
时间:2022-06-05 01:16:27

I am writing a bash script that is suppose to auto restart my autofs in a loop. but when I try to run it I just get a syntax error.


./ line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `/etc/init.d/autofs'
./ line 3: `/etc/init.d/autofs reload'

# cat
    for i in `seq 1 10`
    /etc/init.d/autofs reload
    sleep 5
    echo "read test"
    do time echo "read"
    echo "read test done"

I tried the dos2unix. I replaced line 3 with just 'pwd' to print my current dir and I tried to strip out the /r but I still get the same error. So I am not sure what's going here.

我试过了dos2unix。我用'pwd'替换了第3行来打印我当前的目录,我试图去除/ r,但我仍然得到同样的错误。所以我不确定这里发生了什么。

Has anyone seen this before? Thanks


1 个解决方案


You have the wrong syntax for the for loop. It requires the do keyword.


Change this:

for i in `seq 1 10`

to this:

for i in `seq 1 10` ; do

Or, if you prefer, you can write it like this:


for in in `seq 1 10`
    # body of loop

(Also, indenting your code would make it easier to read.)


Since you're using bash, the $(command) syntax is IMHO easier to read than `command`:


for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do

And bash provides a special syntax for simple ranges:


for i in {1..10} ; do

In response to your latest edit, you added this line:


do time echo "read"

in the body of the loop. The do keyword is a syntax error in that context. The shell might not report it because of the previous syntax error caused by the missing do at the top of the loop.

在循环的身体。 do关键字是该上下文中的语法错误。 shell可能不会报告它,因为先前的语法错误是由循环顶部的缺失do引起的。


You have the wrong syntax for the for loop. It requires the do keyword.


Change this:

for i in `seq 1 10`

to this:

for i in `seq 1 10` ; do

Or, if you prefer, you can write it like this:


for in in `seq 1 10`
    # body of loop

(Also, indenting your code would make it easier to read.)


Since you're using bash, the $(command) syntax is IMHO easier to read than `command`:


for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do

And bash provides a special syntax for simple ranges:


for i in {1..10} ; do

In response to your latest edit, you added this line:


do time echo "read"

in the body of the loop. The do keyword is a syntax error in that context. The shell might not report it because of the previous syntax error caused by the missing do at the top of the loop.

在循环的身体。 do关键字是该上下文中的语法错误。 shell可能不会报告它,因为先前的语法错误是由循环顶部的缺失do引起的。