
时间:2020-12-07 01:50:32

I've been asked to implement some code that will update a row in a MS SQL Server database and then use a stored proc to insert the update in a history table. We can't add a stored proc to do this since we don't control the database. I know in stored procs you can do the update and then call execute on another stored proc. Can I set it up to do this in code using one SQL command?

我被要求实现一些代码,这些代码将更新MS SQL Server数据库中的行,然后使用存储过程将更新插入历史记录表中。我们无法添加存储过程来执行此操作,因为我们不控制数据库。我知道在存储过程中你可以进行更新,然后在另一个存储过程中调用execute。我可以使用一个SQL命令将其设置为在代码中执行此操作吗?

6 个解决方案



Either run them both in the same statement (separate the separate commands by a semi-colon) or a use a transaction so you can rollback the first statement if the 2nd fails.




You don't really need a stored proc for this. The question really boils down to whether or not you have control over all the inserts. If in fact you have access to all the inserts, you can simply wrap an insert into datatable, and a insert into historytable in a single transasction. This will ensure that both are completed for 'success' to occur. However, when accessing to tables in sequence within a transaction you need to make sure you don't lock historytable then datatable, or else you could have a deadlock situation.


However, if you do not have control over the inserts, you can add a trigger to certain db systems that will give you access to the data that are modified, inserted or deleted. It may or may not give you all the data you need, like who did the insert, update or delete, but it will tell you what changed.




You can also create sql triggers.




Insufficient information -- what SQL server? Why have a history table?

信息不足 - 什么是SQL服务器?为什么有历史表?

Triggers will do this sort of thing. MySQL's binlog might be more useful for you.

触发器会做这种事情。 MySQL的binlog可能对你更有用。

You say you don't control the database. Do you control the code that accesses it? Add logging there and keep it out of the SQL server entirely.




Thanks all for your reply, below is a synopsis of what I ended up doing. Now to test to see if the trans actually roll back in event of a fail.


           " Update table set col1 = @col1, col2 = @col2" & _
           " where col3 = @col3 and " & _
           " EXECUTE addcontacthistoryentry @parm1, @parm2, @parm3, @parm4, @parm5, @parm6; " & _



Depending on your library, you can usually just put both queries in one Command String, separated by a semi-colon.




Either run them both in the same statement (separate the separate commands by a semi-colon) or a use a transaction so you can rollback the first statement if the 2nd fails.




You don't really need a stored proc for this. The question really boils down to whether or not you have control over all the inserts. If in fact you have access to all the inserts, you can simply wrap an insert into datatable, and a insert into historytable in a single transasction. This will ensure that both are completed for 'success' to occur. However, when accessing to tables in sequence within a transaction you need to make sure you don't lock historytable then datatable, or else you could have a deadlock situation.


However, if you do not have control over the inserts, you can add a trigger to certain db systems that will give you access to the data that are modified, inserted or deleted. It may or may not give you all the data you need, like who did the insert, update or delete, but it will tell you what changed.




You can also create sql triggers.




Insufficient information -- what SQL server? Why have a history table?

信息不足 - 什么是SQL服务器?为什么有历史表?

Triggers will do this sort of thing. MySQL's binlog might be more useful for you.

触发器会做这种事情。 MySQL的binlog可能对你更有用。

You say you don't control the database. Do you control the code that accesses it? Add logging there and keep it out of the SQL server entirely.




Thanks all for your reply, below is a synopsis of what I ended up doing. Now to test to see if the trans actually roll back in event of a fail.


           " Update table set col1 = @col1, col2 = @col2" & _
           " where col3 = @col3 and " & _
           " EXECUTE addcontacthistoryentry @parm1, @parm2, @parm3, @parm4, @parm5, @parm6; " & _



Depending on your library, you can usually just put both queries in one Command String, separated by a semi-colon.
