iPhone OS中的进程调度器在内部是如何工作的?

时间:2023-02-01 02:13:56

I want to know this more in detail. Is it a realtime scheduler? An interactive scheduler? How exactly does the process scheduler in iPhone OS work? Did Apple publish some technical notes or document that describes these things in deep detail?

我想更详细地了解这一点。它是实时调度器吗?一个交互式调度程序吗?iPhone OS中的进程调度器到底是如何工作的?苹果是否发布了一些详细描述这些东西的技术说明或文档?

I want to know every detail about it. What strategy is it following? First-Come First-Served? Shortest Job First? Shortest-Remaining-Time, Shortest-Remaining-Processing-Time? Round Robin? Priority Scheduling or even Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling? Shortest-Elapsed-Time? Deadline-dependent Scheduling?

我想知道每一个细节。它遵循什么策略?先购票吗?最短的工作吗?Shortest-Remaining-Time,Shortest-Remaining-Processing-Time ?轮循?优先调度甚至多级反馈队列调度?Shortest-Elapsed-Time吗?Deadline-dependent调度?

Some of the Apple guys who wrote all this are on SO for sure. Please answer.


1 个解决方案



Assuming that the iPhone OS kernel is similar to the Mach kernel on the Mac, the "Mach Scheduling and Thread Interfaces" section of the Kernel Programming Guide states

假设iPhone OS内核与Mac上的Mach内核相似,那么内核编程指南的“Mach调度和线程接口”部分就会说明这一点

Like Mach and most BSD UNIX systems, it contains an advanced scheduler based on the CMU Mach 3 scheduler.

与Mach和大多数BSD UNIX系统一样,它包含一个基于CMU Mach 3调度器的高级调度器。

The remainder of that section describes the scheduler in detail.




Assuming that the iPhone OS kernel is similar to the Mach kernel on the Mac, the "Mach Scheduling and Thread Interfaces" section of the Kernel Programming Guide states

假设iPhone OS内核与Mac上的Mach内核相似,那么内核编程指南的“Mach调度和线程接口”部分就会说明这一点

Like Mach and most BSD UNIX systems, it contains an advanced scheduler based on the CMU Mach 3 scheduler.

与Mach和大多数BSD UNIX系统一样,它包含一个基于CMU Mach 3调度器的高级调度器。

The remainder of that section describes the scheduler in detail.
