
时间:2023-01-18 02:48:11

I'm running SQL Server 2008. I've built a large search query (contained in a user defined function) with many optional parameters. A simplified version of the result is something like:

我正在运行SQL Server 2008.我已经构建了一个包含许多可选参数的大型搜索查询(包含在用户定义的函数中)。结果的简化版本如下:

Declare @optionalSubTableParameter as userDefinedTableType READONLY

select id
from table t

--here is optional parameter 1 (there are quite a few of these)
outer apply(
 select top (1) st.item
 from subTable st
 inner join @optionalSubTableParameter ostp
 on (ostp.value = st.item or ostp.value is null)
 where st.index = t.index 
 and ostp.value is not null
 -- also tried: (select top(1) * from @optionalSubTableParameter) is not null

where (someParam.item is not null 
or (select top(1) * from @optionalSubTableParameter) is null)

So, the problem lies in the execution plan, I seem to be spending time on:


clustered index seek (clustered)




I know 8% isn't much, but this gets repeated 6 times (and soon to be a few more), so its already 48% of my execution time.


I thought by having the check of (@optionalSubTableParameter is not null) within the outer apply, I would avoid computations like the clustered index seek on an unneeded table (when there is no parameter specified). If anyone can help explain if there is a way for me to avoid this computation, that would be great!


Thanks in advance, and let me know if I can clarify anything (this is a grossly simplified version of the query that I'm actually running).


I apologize if there are any duplicate posts, but I had no luck finding an answer on my own.


1 个解决方案



First, this is only 8% of your execution cost. If you have performance issues, keep looking because this won't be the fix.


Second, you are still doing the index seek because of this line:


where st.index = t.index

其中st.index = t.index

You MAY be able to eliminate it by switching the order of the WHERE clause in that outer apply but I wouldn't count on it.


Since it's an AND I think it may evaluate both components. Someone else could probably address if that short circuits or not.




First, this is only 8% of your execution cost. If you have performance issues, keep looking because this won't be the fix.


Second, you are still doing the index seek because of this line:


where st.index = t.index

其中st.index = t.index

You MAY be able to eliminate it by switching the order of the WHERE clause in that outer apply but I wouldn't count on it.


Since it's an AND I think it may evaluate both components. Someone else could probably address if that short circuits or not.
