在Mongoose String键中存储Json对象

时间:2022-07-26 02:35:42

In my Mongoose schema, I have a field which is a String, and I want to be able to store an JSON object in it. Is it possible? In Postgres, it's possible to store a dictionary in a string column.


I want to do that because the dictionary (actually a JSON object in JS) is just a simple read and write value and doesn't need queries, but also, because it is just one value and not an array of values.


4 个解决方案



Yes, you can just store {myJsonProperty: JSON.stringify(myObject)}. Hopefully you know that you can also just set {myJsonProperty: Object} in your mongoose schema and store the whole object without converting it to a string for no reason. It doesn't have to be a nested document with a schema, it can be just a plain javascript object.




if you can change the type of your field form "String" to "Object" you can save the json as it is.


var schema_obj = new Schema({
field1: Object,



The accepted answer is good for the majority of situations.


However, if you have an object which you want to store, and you have no control over the object keys (e.g. they might be user-submitted), you might want to consider storing these as stringifed JSON. This allows you to overcome the limitation imposed by MongoDB that keys must not contain the reserved characters $ or ..

但是,如果您有一个要存储的对象,并且您无法控制对象键(例如,它们可能是用户提交的),您可能需要考虑将这些存储为stringifed JSON。这允许您克服MongoDB强加的限制,即密钥不得包含保留字符$或..

You can achieve this using Mongoose getters and setters, for example:

您可以使用Mongoose getter和setter来实现此目的,例如:

data: {
  type: String,
  get: function(data) {
    try { 
      return JSON.parse(data);
    } catch() { 
      return data;
  set: function(data) {
    return JSON.stringify(data);



Couldn't alter the original due to the 6 change limit on stack-overflow. re-posted, awesome work Tom, was just missing catch(err) in the catch block


data: {
  type: String,
  get: function(data) {
    try { 
      return JSON.parse(data);
    } catch(err) { 
      return data;
  set: function(data) {
    return JSON.stringify(data);



Yes, you can just store {myJsonProperty: JSON.stringify(myObject)}. Hopefully you know that you can also just set {myJsonProperty: Object} in your mongoose schema and store the whole object without converting it to a string for no reason. It doesn't have to be a nested document with a schema, it can be just a plain javascript object.




if you can change the type of your field form "String" to "Object" you can save the json as it is.


var schema_obj = new Schema({
field1: Object,



The accepted answer is good for the majority of situations.


However, if you have an object which you want to store, and you have no control over the object keys (e.g. they might be user-submitted), you might want to consider storing these as stringifed JSON. This allows you to overcome the limitation imposed by MongoDB that keys must not contain the reserved characters $ or ..

但是,如果您有一个要存储的对象,并且您无法控制对象键(例如,它们可能是用户提交的),您可能需要考虑将这些存储为stringifed JSON。这允许您克服MongoDB强加的限制,即密钥不得包含保留字符$或..

You can achieve this using Mongoose getters and setters, for example:

您可以使用Mongoose getter和setter来实现此目的,例如:

data: {
  type: String,
  get: function(data) {
    try { 
      return JSON.parse(data);
    } catch() { 
      return data;
  set: function(data) {
    return JSON.stringify(data);



Couldn't alter the original due to the 6 change limit on stack-overflow. re-posted, awesome work Tom, was just missing catch(err) in the catch block


data: {
  type: String,
  get: function(data) {
    try { 
      return JSON.parse(data);
    } catch(err) { 
      return data;
  set: function(data) {
    return JSON.stringify(data);