以下代码如何在Batch Scripting(.bat)文件中运行?

时间:2022-11-29 02:33:00

How does following code works in Batch Scripting(.bat) file?

以下代码如何在Batch Scripting(.bat)文件中运行?

:modifyString what with in toReturn
    SET "__in=%~3"
    SET "__in=!__in:%~1=%~2!"
    IF NOT "%~4" == "" (
        SET %~4=%__in%
    ) ELSE (
        ECHO %__in%

1 个解决方案



Assign the contents of the third parameter, stripped of quotes to the variable.


replace any occurrence of the first parameter in that string with the second parameter (both stripped of quotes)


If the fourth parameter is not missing, set the variablename which is the fourth parameter to the result of the previous operation. If it is not not missing then display the result of the previous operation.


(yes - I know about the double negative - but that's how it's coded)

(是的 - 我知道双重否定 - 但这是它的编码方式)



Assign the contents of the third parameter, stripped of quotes to the variable.


replace any occurrence of the first parameter in that string with the second parameter (both stripped of quotes)


If the fourth parameter is not missing, set the variablename which is the fourth parameter to the result of the previous operation. If it is not not missing then display the result of the previous operation.


(yes - I know about the double negative - but that's how it's coded)

(是的 - 我知道双重否定 - 但这是它的编码方式)