
时间:2022-09-29 03:28:56

I have a web application that I'm writing (C#, MSSQL) and I need to store the timestamp when a record is stored in the system. Normally, I would just do this with SQL and the DATETIME function. However, the server is located in a different time zone than our company is located... AND we may change to another server in completely different time zone. The hosting company will not change the server time to match our local time zone. (Not that I blame them, but it was one thing I tried.)

我有一个我正在写的Web应用程序(C#,MSSQL),我需要存储记录存储在系统中的时间戳。通常,我会使用SQL和DATETIME函数执行此操作。但是,服务器位于与我们公司所在的时区不同的时区...我们可能会在完全不同的时区更改为另一台服务器。托管公司不会更改服务器时间以匹配我们的本地时区。 (不是我责备他们,但这是我尝试过的一件事。)

So, my question is, what is the best way to store the date/time of the record update and what is the best way to present that date/time back to the user in our local time zone?


I want the least messy way of doing this, so a combo of C# and SQL would be fine as long as the solution is easy to implement. (My normal style is to do more work in stored procedures and less in C#, if that matters.)

我想要这样做最简单的方法,所以只要解决方案易于实现,C#和SQL的组合就可以了。 (我的正常风格是在存储过程中做更多的工作而在C#中做更少的工作,如果这很重要的话。)

Can you show me some sample code? Thanks!


3 个解决方案



always store DATETIME data in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC aka GMT)

始终以协调的世界时(UTC aka GMT)存储DATETIME数据

  • this avoids all timezone issues
  • 这可以避免所有时区问题
  • this avoids daylight-savings-time issues
  • 这避免了夏令时问题
  • this allows simple date math to always work
  • 这允许简单的日期数学始终有效
  • this allows transactions in different time zones to stay in synch
  • 这允许不同时区的交易保持同步
  • this allows you to move the data to a different server in a different time zone and not screw everything up
  • 这允许您将数据移动到不同时区的不同服务器,而不是将所有内容都搞砸
  • etc. "Universal" time, make sense?
  • 等“通用”时间,有意义吗?

C# DateTime provides DateTime.UtcNow and ToLocalTime(), SQL provides GETUTCDATE(). Here's a SQL function to convert UTC to local time -

C#DateTime提供DateTime.UtcNow和ToLocalTime(),SQL提供GETUTCDATE()。这是一个将UTC转换为本地时间的SQL函数 -

-- convert UTC to local time
create FUNCTION [dbo].[udfUtcToLocalTime]
    @gmt datetime
RETURNS datetime
    DECLARE @dt datetime
        @dt = dateadd(millisecond,datediff(millisecond,getutcdate(), getdate()),@gmt)
    RETURN @dt



SELECT dbo.udfUtcToLocalTime(someDateTimeField)
FROM someTable



Save UTC times in your database and localize those times every time you wanna show them to a user




Store it as UTC time and then preform the time zone calculation on the client end in C# use .ToUniversalTime() on the DateTime object to get the UTC time, store that on the server and then use .ToLocalTime() to convert it back.




always store DATETIME data in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC aka GMT)

始终以协调的世界时(UTC aka GMT)存储DATETIME数据

  • this avoids all timezone issues
  • 这可以避免所有时区问题
  • this avoids daylight-savings-time issues
  • 这避免了夏令时问题
  • this allows simple date math to always work
  • 这允许简单的日期数学始终有效
  • this allows transactions in different time zones to stay in synch
  • 这允许不同时区的交易保持同步
  • this allows you to move the data to a different server in a different time zone and not screw everything up
  • 这允许您将数据移动到不同时区的不同服务器,而不是将所有内容都搞砸
  • etc. "Universal" time, make sense?
  • 等“通用”时间,有意义吗?

C# DateTime provides DateTime.UtcNow and ToLocalTime(), SQL provides GETUTCDATE(). Here's a SQL function to convert UTC to local time -

C#DateTime提供DateTime.UtcNow和ToLocalTime(),SQL提供GETUTCDATE()。这是一个将UTC转换为本地时间的SQL函数 -

-- convert UTC to local time
create FUNCTION [dbo].[udfUtcToLocalTime]
    @gmt datetime
RETURNS datetime
    DECLARE @dt datetime
        @dt = dateadd(millisecond,datediff(millisecond,getutcdate(), getdate()),@gmt)
    RETURN @dt



SELECT dbo.udfUtcToLocalTime(someDateTimeField)
FROM someTable



Save UTC times in your database and localize those times every time you wanna show them to a user




Store it as UTC time and then preform the time zone calculation on the client end in C# use .ToUniversalTime() on the DateTime object to get the UTC time, store that on the server and then use .ToLocalTime() to convert it back.
