
时间:2022-10-07 01:23:40

Displaying a BLOB image using <p:graphicImage> as follows.

使用 显示一个BLOB图像,如下所示。

<p:graphicImage value="#{categoryBean.image}">
    <f:param name="id" value="7"/>

Where CategoryBean has been defined as follows.


public class CategoryBean {

    private CategoryService service;

    public CategoryBean() {}

    public StreamedContent getImage() throws IOException {
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

        if (context.getCurrentPhaseId() == PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE) {
            return new DefaultStreamedContent();
        } else {
            String id = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id");
            byte[] bytes = Utils.isNumber(id) ? service.findImageById(Long.parseLong(id)) : null;
            return bytes == null ? null : new DefaultStreamedContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));

Regarding the above approach, the following custom tag should work flawlessly but it fails to display the image on <p:graphicImage> with no error / exception.

对于上面的方法,下面的自定义标记应该可以正常工作,但是它不能在 上显示图像,没有错误/异常。

<my:image bean="#{categoryBean}" property="image" paramName="id" paramValue="7"/>

The tag file is located under /WEB-INF/tags/image.xhtml.


<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

    <p:graphicImage value="#{bean[property]}">
        <f:param name="#{paramName}" value="#{paramValue}"/>

The generated <img> tag seems to look fine :


<img id="form:j_idt4"

It only returns a HTTP 404 error.

它只返回HTTP 404错误。

Is there any flaw in the definition of the custom tag given?


1 个解决方案



It's caused by the way how PrimeFaces <p:graphicImage> identifies image requests. Basically, it converts the exact value expression #{bean[property]} to string, encrypts it and then passes it as pfdrid value. When the webbrowser needs to download the image by a brand new HTTP request, that value expression is decrypted and evaluated in the "current" EL context. However, during that moment, there's nowhere a #{bean} nor #{property} available anywhere in the EL context because there's no means of a JSF view with tagfiles and all. Only request, session and application scoped beans are available in EL context.

这是由于图像的原始状态 识别图像请求的方式造成的。基本上,它将正确的值表达式#{bean[属性]}转换为字符串,对其进行加密,然后将其作为pfdrid值传递。当webbrowser需要通过一个全新的HTTP请求下载图像时,该值表达式在“当前”EL上下文中被解密和评估。然而,在这一时刻,在EL上下文中的任何地方都没有一个#{bean}或#{属性},因为没有带有标记文件的JSF视图。只有请求、会话和应用程序范围bean在EL上下文中可用。

There's nothing to do against this other than reporting an issue at PrimeFaces guys.


As to alternate solutions, OmniFaces <o:graphicImage> does a better job in this by inspecting the target bean/method during render response already instead of during streaming the image. It immediately inspects #{bean[property]}, discovers that it actually represents #{categoryBean.image}, and then succeeds. Just to be sure I tested it in a tagfile like you have and it works fine for me whereas the PF one indeed fails as described.

至于其他的解决方案,OmniFaces 在这方面做得更好,它检查了在呈现响应过程中,而不是在传输图像时对目标bean/方法进行检查。它立即检查#{bean[属性]},发现它实际上代表#{categoryBean。图像},然后成功。只是为了确保我在一个标记文件中测试了它,它对我来说很好,而PF确实是失败的。

<o:graphicImage value="#{bean[property](paramValue)}" />

public byte[] getImage(Long id) throws IOException {
    return service.findImageById(id);



It's caused by the way how PrimeFaces <p:graphicImage> identifies image requests. Basically, it converts the exact value expression #{bean[property]} to string, encrypts it and then passes it as pfdrid value. When the webbrowser needs to download the image by a brand new HTTP request, that value expression is decrypted and evaluated in the "current" EL context. However, during that moment, there's nowhere a #{bean} nor #{property} available anywhere in the EL context because there's no means of a JSF view with tagfiles and all. Only request, session and application scoped beans are available in EL context.

这是由于图像的原始状态 识别图像请求的方式造成的。基本上,它将正确的值表达式#{bean[属性]}转换为字符串,对其进行加密,然后将其作为pfdrid值传递。当webbrowser需要通过一个全新的HTTP请求下载图像时,该值表达式在“当前”EL上下文中被解密和评估。然而,在这一时刻,在EL上下文中的任何地方都没有一个#{bean}或#{属性},因为没有带有标记文件的JSF视图。只有请求、会话和应用程序范围bean在EL上下文中可用。

There's nothing to do against this other than reporting an issue at PrimeFaces guys.


As to alternate solutions, OmniFaces <o:graphicImage> does a better job in this by inspecting the target bean/method during render response already instead of during streaming the image. It immediately inspects #{bean[property]}, discovers that it actually represents #{categoryBean.image}, and then succeeds. Just to be sure I tested it in a tagfile like you have and it works fine for me whereas the PF one indeed fails as described.

至于其他的解决方案,OmniFaces 在这方面做得更好,它检查了在呈现响应过程中,而不是在传输图像时对目标bean/方法进行检查。它立即检查#{bean[属性]},发现它实际上代表#{categoryBean。图像},然后成功。只是为了确保我在一个标记文件中测试了它,它对我来说很好,而PF确实是失败的。

<o:graphicImage value="#{bean[property](paramValue)}" />

public byte[] getImage(Long id) throws IOException {
    return service.findImageById(id);