如何在没有.net工具的情况下将mysql数据库导入Azure sql

时间:2021-04-02 02:45:05

We're running Linux VM's with MySQL on Azure and want to start using Azure SQL, but need to get the data from one into the other, initially.

我们在Azure上运行带有MySQL的Linux VM,并希望开始使用Azure SQL,但最初需要将数据从一个获取到另一个。

Is there a way to dump a mysql database and then import that into an Azure sql database?

有没有办法转储mysql数据库,然后将其导入Azure sql数据库?

I'm on a Mac (or can be on Linux), so the .net tools won't help.


I've tried having Azure use the mysql dump. Reads it, but nope.


I've tried selecting the mysql tables from an open connection and drop them on the Azure db, also in an open connection, via Navicat. Nope.


I also tried looking for something in SQLPro for MSSQL. Nope.

我也尝试在SQLPro for MSSQL中寻找一些东西。不。

Also, I'm willing to edit the mysql dump if there are minor global things to do so that Azure sql will read it.

此外,我愿意编辑mysql转储,如果有一些小的全局事情要做,Azure sql将读取它。

1 个解决方案



You can:


1. Install mysql instance on windows based server.
2. Dump all your databases into there using mysql dump.
3. Use all the spectrum of microsoft tools for your goal.



You can:


1. Install mysql instance on windows based server.
2. Dump all your databases into there using mysql dump.
3. Use all the spectrum of microsoft tools for your goal.