Mongoose find()没有在console.log中显示我的输出

时间:2022-07-26 02:36:00

I am working on a project with node, express, mongo and I am trying to query all my topics out of the db.


I believe my code is correct but when I run the app in de browser my console.log does not show my output.


This is my code of my route:


// show all topics 
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {

var db = req.db;
console.log('Loggin DB: ' + db);

Topic.find({}).exec(function(err, topics)
        return next(err)
        console.log("Logging the error: " + err);
        console.log('There were no topics based on your current location');
        console.log('Whoop whoop we found topics near your location');
        //renders the data on the page
        res.render('index', { topic : topic } );
        console.log("Logging data: " + topic);
        console.log("Logging data title: " + topic.topicTitle);

2 个解决方案


You are gettin topics


Topic.find({}).exec(function(err, topics)

And then you are using topic (it is not exists)


res.render('index', { topic : topic } );
    console.log("Logging data: " + topic);
    console.log("Logging data title: " + topic.topicTitle);


You are using console.log on the server side. That will not be shown client side in the browser, but rather in the command prompt/terminal where you are running node js.



You are gettin topics


Topic.find({}).exec(function(err, topics)

And then you are using topic (it is not exists)


res.render('index', { topic : topic } );
    console.log("Logging data: " + topic);
    console.log("Logging data title: " + topic.topicTitle);


You are using console.log on the server side. That will not be shown client side in the browser, but rather in the command prompt/terminal where you are running node js.
