使用ASP.NET MVC 4和jQuery Mobile有什么好处?

时间:2021-04-13 03:19:28

I recently know that I can also build mobile web applications with ASP.NET MVC 4.

我最近知道我还可以使用ASP.NET MVC 4构建移动Web应用程序。

Since several months ago, I've been developing a mobile web application with jQuery Mobile.

几个月前,我一直在使用jQuery Mobile开发移动Web应用程序。

The website does not use any .NET technology. It just uses HTML 5, CSS 3 and JavaScript code.

该网站不使用任何.NET技术。它只使用HTML 5,CSS 3和JavaScript代码。

I'm wondering what advantages can I take when I use ASP.NET MVC 4 with jQuery Mobile.

我想知道当我将ASP.NET MVC 4与jQuery Mobile一起使用时,我可以获得哪些优势。

When I read some articles, One of them is only tells that it's good when you run two kinds of websites: One for desktop and another one for mobile.


It looks like that ASP.NET MVC 4 has nothing to do with MVC pattern of JavaScript. To apply MVC pattern I have to use JavaScript MVC pattern libraries.

看起来ASP.NET MVC 4与JavaScript的MVC模式无关。要应用MVC模式,我必须使用JavaScript MVC模式库。

Can you share any ideas about it?


1 个解决方案



The .NET section of your app is the server side where you would traditionally put some background processing or access your database. If you don't have these things then you may not need MVC4 at all.




The .NET section of your app is the server side where you would traditionally put some background processing or access your database. If you don't have these things then you may not need MVC4 at all.
