如何提高其SET涉及昂贵的聚合子查询的SQL UPDATE语句的性能?

时间:2022-10-03 03:56:12

I have the following UPDATE scenario:


UPDATE destTable d
SET d.test_count = ( SELECT COUNT( employee_id )
                     FROM sourceTable s
                     WHERE d.matchCode1 = s.matchCode1 AND
                           d.matchCode2 = s.matchCode2 AND
                           d.matchCode3 = s.matchCode3 
                     GROUP BY matchCode1, matchCode2, matchCode3, employee_id )

I have to execute this in a loop changing out the match codes for each iteration.


Between two large tables (~500k records each), this query takes an unacceptably long time to execute. If I just had to execute it once, I wouldn't care too much. Given it is being executed about 20 times, it takes way too long for my needs.


It requires two full table scans (one for the destTable and another for the subquery).



  1. What techniques do you recommend to speed this up?


  2. Does the SQL-optimizer run the subquery for each row I'm updating in the destTable to satisfy the where-clause of the subquery or does it have some super intelligence to do this all at once?


3 个解决方案


In Oracle 9i and higher:

在Oracle 9i及更高版本中:

INTO    destTable d
        SELECT  matchCode1, matchCode2, matchCode3, COUNT(employee_id) AS cnt
        FROM    sourceTable s
        GROUP BY
                matchCode1, matchCode2, matchCode3, employee_id
        ) so
ON      d.matchCode1 = s.matchCode1 AND
        d.matchCode2 = s.matchCode2 AND
        d.matchCode3 = s.matchCode3 
SET     d.test_count = cnt

To speed up your query, make sure you have a composite index on (matchCode1, matchCode2, matchCode3) in destTable, and a composite index on (matchCode1, matchCode2, matchCode3, employee_id) in sourceTable



I have to execute this in a loop


The first thing you do is build the loop into your sub query or where clause. You're updating data, and then immediately replacing some of the data you just updated. You should be able to either filter your update to only change records appropriate to the current iteration or make your query complex enough to update everything in one statement- probably both.

您要做的第一件事是将循环构建到子查询或where子句中。您正在更新数据,然后立即替换刚更新的一些数据。您应该能够过滤更新以仅更改适合当前迭代的记录,或使您的查询足够复杂以在一个语句中更新所有内容 - 可能两者都有。


Have you considered an UPDATE FROM query?

您是否考虑过UPDATE FROM查询?


In Oracle 9i and higher:

在Oracle 9i及更高版本中:

INTO    destTable d
        SELECT  matchCode1, matchCode2, matchCode3, COUNT(employee_id) AS cnt
        FROM    sourceTable s
        GROUP BY
                matchCode1, matchCode2, matchCode3, employee_id
        ) so
ON      d.matchCode1 = s.matchCode1 AND
        d.matchCode2 = s.matchCode2 AND
        d.matchCode3 = s.matchCode3 
SET     d.test_count = cnt

To speed up your query, make sure you have a composite index on (matchCode1, matchCode2, matchCode3) in destTable, and a composite index on (matchCode1, matchCode2, matchCode3, employee_id) in sourceTable



I have to execute this in a loop


The first thing you do is build the loop into your sub query or where clause. You're updating data, and then immediately replacing some of the data you just updated. You should be able to either filter your update to only change records appropriate to the current iteration or make your query complex enough to update everything in one statement- probably both.

您要做的第一件事是将循环构建到子查询或where子句中。您正在更新数据,然后立即替换刚更新的一些数据。您应该能够过滤更新以仅更改适合当前迭代的记录,或使您的查询足够复杂以在一个语句中更新所有内容 - 可能两者都有。


Have you considered an UPDATE FROM query?

您是否考虑过UPDATE FROM查询?