
时间:2022-11-30 03:53:36

I am writing a node.js application to enable search over a PostgreSQL database. In order to enable twitter type-ahead in the search box, I have to crunch a set of keywords from database to initialize Bloodhound before page loading. This is something like below:

我正在编写node.js应用程序以启用对PostgreSQL数据库的搜索。为了在搜索框中启用twitter type-ahead,我必须在数据库中处理一组关键字以在页面加载之前初始化Bloodhound。这类似于下面的内容:

SELECT distinct handlerid from lotintro where char_length(lotid)=7;

So for a large table (lotintro), this is costly; it is also stupid as the query result most likely stays the same for different web visitors over a period of time.


What is the proper way to handle this? I am thinking a few options:


1) Put the query in a stored procedure and call it from node.js:


   SELECT * from getallhandlerid()

Does it mean the query will be compiled and the database will automatically return the same result sets without actual running query knowing the result wouldn't have changed?


2) Or, create a separate table to store the distinct handlerid and update the table using a trigger which runs every day? (I know ideally, the trigger should run for every insert/update to the table, but this costs too much).

2)或者,创建一个单独的表来存储不同的handlerid并使用每天运行的触发器更新表? (我知道理想情况下,触发器应该针对表的每次插入/更新运行,但这会花费太多)。

3) create a partial index as suggested. Here is what gathered:



SELECT distinct handlerid from lotintro where length(lotid) = 7;


CREATE INDEX lotid7_idx ON lotintro (handlerid)
WHERE  length(lotid) = 7;

With index, query cost around 250ms, try run


explain (analyze on, TIMING OFF) SELECT distinct handlerid from lotintro where length(lotid) = 7

"HashAggregate  (cost=5542.64..5542.65 rows=1 width=6) (actual rows=151 loops=1)"
"  ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on lotintro  (cost=39.08..5537.50 rows=2056 width=6) (actual rows=298350 loops=1)"
"        Recheck Cond: (length(lotid) = 7)"
"        Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 55285"
"        ->  Bitmap Index Scan on lotid7_idx  (cost=0.00..38.57 rows=2056 width=0) (actual rows=298350 loops=1)"
"Total runtime: 243.686 ms"

Without index, query cost around 210ms, try run


explain (analyze on, TIMING OFF) SELECT distinct handlerid from lotintro where length(lotid) = 7

"HashAggregate  (cost=19490.11..19490.12 rows=1 width=6) (actual rows=151 loops=1)"
"  ->  Seq Scan on lotintro  (cost=0.00..19484.97 rows=2056 width=6) (actual rows=298350 loops=1)"
"        Filter: (length(lotid) = 7)"
"        Rows Removed by Filter: 112915"
"Total runtime: 214.235 ms"

What am I doing wrong here?


4) Using alexius' suggested index and query:


create index on lotintro using btree(char_length(lotid), handlerid);

But it's not an optimal solution. Because there is only few distinct values you may use trick called loose index scan, which should work much faster in your case:


explain (analyze on, BUFFERS on, TIMING OFF)
   (SELECT handlerid FROM lotintro WHERE char_length(lotid)=7 ORDER BY handlerid LIMIT 1)  -- parentheses required
   SELECT (SELECT handlerid FROM lotintro WHERE char_length(lotid)=7 AND handlerid > t.handlerid ORDER BY handlerid LIMIT 1)
   FROM t
   WHERE t.handlerid IS NOT NULL
SELECT handlerid FROM t WHERE handlerid IS NOT NULL;

