
时间:2022-11-30 01:46:50

I want to print the date after every bash command I run.


This could help me understand how much a command took to execute when I am away from keyboard.


I know I could do


`DATE=`date +%d/%m/%Y\ %H:%M:%S` && echo $DATE`

to get the date but I don't know how or even if it could be possible to run this command after every command I execute on bash.


I would also be interested in running the same command before every command so I could know how long a command took.


Is it possible?


What file should I edit?


For example:

$ wget google.com
15/07/2017 23:40:05

I would be happy, if I could also introduce this following feauture:


$ wget google.com
15/07/2017 23:40:05 15/07/2017 23:40:11 
Program run for 00:00:06

where the first date is when I ran the program, second is when program terminated the third is self-explanatonary.


As you understood, I don't want to type every time


$ wget google.com && `DATE=`date +%d/%m/%Y\ %H:%M:%S` && echo $DATE`

4 个解决方案



To execute a cmd before every command entered, set a trap on DEBUG. Eg.


trap date DEBUG

To execute that command before emitting a prompt, set PROMPT_COMMAND:





This does exactly that:


PROMPT_COMMAND+=$'\n'"date +%d/%m/%Y\ %H:%M:%S"

The string in PROMPT_COMMAND gets evaluated after every command. You just need to add the date command to whatever you already had in it. ($'\n' (newline) is a somewhat more robust joiner than ; as two consecutive ; would give you a syntax error)

PROMPT_COMMAND中的字符串在每个命令后得到评估。您只需要将date命令添加到其中已有的任何内容中。 ($'\ n'(换行符)是一个比一个更强大的连接器;因为连续两个;会给你一个语法错误)



You can add date/time to your prompt, via PS1 variable. You could use date command, but it's more efficient to use the supported special characters, like \d for date, or \D{strftime-fmt}.

您可以通过PS1变量为提示添加日期/时间。您可以使用日期命令,但使用支持的特殊字符更有效,例如\ d表示日期,或\ D {strftime-fmt}。

For example:

PS1='\u@\h[\D{%F} \D{%T}]\w\$ '

or, with color:


PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\][\[\033[02;33m\]\D{%F}\[\033[08m\]T\[\033[00m\]\[\033[02;33m\]\D{%T}\[\033[00m\]]\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '

will show:

user@host[2017-07-16 00:01:17]~/somedir$

Note that in the second case (with color) we have a valid ISO8601 timestamp, with a "hidden" date/time separator T in the middle. If you select it with a mouse, T is visible and can be copied. (Also double-click will select the complete timestamp, not only date or time.)

请注意,在第二种情况下(带颜色),我们有一个有效的ISO8601时间戳,中间有一个“隐藏”日期/时间分隔符T.如果使用鼠标选择它,则可以看到T并可以复制。 (同时双击将选择完整的时间戳,而不仅仅是日期或时间。)



To print timestamp after every command just modify your PS1 prompt and add date to it. The only catch here is that it will tell you time when command ended and new prompt showed. So in case you have your prompt open for long time just hit enter to capture start time before running your command.


PS1="\D{%F %T} \$ "

See this arch wiki page or just google bash prompt customization.

查看此arch wiki页面或只是谷歌bash提示自定义。

To add time spent executing program just add time before the command


$ time wget google.com

It will give you output like this


real 0m0.177s
user 0m0.156s
sys 0m0.020s

And you can get even more lazy and for commands that you dont't feel like typing time every time you run it, just create alias.


alias wget="time wget"

Because in bash aliases are run before other commands you can do it this way even if it looks like recursion. Then you will call it as you are used to.
And of course, aliases and prompt settings can be put in your .bashrc file, so you don't have to type them every time you open terminal.




To execute a cmd before every command entered, set a trap on DEBUG. Eg.


trap date DEBUG

To execute that command before emitting a prompt, set PROMPT_COMMAND:





This does exactly that:


PROMPT_COMMAND+=$'\n'"date +%d/%m/%Y\ %H:%M:%S"

The string in PROMPT_COMMAND gets evaluated after every command. You just need to add the date command to whatever you already had in it. ($'\n' (newline) is a somewhat more robust joiner than ; as two consecutive ; would give you a syntax error)

PROMPT_COMMAND中的字符串在每个命令后得到评估。您只需要将date命令添加到其中已有的任何内容中。 ($'\ n'(换行符)是一个比一个更强大的连接器;因为连续两个;会给你一个语法错误)



You can add date/time to your prompt, via PS1 variable. You could use date command, but it's more efficient to use the supported special characters, like \d for date, or \D{strftime-fmt}.

您可以通过PS1变量为提示添加日期/时间。您可以使用日期命令,但使用支持的特殊字符更有效,例如\ d表示日期,或\ D {strftime-fmt}。

For example:

PS1='\u@\h[\D{%F} \D{%T}]\w\$ '

or, with color:


PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\][\[\033[02;33m\]\D{%F}\[\033[08m\]T\[\033[00m\]\[\033[02;33m\]\D{%T}\[\033[00m\]]\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '

will show:

user@host[2017-07-16 00:01:17]~/somedir$

Note that in the second case (with color) we have a valid ISO8601 timestamp, with a "hidden" date/time separator T in the middle. If you select it with a mouse, T is visible and can be copied. (Also double-click will select the complete timestamp, not only date or time.)

请注意,在第二种情况下(带颜色),我们有一个有效的ISO8601时间戳,中间有一个“隐藏”日期/时间分隔符T.如果使用鼠标选择它,则可以看到T并可以复制。 (同时双击将选择完整的时间戳,而不仅仅是日期或时间。)



To print timestamp after every command just modify your PS1 prompt and add date to it. The only catch here is that it will tell you time when command ended and new prompt showed. So in case you have your prompt open for long time just hit enter to capture start time before running your command.


PS1="\D{%F %T} \$ "

See this arch wiki page or just google bash prompt customization.

查看此arch wiki页面或只是谷歌bash提示自定义。

To add time spent executing program just add time before the command


$ time wget google.com

It will give you output like this


real 0m0.177s
user 0m0.156s
sys 0m0.020s

And you can get even more lazy and for commands that you dont't feel like typing time every time you run it, just create alias.


alias wget="time wget"

Because in bash aliases are run before other commands you can do it this way even if it looks like recursion. Then you will call it as you are used to.
And of course, aliases and prompt settings can be put in your .bashrc file, so you don't have to type them every time you open terminal.
