如何在asp.net mvc中创建消息框?

时间:2022-10-21 04:14:20

I've been trying to do a messagebox in a controller in asp.net mvc, but every time I type MessageBox or MsgBox it doesn't give me the option to import a namespace...

我一直在尝试在asp.net mvc中的控制器中做一个消息框,但每次我输入MessageBox或MsgBox时它都没有给我导入命名空间的选项......

What can I use that would be similar to a MessageBox?


4 个解决方案


Message box can be shown using Javascript, you can write your own HtmlHelper for this or have a partial which takes the message as input and diplays it, in this way you can reuse your partial



the MessageBox functionality is provided by the System.Windows library which is not available in the ASP.NET MVC context, since your site is running within a browser.

MessageBox功能由System.Windows库提供,由于您的站点在浏览器中运行,因此ASP.NET MVC上下文中不提供该功能。

Instead, you should use a javascript library to show a message box.


You could use the following in order to display a message box


alert('Hi there')


you could render out a script tag as a actionresult that has


alert('{0}'); where the placeholder is you message

警报( '{0}');占位符是你的消息


I suggest using the jQuery UI dialog. It's incredibly easy to use, very powerful, and really easy to style.

我建议使用jQuery UI对话框。它非常易于使用,非常强大,而且非常容易打造。


Message box can be shown using Javascript, you can write your own HtmlHelper for this or have a partial which takes the message as input and diplays it, in this way you can reuse your partial



the MessageBox functionality is provided by the System.Windows library which is not available in the ASP.NET MVC context, since your site is running within a browser.

MessageBox功能由System.Windows库提供,由于您的站点在浏览器中运行,因此ASP.NET MVC上下文中不提供该功能。

Instead, you should use a javascript library to show a message box.


You could use the following in order to display a message box


alert('Hi there')


you could render out a script tag as a actionresult that has


alert('{0}'); where the placeholder is you message

警报( '{0}');占位符是你的消息


I suggest using the jQuery UI dialog. It's incredibly easy to use, very powerful, and really easy to style.

我建议使用jQuery UI对话框。它非常易于使用,非常强大,而且非常容易打造。