"CTE Scan on t  (cost=444.52..446.54 rows=100 width=32) (actual rows=151 loops=1)"
"  Filter: (handlerid IS NOT NULL)"
"  Rows Removed by Filter: 1"
"  Buffers: shared hit=608"
"  CTE t"
"    ->  Recursive Union  (cost=0.42..444.52 rows=101 width=32) (actual rows=152 loops=1)"
"          Buffers: shared hit=608"
"          ->  Limit  (cost=0.42..4.17 rows=1 width=6) (actual rows=1 loops=1)"
"                Buffers: shared hit=4"
"                ->  Index Scan using lotid_btree on lotintro lotintro_1  (cost=0.42..7704.41 rows=2056 width=6) (actual rows=1 loops=1)"
"                      Index Cond: (char_length(lotid) = 7)"
"                      Buffers: shared hit=4"
"          ->  WorkTable Scan on t t_1  (cost=0.00..43.83 rows=10 width=32) (actual rows=1 loops=152)"
"                Filter: (handlerid IS NOT NULL)"
"                Rows Removed by Filter: 0"
"                Buffers: shared hit=604"
"                SubPlan 1"
"                  ->  Limit  (cost=0.42..4.36 rows=1 width=6) (actual rows=1 loops=151)"
"                        Buffers: shared hit=604"
"                        ->  Index Scan using lotid_btree on lotintro  (cost=0.42..2698.13 rows=685 width=6) (actual rows=1 loops=151)"
"                              Index Cond: ((char_length(lotid) = 7) AND (handlerid > t_1.handlerid))"
"                              Buffers: shared hit=604"
"Planning time: 1.574 ms"
**"Execution time: 25.476 ms"**

========= more info on db ============================

=========有关db ============================的更多信息

dataloggerDB=# \d lotintro Table "public.lotintro"

dataloggerDB =#\ d lotintro表“public.lotintro”

    Column    |            Type             |  Modifiers
  lotstartdt   | timestamp without time zone | not null
  lotid        | text                        | not null
  ftc          | text                        | not null
  deviceid     | text                        | not null
  packageid    | text                        | not null
  testprogname | text                        | not null
  testprogdir  | text                        | not null
  testgrade    | text                        | not null
  testgroup    | text                        | not null
  temperature  | smallint                    | not null
  testerid     | text                        | not null
  handlerid    | text                        | not null
  numofsite    | text                        | not null
  masknum      | text                        |
  soaktime     | text                        |
  xamsqty      | smallint                    |
  scd          | text                        |
  speedgrade   | text                        |
  loginid      | text                        |
  operatorid   | text                        | not null
  loadboardid  | text                        | not null
  checksum     | text                        |
  lotenddt     | timestamp without time zone | not null
  totaltest    | integer                     | default (-1)
  totalpass    | integer                     | default (-1)
  earnhour     | real                        | default 0
  avetesttime  | real                        | default 0
  "pkey_lotintro" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lotstartdt, testerid)
  "lotid7_idx" btree (handlerid) WHERE length(lotid) = 7
your version of Postgres,         [PostgreSQL 9.2]
cardinalities (how many rows?),   [411K rows for table lotintro]
percentage for length(lotid) = 7. [298350/411000=  73%]

============= after porting over everything to PG 9.4 =====================

将所有内容移植到PG 9.4后============= =====================

With index:

explain (analyze on, BUFFERS on, TIMING OFF) SELECT distinct handlerid from lotintro where length(lotid) = 7

"HashAggregate  (cost=5542.78..5542.79 rows=1 width=6) (actual rows=151 loops=1)"
"  Group Key: handlerid"
"  Buffers: shared hit=14242"
"  ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on lotintro  (cost=39.22..5537.64 rows=2056 width=6) (actual rows=298350 loops=1)"
"        Recheck Cond: (length(lotid) = 7)"
"        Heap Blocks: exact=13313"
"        Buffers: shared hit=14242"
"        ->  Bitmap Index Scan on lotid7_idx  (cost=0.00..38.70 rows=2056 width=0) (actual rows=298350 loops=1)"
"              Buffers: shared hit=929"
"Planning time: 0.256 ms"
"Execution time: 154.657 ms"

Without index:

explain (analyze on, BUFFERS on, TIMING OFF) SELECT distinct handlerid from lotintro where length(lotid) = 7

