如何限制对特定用户的Apache / SVN访问(基于LDAP /文件的身份验证)?

时间:2022-09-28 02:58:55

I have Apache/SVN running on Windows Server 2003 with authentication via LDAP/Active Directory and a flat-file.

我在Windows Server 2003上运行Apache / SVN,通过LDAP / Active Directory和平面文件进行身份验证。

It's working great except that any LDAP user can access everything. I'd like to be able to limit SVN repositories by user or group.


Ideally, I'd get to something like this:


<Location /svn/repo1>
  # Restricted to ldap-user1, file-user1, or members of ldap-group1,
  # all others denied

<Location /svn/repo2>
  # Restricted to ldap-user2, file-user2, or members of ldap-group2,
  # all others denied

The real trick might be that I have mixed authentication: LDAP and file:


<Location /svn>
  DAV svn
  SVNParentPath C:/svn_repository
  AuthName "Subversion Repository"
  AuthType Basic
  AuthBasicProvider ldap file
  AuthUserFile "svn-users.txt" #file-based, custom users
  AuthzLDAPAuthoritative On
  AuthLDAPBindDN ldapuseraccount@directory.com
  AuthLDAPBindPassword ldappassword
  AuthLDAPURL ldap://directory.com:389/cn=Users,dc=directory,dc=com?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectCategory=person)
  Require valid-user

In my googling, I've seen some people accomplish this by pulling in the authz file like this:


<Location /svn>
  AuthzSVNAccessFile "conf/svn-authz.txt"

Then, I'd need to map the AD users. Any examples of that approach?


3 个解决方案


This was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. I added this to my location:


<Location /svn>
  AuthzSVNAccessFile "conf/svn-authz.txt"

In that file, I just specified normal SVN permissions (the system doesn't seem to distinguish between file users and LDAP users at this point):


@admin = haren

### Deny all but administrators to the tree

* =
@admin = rw

### Allow more specific people on a per-repository basis below

ldap-user1 = rw
file-user1 = rw

ldap-user2 = rw
file-user2 = rw

I'm still playing around with the LDAP group syntax to get that part working. Any suggestions there are appreciated.



Another alternate method for anyone else who is interested:


Require ldap-group cn=SVN Users,cn=Users,dc=company,dc=com

This is assuming you created a group called SVN Users in Active directory. Notice that there are no double quotes around the group.

这假设您在Active Directory中创建了一个名为SVN Users的组。请注意,该组周围没有双引号。

Use that instead of Require valid-user

使用它代替Require valid-user

Then you probably don't have to restart apache anytime you have any changes, just add the user to the group in AD



You should not use


Require valid-user

but use

Require group


This was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. I added this to my location:


<Location /svn>
  AuthzSVNAccessFile "conf/svn-authz.txt"

In that file, I just specified normal SVN permissions (the system doesn't seem to distinguish between file users and LDAP users at this point):


@admin = haren

### Deny all but administrators to the tree

* =
@admin = rw

### Allow more specific people on a per-repository basis below

ldap-user1 = rw
file-user1 = rw

ldap-user2 = rw
file-user2 = rw

I'm still playing around with the LDAP group syntax to get that part working. Any suggestions there are appreciated.



Another alternate method for anyone else who is interested:


Require ldap-group cn=SVN Users,cn=Users,dc=company,dc=com

This is assuming you created a group called SVN Users in Active directory. Notice that there are no double quotes around the group.

这假设您在Active Directory中创建了一个名为SVN Users的组。请注意,该组周围没有双引号。

Use that instead of Require valid-user

使用它代替Require valid-user

Then you probably don't have to restart apache anytime you have any changes, just add the user to the group in AD



You should not use


Require valid-user

but use

Require group