
时间:2023-01-13 01:30:32

I'm writing some simple web apps in PHP/HTML/CSS/JS, and am looking for a way to control revisions. I'm updating the source every day (and currently saving new versions in separate folders). I don't really have the command line fu, and git/subversion look daunting. What's the simplest non-command line way to manage code revisions? It can be platform-independent, but I use Mac OS X.

我正在用PHP / HTML / CSS / JS编写一些简单的Web应用程序,我正在寻找一种控制修订的方法。我每天都在更新源代码(目前在不同的文件夹中保存新版本)。我真的没有命令行fu,而git / subversion看起来令人生畏。管理代码修订的最简单的非命令行方法是什么?它可以与平台无关,但我使用的是Mac OS X.

8 个解决方案


One built into your GUI can be very helpful (I use them all the time, and there are already a lot of good suggestions here).


As for the CLI being complicated, here's all you need to know:


svn co URL dir  #Check out a URL, get all the files into directory "dir"
svn up          #Get any updates
svn -m "" ci    #Send all your changes:
svn add         #add a new file
svn revert      #undo changes

these are all you need for most of the stuff you do. You can go a long time without doing anything else.


That's not really that bad.


ci has that option because it wants you to describe the checkin with a message. If you put a description between the quotes, cool; If you leave out the options, it will offer other helpful solutions.


You really should try to get comfortable with that much, even if you use a GUI. I'm not saying to use it all the time, but when a programmer is stopped because he doesn't have the tools he likes, it never looks terribly professional; if you can just keep on chugging for a day or two without your normal environment it's a bit more impressive.



SVN doesn't necessarily have to be via the commandline. There are plenty of GUI and web interfaces for it.


In Windows, I would recommend TortoiseSVN. I just googled for "TortoiseSVN for OSX" and found this link which looks promising:

在Windows中,我会推荐TortoiseSVN。我只是用谷歌搜索“TortoiseSVN for OSX”,发现这个看起来很有希望的链接:



Most of the commercial tools offer GUIs for Mac, and some are free for 1 or 2 users.


You may want to check perforce, purecm, plasticscm or accurev.


Also there are nice guis for subversion on the mac (versions and changes) as somebody pointed out.



Use a GUI frontend to your version control system of choice. For example, Google-search "subversion GUI Mac OS X", the second result mentions a couple of GUI clients at the bottom.

使用GUI前端到您选择的版本控制系统。例如,Google搜索“subversion GUI Mac OS X”,第二个结果提到底部有几个GUI客户端。


IIRC Xcode has built-in subversion support out of the box. I'm not sure where that puts you with actually setting up a server and creating a repository, though.

IIRC Xcode具有开箱即用的内置subversion支持。不过,我不确定在哪里可以实际设置服务器和创建存储库。


Given that you are on a Mac, if you happen to use TextMate (http://macromates.com/) there is a very nice Subversion bundle available.


There are also a commercial products called Versions (http://versionsapp.com/) and Cornerstone (http://www.zennaware.com/) that make svn feel a lot like Visual Source Safe, with a graphical browser and all.

还有一种叫做版本(http://versionsapp.com/)和Cornerstone(http://www.zennaware.com/)的商业产品让svn感觉很像Visual Source Safe,带有图形浏览器等等。

Finally, there is a newer product I am not familiar with, but looks promising, called Changes (http://changesapp.com) that integrates with several popular programming editors.


I'm sorry that all of these are commercial solutions, but I've not been terribly impressed with the state of free Subversion clients on the Mac.



Take a look at svnX. I used it until I felt comfortable with the Command Line Interface. But, to be honest, I managed ok with the command line client when I had to use it. There were only two or three commands to learn and it was all pretty straight forward.


Good luck, whatever your choice!



Many good (perhaps arguably all good) programmers editors have some sort of support for revision systems built in. At least for day-to-day operations. Maybe you don't need a new tool?



One built into your GUI can be very helpful (I use them all the time, and there are already a lot of good suggestions here).


As for the CLI being complicated, here's all you need to know:


svn co URL dir  #Check out a URL, get all the files into directory "dir"
svn up          #Get any updates
svn -m "" ci    #Send all your changes:
svn add         #add a new file
svn revert      #undo changes

these are all you need for most of the stuff you do. You can go a long time without doing anything else.


That's not really that bad.


ci has that option because it wants you to describe the checkin with a message. If you put a description between the quotes, cool; If you leave out the options, it will offer other helpful solutions.


You really should try to get comfortable with that much, even if you use a GUI. I'm not saying to use it all the time, but when a programmer is stopped because he doesn't have the tools he likes, it never looks terribly professional; if you can just keep on chugging for a day or two without your normal environment it's a bit more impressive.



SVN doesn't necessarily have to be via the commandline. There are plenty of GUI and web interfaces for it.


In Windows, I would recommend TortoiseSVN. I just googled for "TortoiseSVN for OSX" and found this link which looks promising:

在Windows中,我会推荐TortoiseSVN。我只是用谷歌搜索“TortoiseSVN for OSX”,发现这个看起来很有希望的链接:



Most of the commercial tools offer GUIs for Mac, and some are free for 1 or 2 users.


You may want to check perforce, purecm, plasticscm or accurev.


Also there are nice guis for subversion on the mac (versions and changes) as somebody pointed out.



Use a GUI frontend to your version control system of choice. For example, Google-search "subversion GUI Mac OS X", the second result mentions a couple of GUI clients at the bottom.

使用GUI前端到您选择的版本控制系统。例如,Google搜索“subversion GUI Mac OS X”,第二个结果提到底部有几个GUI客户端。


IIRC Xcode has built-in subversion support out of the box. I'm not sure where that puts you with actually setting up a server and creating a repository, though.

IIRC Xcode具有开箱即用的内置subversion支持。不过,我不确定在哪里可以实际设置服务器和创建存储库。


Given that you are on a Mac, if you happen to use TextMate (http://macromates.com/) there is a very nice Subversion bundle available.


There are also a commercial products called Versions (http://versionsapp.com/) and Cornerstone (http://www.zennaware.com/) that make svn feel a lot like Visual Source Safe, with a graphical browser and all.

还有一种叫做版本(http://versionsapp.com/)和Cornerstone(http://www.zennaware.com/)的商业产品让svn感觉很像Visual Source Safe,带有图形浏览器等等。

Finally, there is a newer product I am not familiar with, but looks promising, called Changes (http://changesapp.com) that integrates with several popular programming editors.


I'm sorry that all of these are commercial solutions, but I've not been terribly impressed with the state of free Subversion clients on the Mac.



Take a look at svnX. I used it until I felt comfortable with the Command Line Interface. But, to be honest, I managed ok with the command line client when I had to use it. There were only two or three commands to learn and it was all pretty straight forward.


Good luck, whatever your choice!



Many good (perhaps arguably all good) programmers editors have some sort of support for revision systems built in. At least for day-to-day operations. Maybe you don't need a new tool?