"HashAggregate  (cost=19490.11..19490.12 rows=1 width=6) (actual rows=151 loops=1)"
"  Group Key: handlerid"
"  Buffers: shared hit=13316"
"  ->  Seq Scan on lotintro  (cost=0.00..19484.97 rows=2056 width=6) (actual rows=298350 loops=1)"
"        Filter: (length(lotid) = 7)"
"        Rows Removed by Filter: 112915"
"        Buffers: shared hit=13316"
"Planning time: 0.168 ms"
"Execution time: 176.466 ms"

3 个解决方案



No, a function does not preserve snapshots of the result in any way. There is some potential for performance optimization if you define the function STABLE (which would be correct). Per documentation:


A STABLE function cannot modify the database and is guaranteed to return the same results given the same arguments for all rows within a single statement.


IMMUTABLE would be wrong here and potentially cause errors.


So this can hugely benefit multiple calls within the same statement - but that doesn't fit your use case ...

因此,这可以极大地使同一语句中的多个调用受益 - 但这不适合您的用例...

And plpgsql functions work like prepared statements giving you a similar bonus inside the same session:



Try a MATERIALIZED VIEW. With or without MV (or some other caching technique), a partial index would be most efficient for your special case:


CREATE INDEX lotid7_idx ON lotintro (handlerid)
WHERE  length(lotid) = 7;

Remember to include the index condition in queries that are supposed to use the index, even if that seems redundant:


However, as you supplied:


percentage for length(lotid) = 7. [298350/411000= 73%]

长度百分比(lotid)= 7. [298350/411000 = 73%]

That index is only going to help if you can get an index-only scan out of it because the condition is hardly selective. Since the table has very wide rows, index-only scans can be substantially faster.


Loose index scan

Also, rows=298350 are folded to rows=151, so a loose index scan will pay, as I explained here:

此外,行= 298350折叠为行= 151,因此松散的索引扫描将支付,如我在此解释:

Or in the Postgres Wiki - which is actually based on this post.

或者在Postgres Wiki中 - 实际上是基于这篇文章。

   (SELECT handlerid FROM lotintro
    WHERE  length(lotid) = 7
    ORDER  BY 1 LIMIT 1)

   SELECT (SELECT handlerid FROM lotintro
           WHERE  length(lotid) = 7
           AND    handlerid > t.handlerid
           ORDER  BY 1 LIMIT 1)
   FROM  t
   WHERE t.handlerid IS NOT NULL
SELECT handlerid FROM t
WHERE  handlerid IS NOT NULL;

This is going to be faster, yet, in combination with the partial index I suggested. Since the partial index is only about half the size and updated less often (depends on access patterns), it's cheaper overall.


Faster still if you keep the table vacuumed to allow index-only scans. You can set more aggressive storage parameters for just this table if you have lots of writes to it:


Finally you can have this faster still with a materialized view based on this query.



You need to index the exact expression that's used in your WHERE clause: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/indexes-expressional.html


CREATE INDEX char_length_lotid_idx ON lotintro (char_length(lotid));

You can also create a STABLE or IMMUTABLE function to wrap this query as you suggested: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/sql-createfunction.html


Your last suggestion is also viable, what you are looking for are MATERIALIZED VIEWS: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/sql-creatematerializedview.html This prevent you from writing a custom trigger to update the denormalized table.



Since 3/4 of rows satisfy your condition (length(lotid) = 7) index itself won't help much. You might get a little better performance with this index because of index only scans:

由于3/4行满足您的条件(长度(lotid)= 7)索引本身无济于事。由于仅使用索引扫描,因此使用此索引可能会获得更好的性能:

create index on lotintro using btree(char_length(lotid), handlerid);

But it's not an optimal solution. Because there is only few distinct values you may use trick called loose index scan, which should work much faster in your case:


   (SELECT handlerid FROM lotintro WHERE char_length(lotid)=7 ORDER BY handlerid LIMIT 1)  -- parentheses required
   SELECT (SELECT handlerid FROM lotintro WHERE char_length(lotid)=7 AND handlerid > t.handlerid ORDER BY handlerid LIMIT 1)
   FROM t
   WHERE t.handlerid IS NOT NULL
SELECT handlerid FROM t WHERE handlerid IS NOT NULL;

for this query you also need to create index I mentioned above.




