无法使用SSMS通过Windows身份验证连接到本地SQL Server

时间:2022-09-09 01:44:33

I am trying to login to my local SQL Server 2005 installed on Windows7 using SSMS using Windows authentication.

我正在尝试使用Windows身份验证使用SSMS登录到安装在Windows7上的本地SQL Server 2005。

I tried using various server names like ., localhost, .\SQL, ANANTH-PC etc.

我尝试使用各种服务器名称,如。,localhost,。\ SQL,ANANTH-PC等。

I get this error when I try . or localhost


无法使用SSMS通过Windows身份验证连接到本地SQL Server

and I get this error when I try .\SQL

当我尝试时,我收到此错误。\ SQL

.无法使用SSMS通过Windows身份验证连接到本地SQL Server

I had gone for default instance and Windows authentication when I installed SQL Server.

我在安装SQL Server时已经使用了默认实例和Windows身份验证。

I've checked the service in the SQL Server Configuration manager and find that MSSQLSERVER is running.

我已经在SQL Server配置管理器中检查了该服务,发现MSSQLSERVER正在运行。

How can I find the server name that I should enter to login to SQL Server? Any help ?

如何找到登录SQL Server时应输入的服务器名称?有帮助吗?

Error is loged as


2012-01-26 15:07:16.02 Logon       Login failed for user 'Ananth-PC\Ananth'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]
2012-01-26 15:08:51.06 Logon       Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11.

4 个解决方案



That should help you find reason. Click: "Show technical details" and look at State number.





Ran SSMS as Administrator and issue was fixed.. Accepting the previous answer as it guided me to this solution




Please enable the administrator Account throngh this command secpol.msc and enable admin and log the PC and Login the Administrator account and run SQL Server 2005.

请启用管理员帐户throngh此命令secpol.msc并启用admin并登录PC并登录Administrator帐户并运行SQL Server 2005。



Give server name as "(LocalDb)\v11.0" by selecting windows authentication. Please see the image.无法使用SSMS通过Windows身份验证连接到本地SQL Server

通过选择Windows身份验证将服务器名称指定为“(LocalDb)\ v11.0”。请看图片。

It worked for me with SQLServer 2014.

它适用于SQLServer 2014。



That should help you find reason. Click: "Show technical details" and look at State number.





Ran SSMS as Administrator and issue was fixed.. Accepting the previous answer as it guided me to this solution




Please enable the administrator Account throngh this command secpol.msc and enable admin and log the PC and Login the Administrator account and run SQL Server 2005.

请启用管理员帐户throngh此命令secpol.msc并启用admin并登录PC并登录Administrator帐户并运行SQL Server 2005。



Give server name as "(LocalDb)\v11.0" by selecting windows authentication. Please see the image.无法使用SSMS通过Windows身份验证连接到本地SQL Server

通过选择Windows身份验证将服务器名称指定为“(LocalDb)\ v11.0”。请看图片。

It worked for me with SQLServer 2014.

它适用于SQLServer 2014。