagation is not allowed for particular service method. Its default value.
       NotAllowed 不允许应用于特别的服务方法,这是默认值。
  • Allowed Transaction Propagation is allowed but not compulsory.
        Allowed ,允许,但不是强制的。
  • Mandatory Transaction Propagation is compulsory for that service method.
       Mandatory 强制的,对于服务方法来说是强制的

For example, Transaction Propagation is mandatory for CreditAccount service method in following code snippet.


   interface IPaymentService
              void CreditAccount(….);

What is two-phase committed protocol?【什么是Two-Phase提交协议?】

In a distributed transaction scenario, two-phase committed protocol is an algorithm that ensures all the participating processes in a distributed transaction are ready to be committed or roll backed.

在分布式的场景中,two-phase committed protocol是一种算法,它确保所有的流程参与到分布式的提交或者回滚中。

This is done in two phases:

  1. Prepare Phase
  2. Commit phaseWCF学习系列四--【WCF Interview Questions – Part 4 翻译系列】

What is the role of transaction manager in WCF? 【WCF中,事务管理器的作用是什么?】

Transaction manager while sitting on client side, initiate the transaction and coordinates with all the processes that participate in a distributed transaction to commit or roll back.


WCF学习系列四--【WCF Interview Questions – Part 4 翻译系列】

What are the supported transaction types in WCF?【WCF支持哪些事务类型?】

Supported transaction types in WCF are:【WCF支持的事务类型有:】

  • Light Weight【轻量级的】
  • OLE Transactions【OLE事务】
  • WS-Atomic Transactions【WS-Atomic事务】

How to enable the Performance Counters in WCF?【如何启用WCF的性能计数器?】

Simple way to enable Performance Counters supported by WCF is as follows:


                 <diagnostics performanceCounters = “All” />

Above configuration setting will enable all categories of counters including ServiceModelService, ServiceModelEndpoint and ServiceModelOperation. Default value for it is “Off”.

上面的设置,将会启动所有种类的计数器,包括:ServiceModelService,ServiceModelEndpoint 和ServiceModelOperation,默认它的值是OFF。