
时间:2022-06-03 02:09:58

The directive has isolate scope, and the scope attributes are being passed with "@".


This is how the directive is called:


<div ng-init="classForIcon = 'vladClass'"></div>
<div ng-init="textForIcon = 'Icon\'s text'"></div>
<div ng-init="routeForIcon = 'www.google.com'"></div>
<div ng-init="tooltipForIcon = 'my tooltip'"></div>
<div ng-init="imageForIcon = 'images/HOME_ICON1.png'"></div>

<rl-icon-widget icon-class="{{classForIcon}}" icon-text = "{{textForIcon}}" icon-tooltip="{{tooltipForIcon}}" icon-route="{{routeForIcon}}" icon-image="{{imageForIcon}}"></rl-icon-widget>

This is how the directive is defined:


'use strict';

fcPortalApp.directive('rlIconWidget', ['localizationAssistant', function(localizationAssistant) {
    var obj = {
        restrict: 'E',
        templateUrl: 'scripts/directives/rliconwidget/rliconwidget.html',

        //require: 'ngModel',
        scope: {
            //ngModel: '@',
            iconClass: "@",
            iconRoute: "@",
            iconText: "@",
            iconTooltip: "@",
            iconImage: "@"         

        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {



    return obj;


When I inspect the scope object (click on the output of console.log(scope_ in firebug), it looks like it has iconImage, iconTooltip and iconRoute properties set correctly.


Yet console.log(scope.iconImage), console.log(scope.iconTooltip) and console.log(scope.iconRoute) print "undefined"


1 个解决方案



Use $observe to observe the value changes of attributes that contain interpolation (e.g. src="{{bar}}"). Not only is this very efficient but it's also the only way to easily get the actual value because during the linking phase the interpolation hasn't been evaluated yet and so the value is at this time set to undefined. -- directive doc

使用$ observe来观察包含插值的属性的值更改(例如src =“{{bar}}”)。这不仅非常有效,而且它也是轻松获得实际值的唯一方法,因为在链接阶段,插值尚未进行评估,因此此时的值设置为未定义。 - 指令文件

By the time you manually inspect the scope, the values get defined.


The reason we need to use $observe (actually $watch will also work for isolate scope properties defined with '@') is because a directive will likely need to do something whenever the interpolated value changes. E.g., if the value of textForIcon changes, you may want to modify something in the DOM that is managed by your directive.

我们需要使用$ observe的原因(实际上$ watch也适用于用'@'定义的隔离范围属性)是因为指令可能需要在内插值发生变化时执行某些操作。例如,如果textForIcon的值发生更改,您可能希望修改由指令管理的DOM中的某些内容。

If you need the values defined when the linking function runs, you have two options:


  1. Use '=' instead of '@'. This will require that you remove the {{}}s from the HTML.
  2. 使用'='代替'@'。这将要求您从HTML中删除{{}}。

  3. If the values won't change, pass strings:
    <rl-icon-widget icon-class="vladClass" ...>
    Then in your directive, simply use attrs.iconClass -- no need for '@'.
  4. 如果值不会改变,则传递字符串: 然后在你的指令中,只需使用attrs.iconClass - 不需要'@'。



Use $observe to observe the value changes of attributes that contain interpolation (e.g. src="{{bar}}"). Not only is this very efficient but it's also the only way to easily get the actual value because during the linking phase the interpolation hasn't been evaluated yet and so the value is at this time set to undefined. -- directive doc

使用$ observe来观察包含插值的属性的值更改(例如src =“{{bar}}”)。这不仅非常有效,而且它也是轻松获得实际值的唯一方法,因为在链接阶段,插值尚未进行评估,因此此时的值设置为未定义。 - 指令文件

By the time you manually inspect the scope, the values get defined.


The reason we need to use $observe (actually $watch will also work for isolate scope properties defined with '@') is because a directive will likely need to do something whenever the interpolated value changes. E.g., if the value of textForIcon changes, you may want to modify something in the DOM that is managed by your directive.

我们需要使用$ observe的原因(实际上$ watch也适用于用'@'定义的隔离范围属性)是因为指令可能需要在内插值发生变化时执行某些操作。例如,如果textForIcon的值发生更改,您可能希望修改由指令管理的DOM中的某些内容。

If you need the values defined when the linking function runs, you have two options:


  1. Use '=' instead of '@'. This will require that you remove the {{}}s from the HTML.
  2. 使用'='代替'@'。这将要求您从HTML中删除{{}}。

  3. If the values won't change, pass strings:
    <rl-icon-widget icon-class="vladClass" ...>
    Then in your directive, simply use attrs.iconClass -- no need for '@'.
  4. 如果值不会改变,则传递字符串: 然后在你的指令中,只需使用attrs.iconClass - 不需要'@'。