No, a function does not preserve snapshots of the result in any way. There is some potential for performance optimization if you define the function STABLE (which would be correct). Per documentation:


A STABLE function cannot modify the database and is guaranteed to return the same results given the same arguments for all rows within a single statement.


IMMUTABLE would be wrong here and potentially cause errors.


So this can hugely benefit multiple calls within the same statement - but that doesn't fit your use case ...

因此,这可以极大地使同一语句中的多个调用受益 - 但这不适合您的用例...

And plpgsql functions work like prepared statements giving you a similar bonus inside the same session:



Try a MATERIALIZED VIEW. With or without MV (or some other caching technique), a partial index would be most efficient for your special case:


CREATE INDEX lotid7_idx ON lotintro (handlerid)
WHERE  length(lotid) = 7;

Remember to include the index condition in queries that are supposed to use the index, even if that seems redundant:


However, as you supplied:


percentage for length(lotid) = 7. [298350/411000= 73%]

长度百分比(lotid)= 7. [298350/411000 = 73%]

That index is only going to help if you can get an index-only scan out of it because the condition is hardly selective. Since the table has very wide rows, index-only scans can be substantially faster.


Loose index scan

Also, rows=298350 are folded to rows=151, so a loose index scan will pay, as I explained here:

此外,行= 298350折叠为行= 151,因此松散的索引扫描将支付,如我在此解释:

Or in the Postgres Wiki - which is actually based on this post.

或者在Postgres Wiki中 - 实际上是基于这篇文章。

   (SELECT handlerid FROM lotintro
    WHERE  length(lotid) = 7
    ORDER  BY 1 LIMIT 1)

   SELECT (SELECT handlerid FROM lotintro
           WHERE  length(lotid) = 7
           AND    handlerid > t.handlerid
           ORDER  BY 1 LIMIT 1)
   FROM  t
   WHERE t.handlerid IS NOT NULL
SELECT handlerid FROM t
WHERE  handlerid IS NOT NULL;

This is going to be faster, yet, in combination with the partial index I suggested. Since the partial index is only about half the size and updated less often (depends on access patterns), it's cheaper overall.


Faster still if you keep the table vacuumed to allow index-only scans. You can set more aggressive storage parameters for just this table if you have lots of writes to it:


Finally you can have this faster still with a materialized view based on this query.



You need to index the exact expression that's used in your WHERE clause: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/indexes-expressional.html


CREATE INDEX char_length_lotid_idx ON lotintro (char_length(lotid));

You can also create a STABLE or IMMUTABLE function to wrap this query as you suggested: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/sql-createfunction.html


Your last suggestion is also viable, what you are looking for are MATERIALIZED VIEWS: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/sql-creatematerializedview.html This prevent you from writing a custom trigger to update the denormalized table.



Since 3/4 of rows satisfy your condition (length(lotid) = 7) index itself won't help much. You might get a little better performance with this index because of index only scans:

由于3/4行满足您的条件(长度(lotid)= 7)索引本身无济于事。由于仅使用索引扫描,因此使用此索引可能会获得更好的性能:

create index on lotintro using btree(char_length(lotid), handlerid);

But it's not an optimal solution. Because there is only few distinct values you may use trick called loose index scan, which should work much faster in your case:


   (SELECT handlerid FROM lotintro WHERE char_length(lotid)=7 ORDER BY handlerid LIMIT 1)  -- parentheses required
   SELECT (SELECT handlerid FROM lotintro WHERE char_length(lotid)=7 AND handlerid > t.handlerid ORDER BY handlerid LIMIT 1)
   FROM t
   WHERE t.handlerid IS NOT NULL
SELECT handlerid FROM t WHERE handlerid IS NOT NULL;

for this query you also need to create index I mentioned above.
