
时间:2022-11-06 01:57:38

I have a few ASP.NET sites running on one IIS server, of course using different ports. The sites allow for logging in via forms authentication. Session state is stored on a local state server. My problem is that when a user logs into one sites and then navigates to another, they get an exception from the second site and have to close/reopen their web browser to be able to access it. My guess is that the cookie from the first site is making it appear that they're logged in on the second one as well (though I could be completely wrong about this).


I've tried a few things to fix it (which are probably dumb and have nothing to do with the problem, but I'm far from an ASP.NET expert) including: 1) giving the sites different cookie names in Web.config's sessionState tag, and 2) Moving the sites to different app pools, but the problem persists. Any help would be appreciated.


1 个解决方案



I'd recommend setting up different domains for each site. If this is local, use the host file to route and to the correct place. Obviously you'll have to keep the port. Then you should be setting cookie with a different domain for each site and not causing the confusion.




I'd recommend setting up different domains for each site. If this is local, use the host file to route and to the correct place. Obviously you'll have to keep the port. Then you should be setting cookie with a different domain for each site and not causing the confusion.
