添加非强制外键到SQL Server 2008数据库是否会影响性能?

时间:2021-12-01 04:06:40

I'm working with a database and I want to start using LINQ To SQL with it. The database doesn't have any FKs inside of it right now for performance reasons. We are inserting millions of rows at a time to the DB which is why there aren't any FKs.

我正在使用数据库,我想开始使用LINQ To SQL。由于性能原因,数据库现在没有任何FK。我们一次向数据库插入数百万行,这就是为什么没有任何FK。

So I'm thinking I'm going to add nonenforced FKs to the database to describe the relationships between the tables for my LINQ To SQL but I don't want there to be a performance hit by adding nonenforced foreign keys.

所以我想我要在数据库中添加非强制FK来描述我的LINQ To SQL表之间的关系,但我不希望通过添加非强制外键来降低性能。

Does anyone know what the effect of this might be?


Update: I'm using LINQ-To-SQL for the nonperformance intesive stuff. 80% of the data access is through stored procs on production. But for writing unit tests and other non performance critical tasks, LINQ-To-SQL makes data access really easy.

更新:我正在使用LINQ-To-SQL来处理非性能的东西。 80%的数据访问是通过生产中的存储过程进行的。但是,对于编写单元测试和其他非性能关键任务,LINQ-To-SQL使数据访问变得非常容易。

Update: Here is how you add a nonenforced FK






4 个解决方案


The answer can be different for different environments (data/logs on same drive, tempdb on same drive, lots of cache vs little, etc) so the best way to find this out is to benchmark. Create two identical databases, one with fk's and one without. Do your normal million-row-load into each database, and measure your transactions per second. That way you'll know for sure in your own environment.



Foreign keys will create non-clustered indexes in your table, which will improve performance of joins on foreign keys.


Extra indexes will decrease the performance of your insert/update/delete/merge statements and will increase table sizes.

额外的索引会降低insert / update / delete / merge语句的性能,并会增加表的大小。


Even when created with NOT FOR REPLICATION the indexes are still present and SQL Server will need to maintain them.

即使使用NOT FOR REPLICATION创建索引仍然存在,SQL Server将需要维护它们。

In your case I would either: - use foreign keys and take performance hit or - not use foreign keys in production (goodbye data integrity) and run my tests against a copy of production database for which I would create foreign keys.

在你的情况下,我会: - 使用外键并获得性能命中或 - 不在生产中使用外键(再见数据完整性)并对我将创建外键的生产数据库副本运行我的测试。


It may have some impact, especially at those volumes.
However I would test this on a similiar system first, so you can measure the impact, if any.


To be honest though, I would probably use hand written stored procedures for this, so you can optimize them as required, instead of using LINQ to SQL.

说实话,我可能会使用手写的存储过程,因此您可以根据需要优化它们,而不是使用LINQ to SQL。


I realize this is an old question, but I want to comment on how bad a practice it is to create a FK that is not enforced on existing data. If in fact there is a need for a foreign key, you need to fix any bad data before adding the foreign key (which should have been added at design time) not try to ignore it. All you are doing is masking your very serious data integrity problem by refusing to notice it and do something about it. There is the occasional need to do this due to changed requirements, but it should not be considered as a first choice of techniques when adding a foreign key to a table that has data. Finding and fixing the bad data should be.


Data that has no relationship to the PK is useless. If I had a order table with a customer id that no longer existed in the customer table, how would I know who ordered the product? Of course this is why the FKs should have been enforced from the beginning whether you did million row inserts or not. I do multi-million row inserts through SSIS on a daily basis to many many tables that have foreign keys, to use this as a reason for not setting them up in the first place indicates a lack of understanding of database design. Sacrificing your data integrity to speed is ALWAYS a poor idea. Without data integrity, your database is unreliable and therfore useless.



The answer can be different for different environments (data/logs on same drive, tempdb on same drive, lots of cache vs little, etc) so the best way to find this out is to benchmark. Create two identical databases, one with fk's and one without. Do your normal million-row-load into each database, and measure your transactions per second. That way you'll know for sure in your own environment.



Foreign keys will create non-clustered indexes in your table, which will improve performance of joins on foreign keys.


Extra indexes will decrease the performance of your insert/update/delete/merge statements and will increase table sizes.

额外的索引会降低insert / update / delete / merge语句的性能,并会增加表的大小。


Even when created with NOT FOR REPLICATION the indexes are still present and SQL Server will need to maintain them.

即使使用NOT FOR REPLICATION创建索引仍然存在,SQL Server将需要维护它们。

In your case I would either: - use foreign keys and take performance hit or - not use foreign keys in production (goodbye data integrity) and run my tests against a copy of production database for which I would create foreign keys.

在你的情况下,我会: - 使用外键并获得性能命中或 - 不在生产中使用外键(再见数据完整性)并对我将创建外键的生产数据库副本运行我的测试。


It may have some impact, especially at those volumes.
However I would test this on a similiar system first, so you can measure the impact, if any.


To be honest though, I would probably use hand written stored procedures for this, so you can optimize them as required, instead of using LINQ to SQL.

说实话,我可能会使用手写的存储过程,因此您可以根据需要优化它们,而不是使用LINQ to SQL。


I realize this is an old question, but I want to comment on how bad a practice it is to create a FK that is not enforced on existing data. If in fact there is a need for a foreign key, you need to fix any bad data before adding the foreign key (which should have been added at design time) not try to ignore it. All you are doing is masking your very serious data integrity problem by refusing to notice it and do something about it. There is the occasional need to do this due to changed requirements, but it should not be considered as a first choice of techniques when adding a foreign key to a table that has data. Finding and fixing the bad data should be.


Data that has no relationship to the PK is useless. If I had a order table with a customer id that no longer existed in the customer table, how would I know who ordered the product? Of course this is why the FKs should have been enforced from the beginning whether you did million row inserts or not. I do multi-million row inserts through SSIS on a daily basis to many many tables that have foreign keys, to use this as a reason for not setting them up in the first place indicates a lack of understanding of database design. Sacrificing your data integrity to speed is ALWAYS a poor idea. Without data integrity, your database is unreliable and therfore useless.
