How do I get ASP.NET MVC to honor my customErrors settings?

时间:2022-07-25 04:02:21

In the customErrors tag in my web.config, I am pointing to a controller. In my controller I am redirecting to an external error page that is shared by multiple applications.


<customErrors defaultRedirect="~/Error/ServerError" mode="On">

My controller:

public class ErrorController : Controller

    public ActionResult ServerError()
        return Redirect("/Systems/ASPNETErrorHandling/ErrorPage.aspx");

    public ActionResult ErrorTest()
        throw new Exception("testing error handling");

I'm calling Error/ErrorTest to test the error handling. But it always redirects to Views/Shared/Error.cshtml instead of redirecting to the controller I specified.

我正在调用Error / ErrorTest来测试错误处理。但它总是重定向到Views / Shared / Error.cshtml而不是重定向到我指定的控制器。

How do I get mvc to honor the defaultRedirect path in my customErrors settings?

如何让 mvc遵守customErrors设置中的defaultRedirect路径?

UDPATE: I'm also using ELMAH and overriding the HandleErrorAttribute as described in this post. I see from .Net Reflector that the base HandleErrorAttribute is setting Error as the view. I don't think there's much I can do about it redirecting to Error.cshtml, or some other view.

UDPATE:我也在使用ELMAH并覆盖HandleErrorAttribute,如本文所述。我从.Net Reflector看到,基础HandleErrorAttribute将Error设置为视图。我不认为我可以做很多事情,重定向到Error.cshtml或其他一些视图。

1 个解决方案



Like I said in the update to my question, I'm overriding the HandleErrorAttribute as described in this post in order to use ELMAH. The base class automatically sets Error as the view. So I just commented out base.OnException(context); and it works. I don't know if it's the best solution, but I think it should work for my purposes.




Like I said in the update to my question, I'm overriding the HandleErrorAttribute as described in this post in order to use ELMAH. The base class automatically sets Error as the view. So I just commented out base.OnException(context); and it works. I don't know if it's the best solution, but I think it should work for my purposes.
