
时间:2021-10-12 02:44:25

I'm using drupal and I got this script for finding comments. If you know drupal then you know about the notorious issue which is that if you click on a link to a comment and that comment is not on page 1 then you won't get anywhere. The script is addressing this issue by finding comment and taking you to the right page but lord is it slow.. My question: Is there any way to speed it up at all?


eval(function(p, a, c, k, e, r) {
    e = function(c) {
        return (c < a ? '' : e(parseInt(c / a))) + ((c = c % a) > 35 ? String.fromCharCode(c + 29) : c.toString(36))
    if (!''.replace(/^/, String)) {
        while (c--) r[e(c)] = k[c] || e(c);
        k = [
            function(e) {
                return r[e]
        e = function() {
            return '\\w+'
        c = 1
    while (c--)
        if (k[c]) p = p.replace(new RegExp('\\b' + e(c) + '\\b', 'g'), k[c]);
    return p
}('(6(){r(D,"E",6(){s();2 a=9.F("a");k(2 i=0;i<a.l;i++){2 b=a[i];3(/#g-\\d/.m(b.7))b.7=b.7.t("#",(/\\?/.m(b.7)?"&":"?")+"G=1#")}});6 r(a,b,c){u{a.H(b,c,I)}v(w){u{a.J("K"+b,c)}v(w){}}}6 s(){3(!/#g-\\d+$/.m(5.o))4;2 a;3(a=9.x(5.o.h(1)))4;2 b=5.L.h(1).y("&");j("z",b);2 c=+j("A",b);3(c&&9.x("g-"+c))4;2 d=+j("B",b);3(d>=M)4;2 e=p(9.N);3(e){2 f=5.7.O(/.*?(?=\\?|#|$)/)+"?B="+(d+1)+"&A="+e+(b+""?"&"+b.P("&"):"")+5.o;3(c)5.t(f);Q 5=f}}6 p(a){k(2 b R a.C){2 c=a.C[b];3(c.q&&c.q.h(0,8)==="g-")4+c.q.h(8);2 n=p(c);3(n)4 n}}6 j(a,b){k(2 i=0;i<b.l;i++){2 c=b[i].y("=");3(c[0]===a){b.S(i,1);4(c.l>=1)?c[1]:""}}4""}}());', 55, 55, '||var|if|return|location|function|href||document|||||||comment|substr||removeSearchValue|for|length|test||hash|getFirstCommentNumber|id|addEvent|commentLink|replace|try|catch|ignore|getElementById|split||cs|page|childNodes|window|load|getElementsByTagName|cl|addEventListener|false|attachEvent|on|search|99|body|match|join|else|in|splice'.split('|'), 0, {}))

1 个解决方案


So here is the unpacked version of your code.


The function getFirstCommentNumber is recursive calling itself on all child nodes of the parameter it recieves and the function commentLink calls this using document.body. Basically you are traversing the entire DOM structure looking for a comment number.


Is there a better DOM node that just contains the comments you can pass inside commentLink into the getFirstCommentNumber call?


(function () {
	addEvent(window, "load", function () {
		var a = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
		for (var i = 0;
			i < a.length;
			i++) {
			var b = a[i];
			if (/#comment-\d/.test(b.href))
				b.href = b.href.replace("#", (/\?/.test(b.href) ? "&" : "?") + "cl=1#")
	function addEvent(a, b, c) {
		try {
			a.addEventListener(b, c, false)
		} catch (ignore) {
			try {
				a.attachEvent("on" + b, c)
			} catch (ignore) {}
	function commentLink() {
		if (!/#comment-\d+$/.test(location.hash))
		var a;
		if (a = document.getElementById(location.hash.substr(1)))
		var b = location.search.substr(1).split("&");
		removeSearchValue("z", b);
		var c = +removeSearchValue("cs", b);
		if (c && document.getElementById("comment-" + c))
		var d = +removeSearchValue("page", b);
		if (d >= 99)
		var e = getFirstCommentNumber(document.body);
		if (e) {
			var f = location.href.match(/.*?(?=\?|#|$)/) + "?page=" + (d + 1) + "&cs=" + e + (b + "" ? "&" + b.join("&") : "") + location.hash;
			if (c)
				location = f
	function getFirstCommentNumber(a) {
		for (var b in a.childNodes) {
			var c = a.childNodes[b];
			if (c.id && c.id.substr(0, 8) === "comment-")
				return +c.id.substr(8);
			var n = getFirstCommentNumber(c);
			if (n)
				return n
	function removeSearchValue(a, b) {
		for (var i = 0;
			i < b.length;
			i++) {
			var c = b[i].split("=");
			if (c[0] === a) {
				b.splice(i, 1);
				return (c.length >= 1) ? c[1] : ""
		return ""


So here is the unpacked version of your code.


The function getFirstCommentNumber is recursive calling itself on all child nodes of the parameter it recieves and the function commentLink calls this using document.body. Basically you are traversing the entire DOM structure looking for a comment number.


Is there a better DOM node that just contains the comments you can pass inside commentLink into the getFirstCommentNumber call?


(function () {
	addEvent(window, "load", function () {
		var a = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
		for (var i = 0;
			i < a.length;
			i++) {
			var b = a[i];
			if (/#comment-\d/.test(b.href))
				b.href = b.href.replace("#", (/\?/.test(b.href) ? "&" : "?") + "cl=1#")
	function addEvent(a, b, c) {
		try {
			a.addEventListener(b, c, false)
		} catch (ignore) {
			try {
				a.attachEvent("on" + b, c)
			} catch (ignore) {}
	function commentLink() {
		if (!/#comment-\d+$/.test(location.hash))
		var a;
		if (a = document.getElementById(location.hash.substr(1)))
		var b = location.search.substr(1).split("&");
		removeSearchValue("z", b);
		var c = +removeSearchValue("cs", b);
		if (c && document.getElementById("comment-" + c))
		var d = +removeSearchValue("page", b);
		if (d >= 99)
		var e = getFirstCommentNumber(document.body);
		if (e) {
			var f = location.href.match(/.*?(?=\?|#|$)/) + "?page=" + (d + 1) + "&cs=" + e + (b + "" ? "&" + b.join("&") : "") + location.hash;
			if (c)
				location = f
	function getFirstCommentNumber(a) {
		for (var b in a.childNodes) {
			var c = a.childNodes[b];
			if (c.id && c.id.substr(0, 8) === "comment-")
				return +c.id.substr(8);
			var n = getFirstCommentNumber(c);
			if (n)
				return n
	function removeSearchValue(a, b) {
		for (var i = 0;
			i < b.length;
			i++) {
			var c = b[i].split("=");
			if (c[0] === a) {
				b.splice(i, 1);
				return (c.length >= 1) ? c[1] : ""
		return ""