Selenium - 使用Windows任务计划程序与命令行

时间:2022-05-12 02:23:09

I have a batch file that kicks off my Selenium script (written in Java), which uses the IEDriverServer. When I run that batch file from the command line, the script works as expected. However, when I use the Windows Task Scheduler to run the exact same batch file, the script times out during a WebDriverWait until statement:


(new WebDriverWait(driver, JAVASCRIPT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)).until(new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
    public Boolean apply(WebDriver d) {
        return d.getTitle().equals(BROWSE_PAGE_TITLE);

I found this Stack Overflow post:

我找到了这个Stack Overflow帖子:

Selenium runs as scheduled task on Windows Server

Selenium在Windows Server上按计划运行

which suggests that setting the job to "Run whether the user is logged in or not" can fix the problem, but I already have the job set that way.


I have tried both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the IEDriverServer.


It is also worth noting that the sendKeys method is taking about 5 seconds per keystroke when using the Task Scheduler, but not when running the batch file directly.


How can I get Selenium to behave the same way using the Task Scheduler as it does when running from the command line?


Additional Info:

  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2008 R2

  • IEDriverServer version 2.42.0
  • IEDriverServer版本2.42.0

  • Selenium Java version 2.42.2
  • Selenium Java版本2.42.2

1 个解决方案



Here is a suggestion, Create an executable jar file (Right click on your project and export as Executable Jar) and try to run that directly instead. I never faced any performance issues with this.

这是一个建议,创建一个可执行的jar文件(右键单击你的项目并导出为Executable Jar)并尝试直接运行它。我从来没有遇到任何性能问题。

Also, make sure your internet connection is stable, You can use Network tab for those settings before your task runs.


Here is a short description of how to achieve this:


  1. Create a new Task
  2. 创建一个新任务

  3. Set the Schedule
  4. 设置时间表

  5. In General Tab, using "Run whether the user is logged in or not" will be great.
  6. 在“常规”选项卡中,使用“运行用户是否登录”将非常棒。

  7. Go to Actions, Click on New and Use setting somewhat like this :
  8. 转到“操作”,单击“新建”和“使用”设置,如下所示:

Selenium  - 使用Windows任务计划程序与命令行

  1. In Conditions edit the Power options (You can also select Network settings if you want)
  2. 在条件中编辑电源选项(如果需要,您也可以选择网络设置)

Selenium  - 使用Windows任务计划程序与命令行

  1. Also, do consider updating the settings as well
  2. 另外,请考虑更新设置

Selenium  - 使用Windows任务计划程序与命令行

Save the task, Right click on task and Run it to check if it works fine.


Hope this is of some help :)

希望这个对你有帮助 :)



Here is a suggestion, Create an executable jar file (Right click on your project and export as Executable Jar) and try to run that directly instead. I never faced any performance issues with this.

这是一个建议,创建一个可执行的jar文件(右键单击你的项目并导出为Executable Jar)并尝试直接运行它。我从来没有遇到任何性能问题。

Also, make sure your internet connection is stable, You can use Network tab for those settings before your task runs.


Here is a short description of how to achieve this:


  1. Create a new Task
  2. 创建一个新任务

  3. Set the Schedule
  4. 设置时间表

  5. In General Tab, using "Run whether the user is logged in or not" will be great.
  6. 在“常规”选项卡中,使用“运行用户是否登录”将非常棒。

  7. Go to Actions, Click on New and Use setting somewhat like this :
  8. 转到“操作”,单击“新建”和“使用”设置,如下所示:

Selenium  - 使用Windows任务计划程序与命令行

  1. In Conditions edit the Power options (You can also select Network settings if you want)
  2. 在条件中编辑电源选项(如果需要,您也可以选择网络设置)

Selenium  - 使用Windows任务计划程序与命令行

  1. Also, do consider updating the settings as well
  2. 另外,请考虑更新设置

Selenium  - 使用Windows任务计划程序与命令行

Save the task, Right click on task and Run it to check if it works fine.


Hope this is of some help :)

希望这个对你有帮助 :)