
时间:2022-11-15 01:18:05

I have a long running service call, that I call using jQuery.ajax. The service can take well over 2 minutes to complete.


The AJAX request is submitted, and no response is expected. A separate AJAX request reports on the progress of the operation.


On some sites, we have found is that after 2 minutes the agent resubmits the Ajax request itself. The browser is Chrome, but I doubt its a Chrome related issue.


This definitely is not a case of us resubmitting the ajax request. To be sure we set a bool to prevent any re-submission in the beforeSend event.


The way I am handling now handling this re-submission, is by adding a nonce to the data request and the service tests if the nonce has already been submitted prior to carrying out its operation. Any second call to this service harmlessly returns and the original request continues to progress.


Note that I added a pointless service that does nothing but waiting for 5 minutes, and not once have I experienced the problem with the test service (on the production sites).


Can anyone give me any clues to what is causing this ajax re-submission, and how to go about reproducing it locally?


This is the js used to send the request:


var sent = false;
var data = { ... }; // data is a very large object;

$.ajax("service.ashx?loc=area/subarea/", {
    type: "POST",
    data: data,
    traditional: true,
    error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        if (jqXHR.status === 0) {
            // see http://*.com/questions/3825581/does-an-http-status-code-of-0-have-any-meaning

        } else {
    beforeSend: function () {
        if (sent === true) {
            return false;
        sent = true;
        return true;

Here is the ajax requested from a HTTP archive (HAR) where the request was re-submitted and it instantly failed. Notice the 2 minute time.


"startedDateTime": "2015-12-11T12:26:58.018Z",
"time": 120066.61499999973,
"request": {
  "method": "POST",
  "url": "https://example.com/service.ashx?loc=area/subarea/",
  "httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1",
  "headers": [
    ... // removed for brevity
  "queryString": [
    { "name": "loc", "value": "area/subarea/" }
  "cookies": [
    ... // removed for brevity
  "headersSize": 1163,
  "bodySize": 48048,
  "postData": {
    "mimeType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
    "text": ..., // removed for brevity
    "params": [
      ... // removed for brevity        ] }
"response": {
  "status": 500,
  "statusText": "Internal Server Error",
  "httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1",
  "headers": [
      "name": "Date",
      "value": "Fri, 11 Dec 2015 12:28:57 GMT"
    ... // removed for brevity
  "cookies": [],
  "content": {
  "size": 54,
  "mimeType": "text/xml",
  "compression": 0
  "redirectURL": "",
  "headersSize": 305,
  "bodySize": 54,
  "_transferSize": 359
"cache": {},
"timings": {
  "blocked": 120005.055999998,
  "dns": -1,
  "connect": -1,
  "send": 1.0939999989932403,
  "wait": 59.986000001008506,
  "receive": 0.47900000172376167,
  "ssl": -1
"connection": "7498"

2 个解决方案



Same story here. jQuery obviously resends a request after 120 seconds (the default timeout) if no response has been received by the client so far.


Increasing the timeout as in:


      url: localhost,
      type: 'POST',
      timeout: 1000*60*10

doesn't change the game. Request still resends after 2 minutes, although the client continues to wait for any response.


although the server side is able to handle these two requests in parallel nicely, the clients request failes on valid response of the first request.


no solution yet




it actualy turned out, that the browser is the one, that resends the event and that behavior is fully compliant with HTTP/1.1 specs. And actualy the (node.js) backend closed the socket after a timeout of 120 seconds, such as jonasnas pointed to. The solution was to disable timeout at the response object, as in:

事实证明,浏览器就是那个重新发送事件并且该行为完全符合HTTP / 1.1规范的浏览器。并且实际上(node.js)后端在超时120秒后关闭套接字,例如jonasnas指向的。解决方案是在响应对象上禁用超时,如下所示:

    // this is a long running request,
    // so disable response timeout



If request is handled always in 2min its an indication that your server side (node.js) is not finishing the response properly (with rsp.end()). 2 minutes is the default timeout on the express/node server.

如果请求总是在2分钟内处理,则表明您的服务器端(node.js)未正确完成响应(使用rsp.end())。 2分钟是快速/节点服务器上的默认超时。



Same story here. jQuery obviously resends a request after 120 seconds (the default timeout) if no response has been received by the client so far.


Increasing the timeout as in:


      url: localhost,
      type: 'POST',
      timeout: 1000*60*10

doesn't change the game. Request still resends after 2 minutes, although the client continues to wait for any response.


although the server side is able to handle these two requests in parallel nicely, the clients request failes on valid response of the first request.


no solution yet




it actualy turned out, that the browser is the one, that resends the event and that behavior is fully compliant with HTTP/1.1 specs. And actualy the (node.js) backend closed the socket after a timeout of 120 seconds, such as jonasnas pointed to. The solution was to disable timeout at the response object, as in:

事实证明,浏览器就是那个重新发送事件并且该行为完全符合HTTP / 1.1规范的浏览器。并且实际上(node.js)后端在超时120秒后关闭套接字,例如jonasnas指向的。解决方案是在响应对象上禁用超时,如下所示:

    // this is a long running request,
    // so disable response timeout



If request is handled always in 2min its an indication that your server side (node.js) is not finishing the response properly (with rsp.end()). 2 minutes is the default timeout on the express/node server.

如果请求总是在2分钟内处理,则表明您的服务器端(node.js)未正确完成响应(使用rsp.end())。 2分钟是快速/节点服务器上的默认超时。